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Vala on Linux

Vala is well supported by many Linux distributions. Some distributions separate header files from libraries, so additional development packages may have to be installed for the header files.


Installation on Fedora 22/23 is straightforward:

# sudo dnf install vala

Development packages are usually suffixed -devel. eg. libgee-devel and the Debugging Symbols needed by tools like Nemiver can be installed using the -debuginfo suffix eg. libgee-debuginfo.


Installation on CentOS is straightforward:

# sudo yum install vala

Development packages are usually suffixed -devel. eg. libgee-devel and the Debugging Symbols needed by tools like Nemiver can be installed using the -debuginfo suffix eg. libgee-debuginfo.


Installation on Debian is straightforward:

$ sudo apt install valac

Development packages are usually suffixed -dev. eg. libgee-0.8-dev and the Debugging Symbols needed by tools like Nemiver can be installed using the -dbg suffix eg. libgee-0.8-2-dbg.

Ubuntu and Derivatives

Although Ubuntu is based on Debian, the packages in the Ubuntu repositories are often out of date, especially the LTS releases. To install the most recent version of Vala you should add the Vala Team PPA to your software sources:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vala-team

On some older versions of Ubuntu you may need to install the add-apt-repository tool first:

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Then you can install the latest version:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install valac

2024-10-23 11:37