Processing a GNOME Foundation Membership Application
Full Membership
This page lists the steps to process a new membership or renewal application.
Head to the queue
Note: Make sure to search for the applicant at, so you know if the application is a renewal or not.
- Double check the applicant's contributions. These can bee bug reports, git commits, translations, etc. Please note that donations do not qualify as contributions for the purposes of membership applications. Useful links for verifying contributions: - find the team, then the contributor
- Membership Committee's automation bot will automatically mail applicant provided contacts and if they're missing it'll request them from the applicant
- Once contacts replied, review their response and decide what to do with the application
If contributions are enough to grant membership, upvote the GitLab issue.
The automation bot will either create a new account and add all the required permissions and membership fields (FirstAdded, LastRenewedOn)
- If contributions are NOT enough to grant membership:
- Downvote the issue and the automation bot will make sure to close it accordingly with a membership denied form letter.
We currently do not process applications from GSoC and OPW interns until two months after their internship ended. After the two months, make sure the intern kept contributing after the end of the internship. Reply to the application using the template under Application from intern.
If the applicant hasn't been active in a while but had relevant contributions in the past, you can close the issue and request the applicant to re-apply for an Emeritus membership.
Emeritus Members
Make sure you've read EmeritusMembers.
- Review the information provided by the applicant. If you believe contributions are enough to grant Emeritus membership, upvote the issue, automation bot will handle the rest for you
Returning from Emeritus to Full membership
- Make sure the applicant has started contributing again. Follow the same steps and criteria you would for a Full membership application.
- If contributions are enough to grant a full membership:
- Upvote the issue and the automation bot will handle the remaining next steps
- If contributions are NOT enough to grant a full membership:
- Just downvote the issue and automation will make sure applicant is notified accordingly