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GNOME Translation Project

GNOME Project is proud to be available in many different languages, and the translation team furthers our mission to make our software available to as many people as possible.

Translating GNOME documentation and applications is a huge and exciting ongoing project. The Gnome Translation Project translates the GNOME applications and documentation and you can help with your native language.

Even if you only have an hour here and there to contribute, you can help your language team. Every string translated makes a difference :)

Join the GNOME Translation Project!

1. Join the gnome-i18n Mailing list

2. Join or start a Team

3. Read the documentation

4. Chat on #i18n

5. Join the gnome-doc mailing list.

6. Enjoy your time with us. :)

Translations of this page

Việt ngữ Tham gia Dự án Thông dịch Gnome

中文(Chinese) 加入GNOME翻译项目

日本語(Japanese) GNOME翻訳プロジェクトへの参加

Русский (Russian) Присоединяйтесь к команде переводчиков GNOME

Bahasa Melayu (Malay) Sertai pasukan penterjemah GNOME

2024-10-23 11:48