Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tue, April 4th 2017, 17:00 UTC
- Alexandre Franke
- Allan Day
Neil McGovern
- Meg Ford
- Nurizi Sanchez
- Cosimo Cecchi
Shaun McCance
- Jim Hall
Agenda for 2017-03-28
- Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and Install Fest 2017"
- Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
- Pitivi Invoice
- GUADEC 2016 expenses pending payment
- Liberty VPS email [Ticket ID: 826636] Dedicated Server Donation
- About Gnome Users Groups
Open source survey:
- Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and Install Fest 2017"
- The request includes paypal transaction fees ($25), which traditionally have not been reimbursed whenever they have not been asked for
- She could also set herself up as a distributor for stickers/balloons since she organizes a lot of events every year
- We do not have a policy for this, it sounds like we should define a policy
- VOTE: approve the amount, including transaction fees
- +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Cosimo, Allan, Jim, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
- ACTION: Neil to help define a policy about transaction expenses, folding it together with the other monetary policies
- ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to Julita about her getting more involved with the distribution center process
- Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
- ACTION: Shaun to review the receipts and put it on the wiki
- Pitivi Invoice
- This just needs to be paid out modulo wire transfer fees
- ACTION: Cosimo to confirm with Rosanna
- GUADEC 2016 expenses pending payment
- This is the balance of the GUADEC 2016 expenses
- These have been approved already last year
- ACTION: Nuritzi to move them to the Ready section in the wiki - DONE
- We should have a call for bids for LAS GNOME
- Do we have all the details needed about the expectations for the bidders?
- Is LAS GNOME an annual event that the GNOME Foundation is committing to hold?
- We have had West Coast summit organized for the two years before LAS though -- we should not lose this
- A CfB may be overkill if the organizing team can get on the same page about scope/location first
- We'll proceed like this, no involvement from the Board necessary just yet
- Liberty VPS email [Ticket ID: 826636] Dedicated Server Donation
- They are welcome to sponsor some of our conferences, if that's the desired link placement
More in general, we don't want to endorse a lot of other companies which are not part of our AdBoard directly from our website, since we don't want to dilute the GNOME brand
- ACTION: Neil to follow-up with them about conference sponsorships
- About Gnome Users Groups
- No action needed from the Board right now, this sounds like a good task for the Engagement team
Open source survey:
- Does the board usually get involved in surveys about the community demographics like this?
- ACTION: Neil will look over the survey if there's any interesting questions from it
This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30 days. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and subsequent minutes sections
Open source survey:
- 2017-03-28
- ACTION: Neil will look over the survey if there's any interesting questions from it
- 2017-03-28
- Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
- ACTION: Shaun to review the receipts and put it on the wiki
- Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and Install Fest 2017"
- 2017-03-28
- Budget was approved
- ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Julita
- ACTION: Neil to help define a policy about transaction expenses, folding it together with the other monetary policies
- ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to Julita about her getting more involved with the distribution center process
- 2017-03-28
- WHS donations report
- 2017-02-14
- ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports
- 2017-02-14
- Hackfest process documentation
- 2017-02-14
- ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
- 2017-02-14
- libertyVPS server donation
- 2016-12-20
- ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
- 2017-01-10
- Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
- 2017-02-28
- Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social media posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up with engagement team about LibertyVPS social media perks.
