Who What Where When Why is a casual get together for GNOME lovers in Australia to meet with their favourite hackers and discuss all things GNOMEy. Please let us know you're coming by adding your name to list below.
It will be held in room Burns 7 (previously Castle D), on January 24th 2006, in beautiful Dunedin, New Zealand, at the University of Otago in co-operation with Australia's premier Free Software and Open Source developer's conference,! Check out their site for all the details on the main conference. It's going to be a blast yet again! Note that you must be attending the full conference to be part of the fun (not that you'd seriously consider missing the main event).
If you're in Australia (or New Zealand), and love GNOME, join gnome-au-list today!
Time |
Presentation |
Presenter |
09:00 - 11:15 |
Welcome, Introductions and... |
11:15 - 12:00 |
OpenSolaris and GNOME |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:00 - 13:45 |
GTK+ on Ice |
13:45 - 14:30 |
More Than Code |
14:30 - 15:15 |
GNOME-ifying Games |
15:15 - 16:00 |
Marketing GNOME |
16:00 - 16:45 |
16:45 - 17:00 |
Close |
T-Shirts t-shirts will be available at the event. Designed by AndyFitz from Brisbane, we're not going to show you the design, because that would ruin the surprise. But rest assured, they're hilarious.
AUD$30 per shirt
We have 50 in total, 25 of which are based on the pre-ordered sizes below. That leaves 25 for purchase at the event - get in quick! S, M, L, XL and XXXL available.
Please let us know that you're coming! Remember, give us your size if you're interested in a shirt, and put your name in alphabetical order!
AndrewTurner (L)
BernardBlackham (L)
CameronPatrick (L)
CallumMcKenzie (M)
DanielPatton (XL)
DavidMoore (M)
DavydMadeley (XL)
GlynnFoster (M)
- Hal Ashburner (L)
JamesAndrewartha (M)
JeffWaugh (XL)
JohnWilliams (L)
MatthewLambie (XL, delivery via DavydMadeley)
SteveBaker (M)
TedPercival (M)
TrentLloyd (3XL)
DaveHall (XL)
AndyFitzsimon (M)
MorganTocker (M)
JamesHenstridge (L)
PaulEsson (??)
PiaWaugh (S)
Please confirm your order with JeffWaugh before putting your name here!
MichaelDavies (XL, deliver via RyanVerner)
PascalKlein (L or XL)
Venue and Facilities
Burns 7 is a ... ... classroom. D'oh!
Castle D (which we're not using) is a modern seminar room with maximum occupancy of 38 people. There are two projector screens, a white board, and OHP, a slide projector and a data projection unit available. There is a Windows PC and (possibly) a Mac available, and a VGA cable for your laptop.
JohnWilliams works at Otago University, and his office is a couple of hundred metres from the venue. Email him (jwilliams at gnome dot org) if you have any questions about the facilities or venue.
Use gobby for taking notes.
JohnWilliams: I live all alone (sniff!) in a three bedroom house about 50 minutes walk or five minutes by car from the conference venue. If anyone one of you cool d00d rock-star hax0rs want to sleep on my couch-bed, floor, or mattress-on-floor (and drink beer and play loud rock music) let me know:
If that sounds unappealing, mail me anyway if you want advice/local knowledge about good/cheap places to stay.