1. subsites
This document deals with the partitioning of the GNOME websites & subsites. It has two parts, the first one being a consolidated map of official sites and subsites, and the second a complete listing of GNOME official sites, dead or alive.
This document combined with the GnomeWeb/WgoScope define which GnomeWeb/UseCases are completely solved within and in which sites are resolved all the rest. The map of official sites is also used to define the GnomeWeb/Navigation. See also Important Websites.
2. GNOME websites map
2.1. subsites
A map of GNOME subsites will be placed somewhere at Here we define which subsites can be linked from that map. Implementation details such as sections, sorting, text descriptions or design will be discussed later.
The list will be refined as far as we approach the 2.18 release and the sites accomplish the (today only proposed) guidelines.
Site |
Description |
Updated |
Guidelines |
Friendly home |
Comments |
The GNOME home page |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
A window into the world, work and lives of GNOME hackers and contributors |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Artwork and Themes for the GNOME desktop |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
A collaborative web space for GNOME developers |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No GNOME nav bar, no logo, no wgo link |
GNOME bug tracking system |
Yes |
No |
Mmmno |
Different nav bar and no link to wgo. Just a little introduction in the home and a Help page not jumping to lgo would make it friendly enough. Also - which is the official URL |
The GNOME Foundation |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Only in the footer there is a wgo link |
GTK+ and GNOME Mailing Lists |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Mmmyes |
Only in the footer there is a wgo link. Only the home follows guidelines, the Mailman generated pages should have own templates. Just a bit of touch in the home would make it much more friendly |
GNOME git source code repository |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Mmmyes |
Developers' Home Page |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Documentation Site |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
See GnomeWeb/Library |
| - no name |
FTP repository |
Yes |
No wgo link |
No |
Obvious redirect to and in the title says - this can be a reason not to list it |
2.2. Other GNOME sites
Site |
Description |
Updated |
Guidelines |
Friendly home |
Comments |
...FootNotes? |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Only in the footer there is a wgo link Conflict between FootNotes, and - what should we pick? |
Online magazine devoted to everything surrounding the GNOME Desktop |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
They have also - which is the official URL? |
Various support resources available to GNOME users |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
The GNOME conference |
Mmmyes |
Yes |
Yes |
Currently not updated due to change of hands Vilanova->Birmingham GnomeWeb/ |
A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No logo, link to wgo in the Origins block |
2.3. Regional sites
These sites should not be the translated versions of wgo but real local websites with own content. The names should probably be in English and the original language/writing (see also GnomeWeb/RegionalSites )
Most of the sites are outdated, they should at least clean the homepage to qualify for being listed at wgo
Site |
Description |
Updated |
Guidelines |
Friendly home |
Comments |
... GNOME Bulgaria? |
No |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Redirects to |
GNOME Germany, Switzerland, Austria |
No |
Not yet |
No |
status unknown |
... GNOME Spain? |
Mmmyes |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Finland? |
Mmmno |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
GNOME-FR, pour les pays francophones |
Mmmno |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Only in the footer there is a wgo link |
GNOME Nederlands |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Catalan? |
Mmmyes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
wgo link only included in text |
... GNOME Hungary? |
Mmmno |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Italia? |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
... GNOME Poland? |
Yes |
No official logo |
Yes |
... GNOME Russia? |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
... GNOME Sweden? |
No |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
GNOME UK (Great Britain) |
No |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Homepage now fixed |
... GNOME at Bangalore? |
No |
No |
Yes |
No logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME China? |
Yes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
... GNOME Indonesia? |
Mmmno |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Japan? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Korea? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No official logo, no wgo link |
... GNOME Brasil? |
Mmmno |
No wgo link |
Yes |
Only in the footer there is a wgo link |
... GNOME Chile? |
Mmmyes |
No wgo link |
Yes |
2.4. Related projects (not GNOME)
Site |
Description |
Updated |
Guidelines |
Friendly home |
Comments |
Interoperability and shared technology for X Window System desktops |
Yes |
- |
Yes |
2.5. When a site should be listed here
Let's agree in the conditions to become a subsite directly promoted at
- It is an official GNOME site.
- Exception: we might list sites of projects in which GNOME has a key role but they must be visibly differentiated
- It has identity on its own, it's not just a priviledged section of another site
- It is and updated, living site
- It follows the basic design guidelines:
- subsites must have the common GNOME navigation bar
- Regional sites with own domain need to be maintained by a recognized GNOME group and feature the official GNOME logo with a link to wgo
- Other sites with own domain need to be related to a recognized GNOME project and feature the official GNOME logo with a link to wgo
- It has a homepage friendly to first time users jumping from wgo
- Product websites/subsites won't be listed here since they have the GNOME Products page. Probably a link to (currently wgo/projects) will do
3. Full list of sites
What follows will stay in this wiki page, not jumping to wgo
No particular order, needs reviewing, and affiliation info (who runs it). Tries to be exhaustive.
3.1. General sites
Hosted in the GNOME servers
Description |
Maintainers |
Current release |
Next release |
Main gnome website |
Revamp I |
Revamp II |
GNOME wiki |
- |
? |
GNOME Foundation website |
- |
Revamp? |
art and themes for gnome |
- |
? |
syndicated blogs of Gnome developers and users |
- |
? |
some blogs still hosted in unmaintained CMS |
- |
? |
developer resources: mostly documentation (outdated) |
unmaintained |
closure |
content migration |
| |
GNOME translation status |
? |
? |
Redirects to |
? |
? |
Gnome bugzilla for reporting and viewing bugs |
? |
? |
mailing list server with archives |
fix archives |
? |
GUADEC conference website |
post Vilanova update | |
online magazine devoted to everything surrounding GNOME |
- |
? |
GNOME source code repository, with web view interface |
migration to svn |
? |
Redirects to |
? |
? |
? |
III Fórum GNOME Brasil |
- |
? |
Sysadmin Team |
- |
? |
BitTorrent downloads |
? |
? |
Usability Team |
? |
? |
? |
GNOME Library |
Crash reports |
Sysadmin web interface |
Hosted elsewhere, not directly managed by us but aiming to be official GNOME sites (?)
starting point for Gnome support |
- | |
Gnome news |
- | |
|| ftp server for downloads |
? |
? |
? |
3.2. Regional sites
Local websites (domain-alphabetical order). They are responsibility of the UserGroups, not the GNOME Foundation. [hosted elsewhere] forwards to [hosted elsewhere] [hosted on Gnome machines] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [unmaintaned?] and [brand new site, in its early stages] (alias of and [hosted on Gnome machines] - french-speaking version of gnomesupport
[hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere, under reworking] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere] [hosted elsewhere]
3.3. Software sites
Should we start listing also the sites of GNOME applications. They are also managed semi-independently, some are hosted in the GNOME servers, some elsewhere, some are clearly official, some are unclear, some are updated, some outdated... but all of them affect the image of GNOME and
See , this is what we have got by now. See also GnomeWeb/GnomeProducts - Perl bindings - Python bindings - Java bindings -- has a WGO URL, but looks like a separate mini-site.
Third party sites that are not part of the GNOME project. To avoid confusion.
3.5. Other
List here a website if you are not sure to which category belongs to. - not web, only IRC server redirect
4. Improve this document
This is an approved document. We invite you to improve it by adding your comments below. Note that the GNOME Websites Map section is a key planning document, we might not touch it during the production phase of each release. Only the maintainers of this document can approve changes to it.
Feel free to edit the Full list of sites section, since it's a constant work in progress.