1. Gnome Format: A GNOME media formatter
1.1. Gnome SVN
I've set up a gnome-svn-module called gnome-format. You can check out the code from svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-format/trunk!
A bugzilla product has been requested...
1.2. Release 0.1.1
There has been fixed the packaging problem from 0.1.0
1.3. Release 0.1.0
With this first release you can
- format USB sticks, SD/MMC cards and other external media
- format using the FAT16/FAT32 and ext2 filesystems
Still missing is support for oldschool floppies. If there is real demand for that, I will look into supporting them in a future release.
Please remember to unmount your media prior to formatting it.
Use at your own risk! I did test this release of course, but please expect bugs!