GUADEC 2016 Follow-Up

20th Birthday

We spent a lot of time at GUADEC talking about the 20th Birthday, and we need to begin working towards some of those projects asap.

These are the things we need to start talking about now:

  • Tech timeline @Allan, Elvin, Joaquim
  • Create a 20th logo/bade/birthday visual identity @Carla
  • Birthday website update @Design: Carla, Dev: Philip, Rares, Organization and Strategy: Elvin, Cassandra
  • Party packs (@Emily Chen) @Nuritzi, Eleanor, Carla, Cassandra
  • Merchandise @Carla, Cassandra, Eleanor, Bastian, Sri
  • Traditions of GNOME, wiki, book, or something @Cassandra, Zana
  • Equip people to represent us at conferences and mention birthday (posters at universities) @Nuritzi, Cassandra
  • Make a GUADEC App, links or merchandise, talk schedule, etc, look for conference template apps @Carla for content ideas, Sri to ask around, Elvin to ask around, Nuritzi, Outreachy coordination??
  • Patch in our calendar to show GNOME's birthday @Bastian to suggest it to maintainer
  • Documentary @Sri to ask brother
  • Hardware (laptops, phones, etc.) @Sri
  • Printed calendar of GNOME @Joaquim
  • GNOME community cookbook @Elvin

Action items being tracked on:


GNOME Ambassadors

  • Rares and Razvan are checking with a professor to see if they can start a group on campus. Meeting is on September 9th and they are going to talk about logistics
  • Rares is checking with t-shirt vendors

== Social Media == We need to promote a few things ASAP: * post about how GUADEC closed and was successful, and send out the talks * post picture of all the interns and thank them for participating include the website for outreachy (sign up now) and google summer of code @Rosanna - will check with Marina about timing. Which orgs will participate on Sept 5th. * send us pictures you took! Flickr * pants winner * thank you to organizers * new board * wiki page for GUADEC feedback ( * where the next GUADEC is going to be * register for LAS GNOME (there's limited space, we can only hold 120 first come first served) * Press release for GUADEC in Manchester (Nuritzi) - email Ben and see if we can add the photos to guadec 2016 website.

GUADEC Retrospective (Nuritzi)

* Newcomer lunch: figure out a lunch place closer to the day. Provide icebreaker questions for people. * Game night: have that as an official event.

Annual Report (Nuritzi)

* Create a news item for the Annual Report and blast that out ( * Start the new annual report on October 1st * Ask people who host the events to write a 1 paragraph summary right after the event. * @Zana - create a template for asking people for a summary * Set up a Flicker account for GNOME Project:


* Creating an off topic channel on IRC (Nuritzi on behalf of Lasse) yes and we can help promote it

Engagement/TeamMeetings/26-AUG-2016 (last edited 2016-09-02 19:49:06 by Nuritzi Sanchez)