This page contains information specific to GNOME's participation in Outreachy internships from December 6, 2016 to March 6, 2017.
One intern did an internship with GNOME during this round. The internship was sponsored by the Free Software Foundation.
1. Project Ideas
Applicants, GNOME's page for the program explains how you can choose a project. Please see the confirmed ideas below.
Mentors, first it's very important that your read GNOME's information for mentors and Outreachy's information for mentors. Both provide important information about expectations and best practices.
Add your project ideas and a link to your contact information here. Because we only usually have a few participants in Outreachy with GNOME, we are limiting the available projects to the ones that are most strategic for GNOME. These include, but are not limited to, projects in the area of privacy, developer experience, GTK+, core experience, core applications, and web infrastructure. We would also like people to think ahead of time how they will be able to provide excellent mentorship to the interns before, during, and after the internship, and whether there is a larger project team the intern will be able to receive support from.
The cross-team triage committee for proposed project ideas consists of Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna.
Please add your idea to the Unconfirmed Ideas section below using the following format:
. '''Idea title''' (mentor: MentorName linking to you personal info page) * ''Benefits'': describe the benefits of your idea * ''Importance'': why is this idea strategic for GNOME? * ''Requirements'': what should the applicant know already? * ''Mentorship'': what is your experience for mentoring this project and what communication channels and frequency will you use to communicate with the mentee? * ''Project team'': what is the project team like? * Note: one or multiple notes, links, whatever further information ----
As explained in the section on redirecting on the Outreachy information for mentors page, please feel free to add [No longer taking applicants] next to your project idea if you have as many applicants as you can work with during the application process or have a strong applicant you will likely want to accept.
1.1. Confirmed Ideas
Nautilus: Add unit tests and automatic profiling (mentor: CarlosSoriano)
Benefits: Stability and performance are very important in a file manager. We have been lacking a proper way to ensure those or a reliable way to make a correct decision on whether something needs critical improvement in performance. With this in Nautilus, we will have the benefit of much improved stability and performance in short and long term.
Importance: Ensuring stability in the file manager is critical, we need an automatic way to keep it controlled.
Requirements: C knowledge, and play a little with the testing framework of glib, g_test. Click here for an example in Nautilus
Mentorship: I have been mentoring for two years with happy students as result
. Communication usually happen in IRC at #nautilus at
Project team: Apart of me, my previous students are around the channel and happy to help, discuss or chit chat.
- Note: For automatic profiling we will investigate and experiment what's best, since we are open to use what we consider together.
First step: To get started follow and you will find the information to build Nautilus and how to search for appropriate tasks to get used to the project and the contribution workflow.
Epiphany: Google Safe Browsing Integration (mentor: MichaelCatanzaro) [No longer taking applicants]
Benefits: Protect Web users from reported malicious webpages
Importance: Users who fall victim to phishing scams could e.g. have personal or bank information stolen.
Requirements: Previous experience programming in C (or C++, but we'll use C); previous experience programming with network sockets (class projects are sufficient); you'll need to learn GObject if you haven't used it before
Mentorship: I've previously mentored five successful internships, including two for Epiphany. We relied on IRC to communicate. I'm also generally available for audio calls via XMPP or SIP if desired, but I don't plan to require this.
Project team: Mostly myself and previous students, but there are also many previous contributors and WebKit developers on IRC who are familiar with Epiphany code
Note: See for the API documentation. You will be required to use v4 of the update API. I've already developed an error page we can use when the API returns a safe browsing error:
GNOME: Translation to indigenous languages (mentor: FedericoMenaQuintero)
Benefits: GNOME is not available in the indigenous languages spoken in Mexico. Having those translations available would help these communities in keeping their languages alive.
Importance: People are forced to use computers in Spanish, when their everyday language is something else. Currently there is a healthy community of online activists for indigenous languages. We already have translations to minority languages (Basque, Walloon, etc.), so let's do this for indigenous mesoamerican languages, too!
Requirements: Ability to communicate in English (fluency not required). Willingness to talk to the Mozilla Mexico teams which have started similar efforts for Firefox.
Mentorship: I have mentored for Summer of Code several times. I have never mentored a Mexican person, so I would love to do that! I'm available for audio/video calls.
Project team: To be discussed; we will engage with the people who maintain GNOME's infrastructure for translations.
L10n: Enhance Chinese(China) localization and update guideline. (mentor: Tong Hui)
Benefits: Give more Chinese (China) translation for new GNOME release. Most new words are not translated for 3.22 or other componatents, so we have to complete it. Futhermore, in this idea, a Chinese guideline to unify some criteria for translations (glossary, commont terms, etc) should be writen and update to adopt new localization standard of Chinese.
Importance: This idea is mainly about Chinese translation. However we should write and update translation guideline to unify some criterias. To recruit more Chinese translator to involve, we need some documents to guide them start their first l10n contribution more easily.
Requirements: L10n, perfect knowledge of Chinese grammar and a technical background is better. Any translating experence is plus.
Mentorship: I'm a very active member in GNOME and Fedora translation team and will follow closely the applicant to help her/him in whatever she/he needs during the internship. Also, I've been working in this team for a long time, smo I have a perfect knowledge of its internal working.
Project team: Me at present.
First step: GNOME Translation Project