Minutes for Wednesday, August 26th, 2015, 19:00 UTC
Next meeting date Tuesday, September 1st, 2015, 19:00UTC
Shaun McCance
- JF Fortin T.
- Allan Day
- Cosimo Cecchi
- Rosanna Yuen
- Christian Hergert
- Ekaterina Gerasimova
- Andrea Veri
Board meeting
- User data manifesto - we really need to decide whether GNOME is going to endorse the user data manifesto 2.0 - they will be launching on 28 August.
- General consensus that we want to support it
- Not a binding support, but an endorsement
- VOTE: endorse the manifesto. +1 Allan, Christian, Shaun, Cosimo, Kat. Jeff abstained.
- ACTION: Allan will relay some of our concerns to Frank (main promoter behind this)
- For future communication, engagement team will be part of the conversation
- When will our standing weekly meetings be?
- Andrea can only do evenings
- We don't want to do evenings on Fridays as it'd be cruel for Europeans
- Can't do Thursdays either
- Tuesdays at 19:00 UTC would work but we'd have to stick to an hour
- ACTION: Most consensus on Tuesday, we'll shoot for that
- GUADEC 2016
- Review work in progress bids for 2016/17.
- Karlsruhe (Moira Schuler and Benjamin Berg)
- Lyon (Bastien Nocera involved)
- Possibly more interested for 2017 than 2016
- Manchester (Sam Thursfield and Alberto Ruiz involved, also Allan Day and Javier Jardon)
- Also most likely for 2017 since Sam is not around summer 2016
- Local government has money available to promote conferences in the area
- Let's buy a Spanish town!
- Should we colocate with other conferences like Flock and openSUSE?
- It could be a possibility, perhaps for 2016
- Stronger preference for Flock as opposed to Akademy
- Flock might alienate people coming from non-RH systems
- Might be a bit of a touchy topic politically and would need to also get in touch with other organizations
- Flock is in Europe only every other year
- ACTION: Allan get in touch with Lyon organizers and understand what their plans are
- Should we extend the bid deadline (probably yes)? If so, when until?
- VOTE: extend deadline 1 month. +1 Cosimo, Allan, Christian, Shaun, Jeff, Kat
- We'll change the current deadline to be the intent of bids
- Communicate that bid proposals should have also an ETA
- How to encourage other bids?
- Should we ask for intentions to bid?
- ACTION: Shaun to communicate and encourage people to submit an intent of bid
- Perhaps once we have an intention we can talk people into moving it early on year
- Karlsruhe is hoped to provide a bid for 2016, but we need to have a backup plan in case it falls through. What should this be?
- Co-locate with another conference would be the most likely option, since we wouldn't be able to organize a conference "remotely"
- Ask Linux Foundation to organize for us, but would need to pay a lot of money
- ACTION: Christian to contact Linux Foundation to understand costs of co-location
- Let's brainstorm other alternatives
- We should bring the problem publicly to the community if no progress is made in 2/3 weeks
- Review work in progress bids for 2016/17.
- Google Play account.
- Who holds the master keys to sign apps as GNOME? release-team sounds most likely candidate
- Consensus this is a good idea, but board does not involve themselves into technical matters. Does release-team hold credentials typically?
- None of us has been on the release-team, so don't know
- ACTION: Cosimo to get in touch with release-team about the matter
- Privacy funds - should we use the privacy money to try and have a privacy hackfest at Boston Summit?
- Privacy hackfest sounds like a good idea, but need to have good agenda ahead of time
- Funds are $20k
- Hackfests are usually bottom-up but in this case we raised funds, so would be more appropriate for the Board to be proactive
- Another option would be to do it together with next West Coast summit
- Would also like to involve people from EFF in this
- ACTION: Christian to come up with a group of people and proposal for Privacy Hackfest the Board can vote on
- Alternative would be bounties; previous Board already agreed upon doing bounties, but not exclusively. Would need to revert the vote.
- VOTE: we don't officially say we use money for bounties. +1 Shaun, Christian, Allan, Cosimo -1 Kat Abstained Jeff
- There is a page on the wiki with some bounties already, but they haven't been advertised yet
- Move discussion to the list
--- deferred ---
- Trademark-infringing swag (mousepads)
- A quick Google image search returns no other occurrences on the web at first glance
- General consensus seems to be that we need to enforce the trademark in this case. Next steps?
- Update on ED search.
- Update on annual report.
- Logo usage request for tshirts.
- Discussion of rolling agenda.
Discussed on the mailing list
- VOTE: proposal to remove wire info from our FoG page
- Printing a fraudulent check was easily possible as the "Other ways to donate" web page
- (under the "Donate by bank wire transfer) contained enough details about the GNOME Foundation bank account
- Wires are rarely used as they usually have an higher cost than checks, especially when sent domestically
- VOTE: +1 Jeff, Cosimo, Kat, Shaun, Allan
- Printing a fraudulent check was easily possible as the "Other ways to donate" web page
- Rolling agenda/task tracking
- Allan started revisiting how agendas and minutes get together before and during
- every Board meeting
His proposal is available at: https://wiki.gnome.org/AllanDay/BoardTaskTracking
- Allan started revisiting how agendas and minutes get together before and during
- VOTE: Budget travel increase for the Open Help Sponsorship
- Allocated budget (of 6000 USD) for the Travel Committee was approved by the Board already and had this specific conference in mind
- The Board was asked to revise the budget by additional 1773 USD (from 6000 USD to 7,773 USD)
- The proposed participants for the event stated they won't be able to attend the conference without
- a travel subsidy.
- VOTE: +1 Jeff, Christian, Cosimo, Allan. Shaun and Kat abstain.
- Google Play account
Ankit has been developing an Android App during GSoC 2015: https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreach/SummerOfCode/2015/Projects/Ankit_GPSSharing
- A GNOME Foundation account is currently missing to properly register the app
- The app is currently GPLv2 licensed
- The owner of the app will be the GNOME Foundation
- Ankit is offering his help to keep maintaining the app after the end of his internship
- Christian raised an interesting point about how the signing key for the app is maintained
- Kat pointed out that the app still does not have a target in mind, is it going to be the Foundation membership or any GNOME Account owner?
- The matter is still being discussed by the Board, the requestors and the Release Team
Completed actions
Pending action items
- Allan to make a proposal for a different way to use the wiki/etherpad for action items, instead of using kanboard
- Jeff to get advisory board contact details from Karen. If this fails, we need to start developing our own contacts and record them on the wiki.
- Create a webpage for prior pants winners (Shaun and Allan)
- Advisory Board meeting at GUADEC: Jeff to contact advisory board members by phone about joining the call on the 4th
- Allan to follow up with Oliver Propst on Anual Report
- Trademark-infringing swag (mousepads): Cosimo to follow up about possible future actions and send a proposal to the board
- Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events
- Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
- Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
- Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
- Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
- Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
- Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
- Sri to coordinate with engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork
- Jeff to find existing fundraising brochure/proposal documents and come up with one for fundraising for a sysadmin