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Here are some form letters we use when processing applications.

{*} Pro tip: Using a Text Expander tool can save you a lot of time when dealing with GNOME Foundation applications. See all these letters? Saving them as snippets with AutoKey (or whatever Text Expander you use) will make it much easier to crash the queue in RT!

Request information from Applicant

Subject: Your GNOME Foundation Membership: we need some more information

Dear xxxNAMExxx,

Thank you for applying to become a member of the GNOME Foundation! In order to 
process your application, we need a bit more information.

It would help us to process your membership application if you could tell us a 
bit more about any recent contributions that you have made to GNOME. Once you 
have provided this we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Be aware that your membership application and any further interaction in this
process is publicly available in our mail-list archives.

Best wishes,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Request information from Contacts

Subject: GNOME Membership Application of xxxNAMExxx

Dear xxxCONTACTxxx and xxxCONTACTxxx,

The GNOME Membership Committee is about to process xxxAPPLICANTxxx's
application to become a GNOME Foundation Member and therefore need some 
feedback about the applicant and their work on GNOME, both past and present.

Remember that vouching for a contributor means you really think the applicant 
is committed to GNOME and will carry on contributing in the future, and that 
you trust the applicant and their work. If unsure about vouching or not, please 
let us know why you don't feel comfortable enough in advocating this applicant.

For further details about the applicant, feel free to have a look at the 
their application at the following link:



The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Need to renew

/!\ Renewal reminders are sent out every month through a script. Renewals are also published monthly on the foundation-list mailing list. (an example)

No need to renew

Dear xxxNAMExxx,

GNOME Foundation membership lasts two years and since your last
renewal/acceptance was from xxxDATExxx, there is no need to
renew your membership at this time.

(Note the Foundation bylaws state the membership term should be two
years - Article VI, Section 4)

Thanks for your continuing contributions to GNOME,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Application accepted

/!\ The approval email is being sent out automatically by a script. Please contact the SysadminTeam for applying changes to this template.

Emeritus Application accepted

Dear xxxMEMBERxxx,

Congratulations, we would like to welcome you once again into the GNOME
Foundation as an Emeritus Member! You can find more informations about 
the available benefits at the following link:

For more information about the GNOME Foundation, visit the GNOME Foundation's 
web page at:

Thank you for all your great work as a member of the GNOME community!

Best wishes,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Application renewed

/!\ Note that these emails are being sent out automatically by a script. Please contact the SysadminTeam for applying changes to this template.

Application denied

Subject: Your GNOME Foundation Membership Application

Dear xxxNAMExxx,

Thank you for applying to become a member of the Foundation. It is fantastic 
that you want to join the Foundation!

Having examined your application and checked with the contacts you provided, 
the Foundation Membership Committee has decided that you are not quite ready to 
become a Foundation Member at this moment in time.

Members of the Foundation are required to have made a valuable contribution to 
the project, and should be planning to actively contribute in the future. While 
we recognize your existing efforts, we feel that you need to gain more
experience working on GNOME before you join the Foundation. Unfortunately, your 
contributions to xxxCONTRIBUTIONSxxx can not be taken into account for the GNOME Foundation.

We really want you to become a Foundation member, and strongly encourage you to 
reapply once you have gained some more experience working on the project. If 
you have any questions about this decision, please feel free to contact us by 

If you disagree with this decision, you can appeal by emailing the Board of 
Directors at

Thanks for your patience and interest in the GNOME Foundation, and 
please reapply!

Best wishes, 

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Renewal denied

Subject: Your GNOME Foundation Membership Renewal

Dear xxxNAMExxx,

Thank you for submitting your GNOME Foundation Membership renewal. It's great 
that you want to continue supporting GNOME through the Foundation!

Having examined your application and conferred with the contacts you provided, 
the Foundation Membership Committee has decided that it is unable to renew your 
membership at this time.

Members of the Foundation are required to be actively contributing to the GNOME 
Project. None of the contacts that you provided were able to verify that you 
are currently contributing to the required level.

If there is any evidence or contacts that were not included in your original 
renewal application, please provide them so that we can reevaluate our decision. 
We will be more than happy to renew your membership as soon as we receive 
evidence of your recent contributions to GNOME!

Thanks for your patience and interest in the GNOME Foundation.

Best wishes, 

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Announce new members on the list

See MembershipCommittee/ApprovedMembers.

Subject: New GNOME Foundation Members

Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to announce our
newly approved Foundation Members. Please welcome and thank them
for their great and valuable contributions over the GNOME Foundation!

They are: *


* Syntax is Name Surname (area of involvement)

For any further question you may have, feel free to mail us at
membership-committee@gnome org.

Best wishes, 

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

Application from intern

Hi xxxNAMExxx,

Thank you for applying to become a member of the Foundation. It's fantastic that you want to join us!

We only accept applications from GSoC and Outreachy interns two months after their internship ended -- unless you already were a GNOME contributor before your internship started. 

Keep in mind that, in order to have your application accepted then, you're expected to have kept contributing to GNOME once your internship ended.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us by emailing

Thanks for your support to GNOME, and please do apply again in the future!

Best wishes,

Old application

Hi xxxNAMExxx,

How are you doing? It's been a while since we last heard from you. After these months, you might want to updated your application to join the GNOME Foundation with your latest contributions to GNOME.

To keep things organized, we're closing this old membership application of yours. You're more than welcome to apply again at 

We're looking forward to hear from you again!

Best wishes,

2024-10-23 11:23