1. Enhance the chatting experience in Polari
Polari is GNOME's chat client for IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Over the summer I'll work on improving the following four areas and possibly more:
Keyword notifications (Bug 723246)
Error-handling (Bug 709846, 710848)
Initial setup experience (Bug 711832, From Roadmap)
Paste service support (Bug 726053, Bug 725088, Bug 722011, From Roadmap)
1.1. Work So far
- Documentation:
- Polari:
1.2. About Me
I'm Bastian, a young fellow in my 20ies who is studying Medialogy at Aalborg University. As user, I have been using Linux for around 4 years. As contributor I have partipated in GNOME Engagement for 2 years, making marketing material such as release videos and flyers.
Besides free software I'm also into cartoons & electronic music big time.
1.3. Get in touch
- IRC: bastianilso
E-mail: bastianilso@gnome.org
XMPP: bastian@dukgo.com
Gnu Social: bastianilso@quitter.no
Website: http://bastianilso.com/