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LSR Magnifier Task List

See bug #358186 for complete discussion and files.

Wicked screencast Screenshot.png

  1. Tracking:
    1. Mouse (./)

    2. Caret (./)

    3. Selection (./)

    4. Focus (./)

    5. Biasing - Try "biasing" the magnifier as Larry suggested in his email to avoid nasty jumps and leaving the magnifier in place when the caret/selector moves within the magnified region.
    6. When tracking focus or selection, make sure most important part of region in in the ROI.
      1. Consideration of the accessible's relations.
      2. Consideration in right-to-left layouts. Will be possible once getAccAllTextAttrs is fixed -- EitanIsaacson 2006-11-16 05:48:30

    7. Panning
      1. Basic panning support. (./)

      2. Smarter handling of magnifier changes in cases where a selector/caret event immediately follows focus. (./)

      3. Kinematics
  2. Settings:
    1. Enable/Disable magnifier
    2. Magnification level (./)

    3. Invert (./)

    4. Display smoothing (./)

    5. Viewport size and position (./)

    6. Viewport screen (./)

    7. Cursor color (./)

    8. Cursor scale (./)

    9. Crosswire color (./)

    10. Crosswire size (./)

    11. Border color I am not sure why, this setting does not affect anything -- EitanIsaacson 2006-11-16 05:48:30

    12. Border size I am not sure why, this setting does not affect anything -- EitanIsaacson 2006-11-16 05:48:30

    13. Zoomer contrast (./)

    14. Add more...
  3. Move from Perk to Device (./)

Future thoughts

  1. Multiple zoom regions, some use cases:
    1. Fixed zoom on status bar in addition to focus tracked zoom.
    2. Application specific policy (ie. Zoom regions on interesting elements of GAIM). This will be configurable in different Perks once the magnifier is regarded as a device.
  2. An advanced settings dialog; Leave the basic stuff in the perk/device settings, do the fancy options/widgets in an advanced settings dialog directly with the native GUI toolkit. For example if a KDE magnifier ever comes along, it will have the same basic settings, and a custom QT advanced settings dialog.

Perk Settings

  1. It would be awesomely cool if settings could be put in an insensitive state. bug bug

  2. It would be wicked if more advanced widgets, like a color picker would be implemented. (./)

2024-10-23 10:59