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GTK Filechooser Bug Month

Starting ??? will be a month dedicated this testing, fixing and closing as many GTK Filechooser bugs as possible.The filechooser alone currently has 319 bugs filed against it thats over 9% of the total GTK bugs lets fix this.

What follows are links to a categoried list of bugs that you can help with resolving. Helping out can be as simple as testing out old bugs are still an issue, or for those that are able there are lists of bugs that required some coding. Ranging from beginner/easish/harder. If you have not submitted a patch to gnome before please see:


Patches that have been reviewed and are ready to commit.


Patches that need review/testing.


These bugs need someone to retest and confirm if its still an issue or not. I'm guessing that most of these could be already fixed but its just a guess.


Bugs need to be retested and the root cause of the issue tracked down as the bug report lacks this information. Some of these could be quite difficult to track down.


These are easy bugs to work on that should be easy to fix great for someone getting start contributing to GTK. All information thats needed should supplied in the bug report. But feel free to ask questions on the GTK maining list.


These are relatively easy bugs to work on that shouldn't be to hard to fix for a willing contributor. Generally most information thats needed is supplied in the bug report.


As it would suggest these are harder/more time consuming bugs a contributor could work on with most information available in the bug report for someone wishing to start working on it.


Possibly one for the GTK maintainers these bugs I consider need some guidance from the GTK team on whether or not its even a good idea to implement them before someone wastes time coding.


These are mostly old bugs. Some are crashes that were reported many years ago with very little or zero activity since. Some are reports that can no longer be reproduced, some are issue that are probably not as noticeable due to improvements in how the filechooseer works since the bug was first report. Anyway there are bugs that the GTK maintainers might want to look at and possibly close as I dont feel comfortable closing them myself.

MS Windows bugs




Mac OS bugs




Bugs that still need to be sorted;query_format=advanced;status_whiteboard=filechooser-retest|filechooser-retest-and-triage|filechooser-beginner-fix|filechooser-easish-fix|filechooser-harder-fix|filechooser-design-needed|filechooser-possible-obsolete|filechooser-windows-testing-needed|filechooser-windows-fix-needed|filechooser-windows-design-needed|filechooser-mac-testing-needed|filechooser-mac-fix-needed|filechooser-mac-design-needed|filechooser-commit-now|filechooser-patch-review-needed;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_status=REOPENED;bug_status=NEEDINFO;component=GtkFileChooser;product=gtk%2B;classification=Platform

----------------------------- The following bugs list are obsolete please ignore -----------------------------


This is not the page you are looking for. Go to GTK+/GtkFileChooserInternals instead.

Please don't insert your pet rants about the file chooser here unless you intend to contribute with code, usability tests on real users, or otherwise useful work.



Last updated: 2007/01/25

Last bug number in the gtk+ "GtkFileChooser" component in bugzilla when this was updated: 348289

Last bug number in the libgnomeui "file-chooser" component in bugzilla when this was updated: 314280

Crashes/leaks/major stuff:

Access to remote files:

Bad GUI behavior:

Sizing issues:

GUI fine-tuning:

Niceties that we don't have:


Missing APIs:

Desktop integration:


Filename entry, interactive search ("typeahead"):

Federico's list of annoyances:

Morten's follow-up:

Unfiled issues:



Recent folders

Imagine that RecentFilesAndBookmarks were revised, finished, and implemented.

What if we eliminated the Add/Remove buttons for bookmarks, and had the left pane in the file chooser have two columns like this:

[bmk][Name                   ]
 [X]  Bookmarked folder 1
 [X]  Bookmarked folder 2
 [ ]  Recently-used folder 1
 [ ]  Recently-used folder 2
      Blah blah

That is, there would be a "keep"/"don't keep" column which you can toggle. The things displayed in that pane come from the recent-folders list, which is automatically maintained. You can "lock" folders in place by toggling them on in the first column; with that, they won't be pushed off the list if more recently-used folders come in.

With this I think we could eliminate the Add/Remove buttons, and get a bookmarks system that is more obvious to use (and requires less maintenance, since your working set of folders is kept by the recent-stuff machinery automatically).

Update 2006/Oct/19: Shit, I should have patented that. Office 12 now does this with push pins, more or less.

Thumbnail spec

<jrb> I have a patch to add thumbnailing to evince
<jrb> (it's file chooser)
<jrb> and it's too much code
<jrb> we should get that stuff into the filechooser
<federico> generic thumbnailing for images/pdfs?
<jrb> code to handle thumbnailing in general, and the thumbnail spec in particular
<federico> hmm, the thumbnail spec
<federico> yeah
<federico> how should it work?
<federico> gtk_file_chooser_install_thumbnailer (char *mime_type, ThumbnailFn callback)?
<federico> and then gtk_file_chooser_just_use_the_thumbnail_spec(chooser);
<jrb> something like that
<jrb> or maybe just gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget (filechooser,
gtk_file_chooser_thumbnailer_new (filechooser));
<jrb> to get stock behavior
<jrb> and if you want a callback

API: drop-down with types for opening/saving

This is bug 135901

Mailing list thread

We need this:

How do we deal with API explosion? See Havoc's mail. We can probably have a GtkFileChooserFileFormat object onto which we can add more API later if needed.

How do we make the GUI scale to apps like Gnumeric or OOo, which support zillions of formats? See Jody's mail on this.

Remembering settings

This is 153828

Stuff we will remember:

See also

Fixed bugs

Please put fixed bugs here, so that we can easily find them later.

Fixed but frequently reported (possibly from 2.4.x users):

Please use the patches in the SRPMS here; they fix many of these issues after the last 2.1.14 tarball was released: SRPMS for Novell Linux Desktop 9

2024-10-23 11:37