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Schedule Philosophy

The emphasis this year will be even more focused on BOFs and hacking. Day 1 will be dedicated to speed talks and BOFs that might yield hacking on Day 2 and Day 3. Day 2, for those not hacking, will focus on BOFs for things like marketing, QA, and ISVs, which are generally more policy-oriented than hacking-oriented (not that the QA guys can't hack :)

On the last day, we'll spill over from the first couple days, and at the end of the day, review the results of the hacking and BOFing in the closing.

Room Notes

We have a permanent hacking room, so hacking is no longer on the schedule- it is always going on in the third room.

Day 1 (Saturday October 8th)

The GtkTeamPrintingBreakout is in 56-154 (across the way from the Stata Center)

Day 2 (Sunday October 9th)

Day 3 (Monday October 10th)

The Rooms

We have four rooms reserved for the event.

There is also a lot of hall space with tables and chairs, and outdoor patio space with wireless. There will be no hacking room with hardware, unfortunately- please bring laptops and be willing to share with others! The network connection takes about ten minutes to activate, and remains active for the duration of the Summit.

Each room will have projectors; we'll try to bring two extras and as many power cords as we can scrounge. But if you can bring your own power cords, that would also be good.

Meta Hacking -- making hackfests efficient

JonathanBlandford: It seems like hackfests at these kind of events often devolve into people checking IRC, chatting, and reading mail. While there's nothing wrong with that per se, it seems like it would be more productive to have more planning going into it. One thing we've done with some success at Red Hat is to have a dedicated hackfest, with everyone working on one code base at the same time. In these, we've had a coordinator, a fixed goal and a fixed timeframe (say 6 hours). We've broken the project into a set of tasks and given them to each person. A good example of this was the initial work on evince, which came out of such a hackfest.

I'd love to see a couple of larger sessions, of maybe 6-8 people, all working towards a common goal in a fixed timeframe. It would help if those running the project did their homework ahead of time and had something prepared for those joining in. We could start on it at the beginning of the hackfest, and do a presentation at the end to the rest of the group, showing off exactly what got done.

Proposed Hackfest Topics

Proposed Topics

Please sign your name to topics you'd like to attend


Last year's demos included beagle, annodex, and kernel/inotify. Proposed topics this year: (Fill 'em in, folks)


There has been a strong indicated interest in a performance 'track' at this year's summit. Some proposed talks have included:


Last year's tech talks included gtk+, language bindings, file chooser extensions, dbus, QA, e-d-s, printing, version control, and

This year's proposals:

user interface / usability

This year's proposals:

release planning


Last year's topics included guerilla marketing, non-US marketing, and a SWOT analysis that never quite got off the ground.

This year's topics:

event planning

We talked some about event planning last year; we could do something similar this year if people are interested.

2024-10-23 11:06