#Engagement Team Meeting 5 Feb 2016
Met on #engagement and https://meet.jit.si/, and it worked well.
- Zana
- Sri
- Adelia
- Cassandra
- Aday
- Nuritzi
- Irfan (part of the time)
Summary of meeting and next steps:
No updates
- Need an Infographic designer
- 1 - 3 Web Devs, with familiarity with wordpress
Outreach & Onboarding
- @Nuritzi - has a copy of Andreas' business card template, need to do something with it
- @Sri - make an infographic about how GNOME teams interact, for recruiting purposes
@Nuritzi - create a GNOME SF Facebook page
- @Nuritzi - ongoing project to spend ~3 hrs on Engagement Team wiki to update team page
NOTE: Designer Intern might start as part of Outreachy Internship begins: May 2016 Tasks could include: Annual Report Letterheads marketing materials? website? Start working with the candidate sooner rather than later What else would that person help with?
No updates
@Nuritzi - add notes on website improvement to bugzilla https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=www.gnome.org&product=website
- Think about having a hackfest at GUADEC
- Schedule a meeting just on website development sometime in February
LAS GNOME - led by Sri, regular meetings every Thursday at 17:00 UTC. https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/westcoasthackfest2016
- create a budget
- build a website
- create a promotion plan
- fundraising
- @Cassandra, @Adelia and @Sri talk about LAS GNOME website and event planning, other people to loop in: Raynelda for web dev?
Annual Report
- @Cassandra - will proactively seek photos from 2015 and 2016. Talk to Adrea Veri about storage.
- @Adelia - Come up with a list of numbers we'd like to create infographics about. e.g. How big: number of foundation numbers, breakdown of members by team, number of people who attend GUADEC, - check with Andrea Veri and Zana
- @Adelia - set up wiki pages and process for people to contribute as authors.
=== Fundraising ====
- No updates
See Also: Updated Initiatives List: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/List_of_GNOME_Engagment_Team_initiatives