GUADEC2006 planning
GUADEC 7 was held in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Catalonia - Spain) on 24-30th June, 2006.
Current ideas & tasks
Discussed mainly through the mailing lists, also in the /Meetings.
/GoodAndBad - the GUADEC 2006 balance made by people like YOU.
/BestPictures - we have got lots of pictures, let's select the Top-40 (or so).
/Slides - all the slides of the conferences
/LoveWall - feedback from the Love Wall
/Schedule - still in the broadest scope: how many days, rooms, tracks...
/Contents - suggested keynotes, BOFs, debates, showcases... that you think GUADEC'2006 should cover.
/WarmUpWeekend - Planning of the Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th activities.
/AfterHoursWorkshops - Planning of the Thursday 29th and Friday 30th.
/Sponsors - possible sponsors you think we should knock their doors
/SponsorsBrochure - work on a reusable Brochure for Sponsors
/CallForPapers - procedures to present and approve talks, presentations, BOFs...
/Website - website planning.
/Registration - Registration schema, fees and online platform.
/LogoAndWebContests - two contests to get a permanent GUADEC logo and a GNOMizable GUADEC web theme for Drupal.
/LocalWorkshops - activities mainly for the locals during the precious weekend.
/GNOME Hispano - please, fill the basic information.
/PrintedContent - printed program and possibly printed Special Gnome Journal Edition
/MarketingBof - The time, place & agenda for the marketing BOF
/Performance - Status of the project, BOF, hackfests
/GNOMEVillage - Organization of the bungalows
/Ads - Ideas and copy writing for web banners and printed ads.
/Certificates - Certificate of attendance and other stuff related.
/BannersAndSignalling - Banners, posters and other signalling materials to be placed in the venues.
Initial proposal of a candidature for hosting the Guadec 2006 in Barcelona.
Getting Involved
We are specially looking for people around Barcelona / Estem buscant sobretot gent per Barcelona / Estamos buscando sobretodo gente por Barcelona.
Subscribe to guadec-list and introduce yourself. Pots enviar missatges en català. Puedes enviar mensajes en español.