Welcome to GNOME 43 Release and 25th Birthday Parties!

GNOME's 25th anniversary just happened on August 15th, 2022, and with the GNOME 43 release on Sept 21, there's no better way to celebrate than to throw a release + birthday party combo! On this page, GNOME community members from all over the world can plan to celebrate together for our GNOME 43 release and/or 25th Anniversary!


  • To celebrate the 25th anniversary of GNOME and the release of GNOME 43 together and recognize all of the hard work that has gone into making GNOME what it is today
  • To spread awareness of what GNOME is to the broader public, help newcomers meet the community, and get people talking about the 25-year-long history of GNOME


Anybody can hold a 25th Birthday party / GNOME 43 release party, including individual enthusiasts, user groups, FOSS communities, distro communities, universities, NGOs, companies, etc.


GNOME's 25th Birthday took place on August 15th, 2022 and the GNOME 43 release on September 21, 2022. Hosting a party in September is ideal.


We'd love to see your events! Here's a few ways you can share photos with us:

  • Post pictures to social media! Use the hashtags #GNOMEParty and #GNOME43 or tag @GNOME on Twitter and Facebook, or @GNOME@floss.social on Mastodon.

  • Submit your photos so that we can use them for things like GNOME social media posts, the Annual Report, and other future publications. Make sure you license your photos correctly so we can use them.

Always remember to respect people's privacy and take and share photos with the proper consent.


Please add information below about confirmed parties so others can find your event and join! Help us represent GNOME in all corners of the globe.

Note: If you want to join an existing party let the organizers know by email so they know how many people to expect.


City, Country

Date and Time



Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos


City, Country

Date and Time



Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos


City, Country

Date and Time



Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos

North America

City, Country

Date and Time


Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos


City, Country

Date and Time



Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos

South America

City, Country

Date and Time



Contact Email

(Optional) Afterwards: Link to blog or photos

If you would like to list your birthday party, but do not have access to the wiki, please send the information to staff (at) gnome (dot) org to have it posted for you.

Events/25Birthday (last edited 2022-09-21 00:22:51 by carolinehenriksen)