1. Completed GnomeWeb Goals
This is what we have achieved so far since the wgo revamp process started on Summer 2006. See GnomeWeb/Goals for the list of goals in progress or proposed.
1.1. 2.16
Setting an official relation with gnomefiles.org (QuimGil) - GnomeWeb/GnomeProducts
Define general policies (SigurdGartmann) - GnomeWeb/WebPolicies
gnome.org site map showing all subsites (QuimGil) - GnomeWeb/GnomeSubsites
Define the scope of www.gnome.org (JoachimNoreiko) - GnomeWeb/WgoScope
Define a clear structure for www.gnome.org (JoachimNoreiko) - GnomeWeb/NewWgoStructure
Define common navigation and layout (LeeTambiah) - GnomeWeb/LayoutPlanning