Regular meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 14 July 2021, 16:00 UTC
Consent Agenda
- The board acknowledges receipt of:
- Executive Committee minutes, dated 7 July 2021 [1]
- Finance Committee minutes, dated 17 June 2021 [2]
- Governance Committee minutes, dated 16 June 2021 [3]
- The 2021 board elections have concluded. Statement by the board:
- The board welcomes Alberto Ruiz and Thibault Martin to the board. It also congratulates Philip Chimento on his re-election. It thanks Allan Day and Federico Mena Quintero, whose directorships have ended.
Discussion Agenda
- Approve minutes of 9 and 14 June 2021
- Welcome to new and returning directors
- Executive Director's report
- Select board officers for 2021-22
- Appoint committee members
- Meeting schedule for 2021-22
- 2021 Conflict of Interest policy review
- Board meeting attendance policy
- Board-only discussion
- Next meeting will be held on August 11 at 1600 UTC, and will include the Q3 (April-June) finance report
- Consent agenda:
- Receipt of Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Governance Committee minutes acknowledged
- 2021 elections board statement approved
- Approved as a block
- Approve minutes of 9 and 14 June 2021
- [Discussion about amending the phrasing of some items.]
- Amended minutes approved.
- Welcome to new and returning directors
- Directors starting their second year: Rob, Regina, Felipe, Kat
- Directors starting the first year of a new term: Alberto, Thibault, Philip
- Executive Director's report
- How can the backup positions be more ready to step in when needed?
- We should look at this from a board development point of view
- Select board officers for 2021-22
- VOTE: the board appoints the following officer positions:
- President: Rob
- Vice-president(s): Alberto, Regina
- Chair: Thibault
- Treasurer: Shaun
- Assistant Treasurer: Rosanna
- Secretary: Kat
- Assistant Secretary: Philip
- VOTE: the board appoints the following officer positions:
- Appoint committee members
- VOTE: the board appoints the following committee members:
- Executive committee: executive director, president, Alberto (VP)
- Finance committee: treasurer, assistant treasurer, executive director, Rob
- Governance committee: Felipe, Kat, Thib (Chair), Philip, Regina
- Compensation committee: treasurer, president, Alberto (VP)
Membership & elections committee: Andrea Veri (chair), Tobias Mueller, Pascal Terjan, Jonathan Blandford
- Travel committee: David King, German Póo Caamaño, Guillaume Gomez, Meg Ford, Philip Chimento (liaison), Rosanna Yuen, Umang Jain
Circle committee: Allan Day (liaison), J Arun Mani, Martín Abente Lahaye, Jordan Petridis, ThibaultMartin
- Code of Conduct committee: Federico Mena Quintero, Rosanna Yuen, Molly de Blanc, Kat Gerasimova (liaison)
- Release team: Abderrahim, Andre Klapper, Javier Jardon, Matthias Clasen, Michael Catanzaro, Emmanuele Bassi, Tristan Van Berkom, Jordan Petridis, Felipe (liaison)
Membership & election committee is looking for a new member
- Philip will check with the travel committee that all members would like to remain on the committee
- VOTE: approve all the officer and committee positions listed above
- +1 unanimous
- VOTE: the board appoints the following committee members:
- Meeting schedule for 2021-22
- Finance report and annual budget are fixed because of the financial year, all other items are flexible
- During training ~2 years ago, it was recommended that we rotate through policy/strategy/finance. We don't have a lot of policy items normally so proposed schedule reflects adjustments.
- All board members can make the current meeting slot (2nd Wednesday of each month at 16:00 UTC)
- 2021 Conflict of Interest policy review
- Review has taken place
- One potential conflict of interest raised by a member of the foundation. Potential conflict reviewed and decided it was not a conflict. Note: the potential conflict was declared on returned forms.
- All forms have been returned by the required individuals.
- Board meeting attendance policy
- We used to have a policy previously with consequences for missing three meetings in a row. [Allan summarises proposed policy.]
- Committees have their own informal policies, this policy is for the board meetings only.
VOTE: The board approves the attendance policy:
- Passed unanimously
- Next meeting will be held on August 11 at 1600 UTC, and will include the Q3 (April-June) finance report
- Board-only discussion
[1] GNOME Foundation Executive Committee minutes, 7 July 2021
Attendees: Rob McQueen, Neil McGovern, Allan Day
- Reviewed agenda for next board meeting
- Update from Neil:
- Two staff members have been let go since last meeting
- GUADEC happening soon
- Finances being worked on to accompany Form 990
Strategy & fundraising
- We're not moving quickly enough to implement the strategy
- Actions identified:
- Reach out to contacts on commercial technology side to investigate funding possibilities
- Work through non-profit contacts, particularly in the privacy space
- Go back to non-profit advisors to get contacts and mentoring
[2] GNOME Foundation Finance Committee minutes, 17 June 2021
Attendees: Shaun McCance, Rosanna Yuen, Neil McGovern, Rob McQueen
- Shaun asked where employee costs for grant come from, Rosanna computes them
- Do we need another finance meeting before Aug board meeting?
- Would like to present three-quarter finances at Aug board meeting and discuss budget
- Proposal to move finance-focused board meeting to Sep
- Let's try to have a budget proposal before Oct
- Est variance changes for employment changes: ~ -50k for remainder of FY
- Est reserve change: ~ -200k
[3] GNOME Foundation Governance Committee minutes, 16 June 2021
- Director attendance - #216
- Board members are expected to attend meetings or notify their absence to the meeting's chair. We need to establish a policy for attendance and consequences for excessive absences.
- ACTION: Allan to draft the policy.
- Board transition #210
We should require new board members to take the Certificate of Non-Profit Board from
- Governance committee to take over the onboarding from Neil and onboard new members.
- Allan to continue serving as chair until new office positions are assigned to the new members.
Philip to review the roles and responsibilities of the current office positions