1. Gnome Format: A GNOME media formatter
2. !!!Gnome Format is not being actively developed anymore!!!
Please have a look at the Gnome Disk Utility, it is far more feature complete and will be part of Gnome 2.28.
2.1. What is Gnome Format?
Gnome Format is a tool to easily format (erase and initialize) external memory media like USB sticks or SD/MMC flash cards for your PC. It is designed for Linux based operating systems using the GNOME desktop.
2.2. How to install
You need Vala >= 0.5.1 (I think). Because Vala is still developing very fast you may encounter problems compiling with an older just as with the latest version of Vala. I hope, I can make releases in the future, for which you won't need the Vala compiler by putting the generated C sources in the tarball.
Get the current release and untar it
- ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
- ./waf
- (as root) ./waf install
2.3. Packages
- Archlinux has Gnome Format in it's user repositiory
- Ubuntu 9.04 has packages in universe
- Getdeb.net also has packages for Ubuntu 8.10
Daniel Campos kindly provided a Debian package: http://mate.linex.org/lenix/dists/lenny/main/binary-i386/gnome-format_0.1.0-1_i386.deb
He writes: "Ubuntu users should be able to recreate it from its sources:" (don't ask me how to do that, I'm not a Debian or Ubuntu user
If anybody can provide packages for other distributions, I would be glad to link them here.
2.4. Features
- Easy to use
- Autodetects available media through HAL
- Supports external harddrives, USB sticks, SD/MMC cards and other external media
- Supports FAT16/32 filesystem for compatability with other operating systems and ext2 for Linux-only users
2.5. Planned features
Port the app to DeviceKit-disks (when they make a release)
(Obviously) support for partition names (depends on DeviceKit; probably libparted can do this now, any hints?)
Support LUKS for encryption (depends on DeviceKit)
Use PolicyKit for authentication/authorization
2.6. How to get the latest version from SVN
[read only] svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-format/trunk
[read write] svn co svn+ssh://$USER@svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-format/trunk
2.7. Maintainer
- Michael Kanis
- Felix Kaser
2.8. Contributors
- Lucas Lommer, thanks for the Czech translation
- Daniel Campos, thanks for the Spanish translation and the Debian packages