This page holds information for GUADEC 2017 organizers to help them plan for receiving newcomers at the registration table.


  • Stickers

    • Create a sticker design for newcomers
    • Print out 50 - 100 stickers
  • Find a container that can hold the stickers at the registration table

  • Print a sheet of instructions to keep along with the stickers so that you don't have to necessarily train all of the registration table volunteers. Instruction sheet can say something like: "Ask registrants if this is their first GUADEC or if they are new to GNOME. If they say yes, give them a newcomers leaflet and ask them if they'd like a newcomers sticker. GNOME community members will be on the lookout for people with newcomers stickers to welcome them."

  • Create a two-sided leaflet to give to newcomers at registration. One side could have the activities planned for GUADEC (potentially just copy and paste what is in the GUADEC newcomers wiki page), and the other side could be the existing get involved leaflet

  • Get GNOME volunteers. Ask around 5 - 10 GNOME oldcomers to keep an eye out for newcomers throughout the conference, especially those wearing stickers


  • Prep table. Have stickers available at the registration table, perhaps in a container that is marked with "newcomers stickers" so that people don't just take them. Put the instruction sheet there in case new volunteers don't get briefed on how to welcome newcomers

  • Train volunteers if possible to give newcomers the sticker and leaflet. All newcomers should receive the leaflet, but only those who would like to opt-in should receive the sticker for their badge

  • Keep registration table volunteers up-to-date on the newcomers activities and event times so that they can help answer questions

Question: Should we make an announcement during the opening ceremony about newcomers events and invite the whole community to help welcome them?

GUADEC/2017/newcomers/registration (last edited 2017-06-20 03:45:54 by Nuritzi Sanchez)