Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 18:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, May 22nd 2018, 18:00 UTC
MegFord (planned early departure)
DidierRoche (planned late attendance)
- Events code of conduct (Allan)
- Pre-travel sponsorship for GSoC/Outreachy students (Carlos)
- Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
- Vote for charter and propose members
- Potential licensing issue with Fractal (Nuritzi)
- Contacting people applying to the board (Carlos)
- Events code of conduct (Allan)
- We've had the events code of conduct proposal on the table for some time now. Board members have had chance to review it. Only Alexandre has raised concerns. These include:
- GDPR - Neil doesn't think this affects the events code of conduct (in a blocking way) and thinks that any issues can be dealt with at a later date
- Release parties: do we have guidelines for what release parties should follow?
- Concern about prohibiting speech based on it being "offensive", since this could be subjective.
- Question about prohibiting weapons: does this include pepper spray, multi-tools
- Two potential amendments have been discussed with Alexandre:
- 1. Add a sentence to the photography policy: “If press photographers are present, the event organizer will ask them to comply with this policy.”
- 2. Remove the section of the incident reporting page that encourages reporting incidents that you might have observed ("if you see someone violating the Code of Conduct")
- Nuritzi - observing incidents can make people feel uncomfortable/unwelcome. Neil - if you observe a crime, you report it.
VOTE: accept the events code of conduct that has been presented ( ) as official GNOME Foundation policy, for all future events
- Passed unanimously
- VOTE: 1st amendment
- Passed unanimously
- Didier joined at this point.
- VOTE: 2nd amendment
- -1 unanimous, (Carlos cites concerns that have been expressed to him by community members)
- We've had the events code of conduct proposal on the table for some time now. Board members have had chance to review it. Only Alexandre has raised concerns. These include:
Meg leaves.
- Pre-travel sponsorship for GSoC/Outreachy students. (Carlos)
- GUADEC is earlier than usual this year, so Outreachy/GSoc interns won't have recieved enough payments to fund their own travel. We've had a request for one intern to have their travel sponsorship paid in advance of GUADEC. This currently isn't something that the Travel Committee provides.
- Discussion about how much travel funding we've provided interns in the past, and how much we should provide:
- GSoC didn't provide much for travel last year, but we do encourage all interns to attend GUADEC.
- Has the amount we pay for intern travel been capped previously?
- Discussion about logistics. There are potentially two forms of advance payment:
- Interns pay for their ticket and we reimburse them prior to travel. The board is happy for the Travel Committee to do this.
- We provide the funds prior to travel being booked. Here we can recommend that interns contact the board so it can review requests.
- ACTION: Didier to liase with the Travel Committee. Carlos to liase with mentors.