*Currently in draft stage*

This page tries to outline the Release Videos created for each release of GNOME.

The plan is that for each new release of GNOME, a release video is uploaded to Youtube. The video covers the most major news for both users and developers.

Feedback on 3.12 release video:

Post-release feedback given by users and interns the 3.12 release video is collected here:

  • Kamil (g+): The video really looks professional. Only sometimes there's too sudden screen change, e.g. around 0:45. Some short blend/other transition effect would improve that. The narrator voice is great.
  • Valentin: Really pawnage video overall! One thing, the blur at 3:16 sucks hard as it messes up with my eyes, because a focal element is not introduced fast enough.
  • The panning at 00:50 seem misplaced.
  • Some places had a fast cutting rhythm, make more use of some transitions in these places.
  • For next time use a higher resolution screen with high dpi to get some really nice video material.
  • Have subtitles on the video for the most commonly spoken languages.

Procedure for GNOME 3.14

Writing a Manuscript

The video should cover the most major changes on the visible surface and under the hood of GNOME. A good source of the most major features that will appear in 3.14 can be found in the 3.13 release notes. Also ask on the #engagement channel.

Audio Recording

  • Voice Actor (ie. karen)
  • High quality microphone

Video Recording

  • Target video output will be 1920x1080, 25 FPS. Use motion blur.
  • Screen recording should be performed on a screen supporting 1920x1080 and resolutions higher than this.
  • Use the below script together with ffmpeg for recording and do so from a separate TTY so screen recording isn't visible.


Video Editing

  • A non-linear video editor capable of loading PNG files is required, fx. Blender.
  • First edit the sound recording, then cut the video material accordingly. Leave blank holes to be filled by visualizations and animations, when it seems fit.


We are trying to keep a certain style for the animations. Animations have previously been created in Blender. We plan to create them using Cycles, as this gives you the opportunity to get a final preview right away as you work.

  • Do sketches and a storyboard before you begin animating.
  • Overload your animations, to make them "pop" a bit. (example: animation-overload-example.gif)


  • Graphics tend to be animated so they scale slowly inwards while fast in changing. (See the wayland part at 2:03 in the 3.12 video)

  • Keep the graphics simple and minimalistic. Some repositories you should have a look and search around in:
  • Composition. A release video is not a slideshow. Keep the font size down and don't underestimate the importance of whitespace. Balance the composition and utilize tools like grid-based design, rule of thirds and contrast to direct the attention of those watching.
  • Graphics can either be imported into blender through the compositor or put onto a 3D plane with the right material setup.

  • Objects can be centered to the camera in 3D space by using selecting the object and go "View -> Align View -> Align Camera to Selected".

BastianIlsø/ReleaseVideo (last edited 2014-04-04 09:33:12 by BastianIlsø)