Attendees: Sri, Allan, Tobi, Bastian, ikey

GNOME 3.16 promotion

  • Need people to do the press promotion, press release, need fresh blood to do promotion -
    • We need to find quotes for press release, the problem is that we have already hit up all the big people
      • We havne't anybody from Fedora for a while, nothing from Igalia since 3.8, cat from google? (no linus!), software conservancy, Matt - landrover, Daniel Fore - Elementary OS,
  • Bastian Hougaard will be doing the video
  • Allan Day willl be working on the release notes -

Community promotion

  • Should we stop doing automatic posts to facebook, we need an avid facebook person to maintain the page, Zeeshan? Or one of the other volunteers (Flavia, Olav, Parth, Oliver)?
  • Karen Sandler has been nomiinated for women in opensource award (by redhat), would be great to nominate her as we would get some good exposure for GNOME -

  • Conference outreach - who all is givng talks - Christian giving a talk at SCALE, we have put in a keynote idea on trademark battle at OSCON, and a builder talk as well, Cfp for Open Source Bridge, sri volunteered to be on the plumbers papers committee
  • GNOME.ASIA summit promotion - need to help out in funding
  • research team to find out the things going on in GNOME that we can promote via social media
  • Talked about website, and how it should move towards more mission oriented than technology based. General agreement that this is the right way to go, and that it would be good to form a team. Allan might hunt around for some web developers. Fabiana and Andrea are willing ot work on a website according to a conversation Sri had with them, but it needs to have a set start and end time due to GUADEC responsibilites. The current plan now is to do it at a BOF at GUADEC and come up with a first draft right then and there so that we have a starting point that we can iterate on.
  • We need to create new leaders and expand the engagement team in order to effective in promotion, maybe have a research team that finds interesting things to talk about, enthusiastic people like Flavia are interested in doing things, but nobody is giving out tasks. We need to create that list.

Annual Report 2014 - didn't have time to discuss

Licensing of GNOME artwork - photography, art, video, screenshots, etc - didn't have time to discuss

Engagement/TeamMeetings/19-FEB-2015 (last edited 2015-02-19 16:23:50 by SriramRamkrishna)