- 2017-03-07
- LibertyVPS want to also donate some money to the project
- ACTION: Neil to connect to them 1:1 to talk about contribution opportunities
- 2016-12-20
- Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser extension
- 2016-12-20
- ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an account
- 2017-03-07
- For the Play Store, we had decided that the contributor should be empowered to publish their app there, as long as they're members of the Foundation
- And as long as the credentials/keys are shared with the Board
- We should document this process in a wiki page
- The Engagement team could faciliatate Foundation members being able to publish on these stores
- ACTION: Neil will look into this
- For the Play Store, we had decided that the contributor should be empowered to publish their app there, as long as they're members of the Foundation
- 2016-12-20
- Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
- 2016-12-06
- ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal for discussion
- 2016-12-20
- Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice on what exactly can and should be done
- 2017-01-24
- Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
- 2017-02-28
- Alexandre will try alternative channels
- 2016-12-06
- Google Play account
- 2016-09-27 was done, we need to pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
- 2016-10-04
- Payment is authorized
- ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
- 2016-10-18
- Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
- 2016-11-01
- Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card associated to the account
- 2016-11-29
ACTION: Rosanna to look into getting a PayPal credit card
- 2016-12-20
Rosanna has been collating materials to update the PayPal account owner before looking into the credit card
- 2016-09-27
- Privacy campaign funds
- 2016-09-27
- Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
- ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship proposals
- 2016-10-26
- We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
- 2016-09-27
- Bitcoins donations data
- 2017-02-07
- Neil will help with this going forward
- 2017-02-28
- Neil will talk to John Sullivan 3/8
- 2017-02-07
Ongoing but stalled
This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30 days.
- Owncloud shared calendar for the board
- 2016-08-10
- Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
- ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki -
- 2017-03-07
- Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over
- 2016-08-10
- Money raised for defense against Groupon
- Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
- 2016-09-06
- We probably don't want to track exactly this money flow, but the initiatives that the Board has been pursuing (Flatpak, LAS GNOME) are good fits for the original intent this money was kept for
- We can consider making a PR or some other form of announcement about how we're currently making use of this money
- 2017-03-07
- General feeling here is that Flatpak fits the bill of the kind of technology/event that taps into the wider community
- Another idea may be to use the resources not for an event but for infrastructure
- ACTION: let's understand the financial picture in the budget meeting on 3/7
- Paypal Giving Fund
- Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
- That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
- Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
- 2016-09-06
- ACTION: Zana to look into it
- Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
- Google ad grant
- 2016-08-10
- ACTION: Shaun will pick this up again and try to register us into the program when he's back in the US
- The actual ad campaigns would probably need to be managed by the Engagement/Marketing team
- ACTION: Nuritzi to discuss with the Engagement Team and let the board know if they want to start using Google ad
- 2016-08-10
- Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
- 2016-08-10, ACTION: Nuritzi to take on this project and figure out what it entails
- Web page for prior pants winners
- 2016-08-10, ACTION: Shaun and Allan to add the web page
- 2017-03-07
- Only missing the winner for one year, 2005
- We can crowdsource the details and refinement of the bios/photos/etc
- Friends of GNOME
- 2016-08-10
- ACTION: Allan to get in touch with Tobi and the sysadmin team to migrate the FoG infrastructure over to GNOME
- 2017-03-07
- Allan will pass this on to Neil, and connect him to Tobi
- 2016-08-10
Ongoing but no director assigned
This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30 days and have no Director assigned
Nice to have
This section includes items which we would love to see happen at some point but lack the time to effectively become reality
- Contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
- Kat to draft this
- Privacy policy for GNOME services
Current draft is at
- Sysadmin Team's NDA should also be covered when dealing with this item
- Kat or Allan to write up the policy
- Kat or Allan to write up recommended wording for distribution privacy policies, regarding the behaviour of GNOME software
- Photography policy for GNOME conferences
- Proposal needs to be drafted and sent to foundation list for discussion
- Should probably be addressed at the same time as a standardised code of conduct
Discussed on the mailing list
Completed actions
- Immigration ban
- 2017-03-07
- This is in the news again, since it was reintroduced effective 3/16
- ACTION: Neil to send a draft around to board-list (before next meeting)
- 2017-03-14
- Draft reviewed
- ACTION: Neil to send out on Thursday 16 March
- 2017-03-28
- Since this has been blocked again, we will not be publishing it. This is complete until further evolution of the situation.
- 2017-03-07
- Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
- 2017-02-28
- Contract is ready for the Directors to review
- ACTION: Nuritzi to run the contract and the NY/CA change by Luis, and otherwise sign the contract by next week
- 2017-03-07
- Luis got back to us with the advice of keeping the contract with NY law
- ACTION: Nuritzi to sign the contract and send it back
- 2017-03-28
- This is all set now
- ACTION: Cosimo to confirm with Rosanna
- 2017-02-28