1. Organization Application
1.1. Why does your org want to participate in Google Summer of Code?
We would like to help students gain a good understanding and appreciation for the values of working on F/LOSS by participating in an active community such as ours. We would like to encourage students to become long term contributing community members. Many active members of our community were at one time GSoC students.
1.2. How many potential mentors have agreed to mentor this year?
1.3. How will you keep mentors engaged with their students?
Many of our mentors have prior experience mentoring for GSoC and Outreachy so know what is expected of them. New mentors will always have a more experienced mentor guiding them. In addition, the admin team provide ongoing support and assistance to mentors who need it. We expect mentors to communicate regularly with their students. The admin team will check in with both students and mentors throughout the internship programme.
1.4. How will you help your students stay on schedule to complete their projects?
Firstly, before GSoC even starts, the students work closely with their mentors to come up with a realistic schedule which fits within the ability of the student and the scope of the project. Our mentors talk to students every day to check in on their progress and guide them as needed. Students report publicly to our community via blog posts on a regular basis as part of their internships. If a student misses their report, the admin team will follow up with the student and the mentor to check that there are no problems.
1.5. How will you get your students involved in your community during GSoC?
Potential students will need to start interacting with the community during the application period to submit a patch as per our application requirements. During the community bonding period, we will make sure that students start following GNOME's communication channels channels and talking to other members of the community. Our students will have to work with other teams within GNOME and with people who are not their mentors as our projects are rarely isolated. Students will report to our community on a weekly basis using blog posts. Lastly, and most importantly, we make sure that our students can attend at least one event, usually GUADEC, our largest contributor conference, during their internships - we do provide financial assistance to help them. We also encourage students to organise a hackfest either as part of GUADEC or separately from it.
1.6. How will you keep students involved with your community after GSoC?
By the end of GSoC, students will normally own a part of their project. In the case of our best students, they may even become project maintainers before the end of their internship. Our mentors and community continue to support students after the internships are over and we make an effort to see all of their work merged upstream.
1.7. Has your org been accepted as a mentor org in Google Summer of Code before?
1.8. Which years did your org participate in GSoC?
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
1.9. For each year your organization has participated, counts of successful and total students:
Pass/total students for each year:
- 2005 7/12
- 2006 18/21
- 2007 25/29
- 2008 26/30
- 2009 24/25
- 2010 20/22
- 2011 23/27
- 2012 28/29
- 2013 29/32
- 2014 35/35
- 2015 24/24
- 2016 18/18
- 2017 17/19
- 2018 14/15
- 2019 8/8
1.10. If your org has applied for GSoC before but not been accepted, select the years:
1.11. If you are a new organization to GSoC, is there a Google employee or previously participating organization who will vouch for you? If so, please enter their name, contact email, and relationship to your organization. (optional)
1.12. What year was your project started?
1.13. Where does your source code live?
1.14. Is your organization part of any government?
1.15. Anything else we should know (optional)?
2. Organization Profile
2.1. Logo
From https://www.gnome.org/logo-and-trademarks/
2.2. Tagline
The elegant and ethical desktop experience
2.3. Short Description
GNOME is the most popular Linux Free/Libre desktop environment with cutting edge apps. Together we are a diverse and friendly community who support each other in reaching our goal.
2.4. Long Description
The GNOME project builds the technologies, platform, middle-ware, applications and environment to create a free software solution for using your personal computer. As part of your GSoC internship, you will have an opportunity to attend GNOME's biggest annual conference in Zacatecas, Mexico, at the end of July.
The GNOME project is:
2.4.1. Independent
Our board is democratically elected, and technical decisions are made by the engineers doing the work. We are supported by many organisations; employees from over a hundred companies have contributed since the project began.
2.4.2. Free
We believe that software should be developed in the open. Our development infrastructure and communication channels are public, and our code can be freely downloaded, modified and shared with others. All our contributors have the same rights.
2.4.3. Connected
Our project is an important part of the Free Software ecosystem. We work with other free projects to create high-quality solutions that span the entire software stack.
2.4.4. People-focused
Our software is translated into many languages and comes with built in accessibility features. This means that it can be used by anyone, regardless of the language they speak or their physical abilities.
2.5. Primary Open Source License
GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)
2.6. Organization Category
2.7. Technology Tags
c, javascript, gtk+, python, rust
2.8. Topic Tags
desktop, design, operating system, end user application, application
2.9. Ideas List
2.10. Application Instructions
For full information about how to apply, please see https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreach/SummerOfCode/Students
You can start by reviewing GNOME's GSoC project ideas on ideas page or by selecting a GNOME project that has a mentor listed for it and talking to the mentor about what would be a suitable GSoC project for you. You should research the needs of specific modules and make sure there is a mentor interested in guiding you in implementing your idea before using it in your application.
The following things can help you select a project and prepare your idea:
- Read the project's wiki page on the GNOME wiki
- Lurk on the project's IRC channel
- Build and run the project code following the newcomer tutorial
- Look at the recent changes in the project's Git repository
- Read Planet GNOME
To prepare a strong proposal, you need to learn as many things as you can about what would be involved in implementing it and display that knowledge in your proposal.
Some general GNOME IRC channels you can hang out on are #gnome-hackers, #newcomers, and #soc. If you have any questions related to applying for Google Summer of Code in GNOME, you can ask them in the #soc channel or contact GNOME GSoC administrators. However, please avoid questions like "do you think my proposal will be accepted?".
You will need to make a small contribution and use GNOME's application template.
2.11. Proposal Tags
application, shell, feature, fix
2.12. Chat
==Mailing List == https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop-devel-list
2.13. Contact Email
2.14. Twitter URL