The page with the information about the latest internship opportunities is here. This is a page about an earlier round of internships.
Please help us spread the word about Outreach Program for Women internships by sending the information to the university departments, Free and Open Source Software groups, and friends in the Southern Hemisphere, posting the flyer on university campuses or handing it out at conferences, as well as blogging, denting, or tweeting about the programs. Please update this section with the information on where you promoted or are planning to promote the program, so that we know which universities, organizations, or conferences are covered.
1. Text for an E-mail with Information about the Program
Feel free to post a translation here if you come up with one.
Subject: Free and Open Source Software internships for women Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is software that gives the user the freedom to use, copy, study, change, and improve it. FOSS contributors believe that this is the best way to develop software because it benefits society, creates a fun collaborative community around a project, and allows anyone to make innovative changes that reach many people. In an effort to get more women involved in FOSS, a number of organizations are offering Outreach Program for Women internships from January 2 to April 2, 2013. The application deadline is December 3, 2012. The applicants need to get in touch with individual projects they are interested in working on and make a small contribution ahead of the application deadline. The participating organizations are: * Deltacloud - abstraction layer for the differences between the cloud providers * Fedora - GNU/Linux-based operating system * GNOME - GNU/Linux-based desktop environment and applications * JBoss - Java-based application server and related projects * Mozilla - software that promotes the goals of the Open Web * Open Technology Institute - democratized network infrastructure for universal access * OpenITP - support for developers who build circumvention technology * OpenStack - cloud deployment and management software * Subversion - full-featured version control system * Tor - anonymizing proxy network * Wikimedia - wiki software and infrastructure for Wikipedia and related projects Participants will work remotely from home, while getting guidance from an assigned mentor and collaborating within their project’s team and the rest of the FOSS community. The projects include software development, system administration, web development, user experience design, graphic design, documentation, and marketing. The stipend for the program is $5,000 (USD). Any woman available for a full time internship who has not previously participated in the Outreach Program for Women or Google Summer of Code is welcome to apply. College women from the Southern Hemisphere who will have a school summer break during most of this time are particularly encouraged to apply. Please visit to learn more and apply. This program is organized by the GNOME Foundation. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to interested university and community groups. The mentorship opportunities are also available throughout the year for anyone interested in getting started contributing to FOSS outside of the internship program.
2. Flyer
Please post this flyer on university campuses or hand it out at conferences. You can also attach it to the above e-mail if you are sending it to someone who can use the flyer to promote the program. Please print out or attach the PDF version that is right for the paper format used at your locale. The flyer is CC-BY-SA - artists: Máirín Duffy, Liansu Yu, Hylke Bons
3. Logos
See the logos on the main spread the word page.
4. Sample Dent / Tweet
FOSS grants for women Jan-Apr w/ Fedora, GNOME, JBoss, Mozilla, OpenStack, Tor, Wikimedia, more Apply by Dec 3 #fossopw
5. Sample Google+ / Facebook Update
No need to be so cryptic with this one!
Deltacloud, Fedora, GNOME, JBoss, Mozilla, Open Technology Institute, OpenITP, OpenStack, Subversion, Tor, Wikimedia are offering remote internships for women as part of the Outreach Program for Women in Free and Open Source Software. Internship dates are January 2 to April 2, 2013. Learn more and apply by December 3, 2012. Please re-post to help spread the word!
6. Covered Universities, Organizations, Conferences
Please add the online and physical spaces where you promoted the program here.
6.1. Universities
The University of New South Wales, Australia (jobs list) (MarinaZhurakhinskaya)
The University of Cambridge, England (Women@CL contact page) (PhilipWithnall)
- Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia (Ryan Lerch through Andrew Milestone)
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (FabianaSimoes)
6.2. Women in Technology Groups
Systers (Iccha Sethi, MarinaZhurakhinskaya)
AdaCamp Alums mailing list (Runa Sandvik)
Girl Geek Coffees (main, Australia and Code Facebook pages, LinkedIn; also asked about New Zealand Facebook page, Twitter) (MarinaZhurakhinskaya through Miriam Hochwald) (Gabriele Pohl)
6.3. FOSS Groups
Linux Australia discussion list and job postings (MarinaZhurakhinskaya)
Tasmanian Linux Users Group news item (MarinaZhurakhinskaya) (MarinaZhurakhinskaya via @linuxconfau Twitter)
Melbourne Software Freedom Day (requested by MarinaZhurakhinskaya via @sfd_melb Twitter)
6.4. Conferences
RuPy in Brno, Czech Republic - November 16-18 (Tyler Siprova)
6.5. Other Lists
Desinterac (Brazil) - Interaction Design Group (FabianaSimoes)
SBC-l (Brazil) - Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) List (Fabiana Simoes)
IHC-l (Brazil) - HCI List @SBC (FabianaSimoes)
ISOC-NY (USA) - Internet Society New York Chapter (Noticeboard)
NY Tech Meetup (USA) (discussion list) (JolyMacFie)