Engagement Team Meeting 3 March 2017
- Bastian
- Allan
- Neil
- Rosanna
- Sri
Items from last time:
Release 3.24 Marketing
- Social media calendar has some info. Could do with some more info and content for the facebook part. Help welcome for more tweets.
- Ask desktop devel?
- Go through release notes, ask maintainers to do a nice blog post, and then we can publicise that - Neil/Rosanna/Nuritzi
- Stickers
- Allan saw a picture of the booth @ SCALE, it has some stickers
- Waiting on Nuritzi to check
Release notes
- Allan - notes are going reasonably well, big chunk of text is in the initial draft
- Next stage is to nag devs for text - to be done next week
- Wants them done early this year
- Help needed with screenshots
- Sri to help out with screenshots and getting details from devs re: GTK4 porting/prep work that's been done.
- The video doesn't focus as much on developer experience, see builder.
- Need to start the cycle earlier, as release notes and video cross-feed from each other
Release Video
- Music to be looked at next week
- Animations in progress, should have some samples of the style with the new branding
- Screencasting is coming in from community which means less work \o/
- Todo: nightshift light in control panel and recipies features
- All: Anyone who has pictures from events to send to Bastian
Branding meeting
- Waiting on Cassandra for an agenda
- All - please fill out framadate if you haven't already
20th Birthday
- Frameadate to set meeting for next week will be sent from Cassandra
- GUADEC team working pretty hard on some of this
Conference planning
- Copenhagen - 18th of March Open source days - will have a booth (gnome flyers, merchendise, Bastian needs help coordinating for merch.; would love stickers for this and for release party)
- FOSS North - Bastian will speak about new release and representing GNOME - Bastian sent email with call for papers for both conferences
- Linux Fest North West May 6th - call for presentations going on (about 3,000 people, would be great to have a presence; Sri is willing to travel there)
- Linux Fest in Ohio (one of the biggest)
- Linux Fest South West
- Conference in India (International conference) - gives government exposure - already have people going; should give them talking points if possible
- Sri will send out to mailing list to come up with talking points for Indian conference (need to look up requirements; make sure attendees gather information as well)
- Look at the blog post that rosanna wrote on how to ask for money
New things:
Annual report
- Adelia is at SCALE, but may be willing to help organize the annual report. Rosanna to reach out and ask when she returns from SCALE
- Need to work out the lead time. Allan put together a fairly aggressive schedule on the wiki. 5 Weeks + 1 week printing. 6 weeks minimum.
- Hard deadline is the day before GUADEC (28th July)
- Thus starting ASAP would be good
- Reminder that this was actually for last year, so getting stuff sooner rather than later is good
- Avoid a lengthy schedule, as it may be a bit of a drag...
- Balance between length and PANIC.
- If people go to a conference, ask them to possibly write what went on in a wiki? Would make it easier to track where we've been.
Indian government conference
- 5 of us are going along, Sri leading
- Keeps Indian community active
- Talk about the platform
- Look at what's important to talk about
- Needs help working out icebreaker conversations?