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GNOME Accessibility Logo

GNOME Accessibility Team

3.0 Planning and Work

Please note: This page discusses the GNOME Accessibility Team's efforts for GNOME 3.0, providing a description of the various touch points, with the key people to contact for each one.

High Risk

1. Accessibility Stack

1.1. CSPI (drop for GNOME3)

Risk level: high

There are a number of cspi consumers (also listed on this page):

1.2. libgail-gnome (drop for GNOME3)

Risk level: high

2. Assistive Technologies

2.1. New Universal Access Preferences UI

Risk level: high

2.2. AccessX-Status Applet

Risk level: high

3. Desktop Environment

3.1. GNOME Shell: General

Risk level: high

3.2. Shell Panel

Risk level: high

GNOME Shell provides its own new panel. The availability and accessibility of applets needs to be taken into account. Need to contact the GNOME Shell team about this.

3.3. "New" GTK+ Widgets

Risk level: high

Some "new" GTK+ widgets need testing

3.4. gnome-panel

Risk level: high

Medium Risk

1. Accessibility Stack

1.1. at-spi2-registryd (D-Bus)

Risk level: medium

1.2. pyatspi2 (D-Bus)

Risk level: medium

need to start working on using it with the Orca regression test suite as a means to help test and harden the implementation. Testing with LDTPv2 test suites will also be very useful.

1.3. accessibility bus (D-Bus)

Risk level: medium

1.4. atk-bridge (D-Bus)

Risk level: medium

1.5. Java ATK Wrapper (JAW)

Risk level: medium

1.6. login-helper (deprecate?)

Risk level: medium

2. Assistive Technologies

2.1. Accerciser

Risk level: medium

2.2. Dasher

Risk level: medium

2.3. Caribou

Risk level: medium

2.4. gnome-mag (port to D-Bus)

Risk level: medium

2.5. GNOME Shell Toolkit

Risk level: medium

GNOME Shell also is creating its own toolkit based on NBTK/MX. Any additional widgets created here need to support ATK and also need to support keyboard navigation. GNOME Shell may end up using some form of mx (in theory, St and MX will be merge, "eventually")

2.6. GNOME Shell Magnification

Risk level: medium

2.7. Orca

Risk level: medium

3. Desktop Environment

3.1. Clutter/Cally

Risk level: medium

Clutter is a very low-level "super class" for making widgets. Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias (API) is working on Cally.

Cally is basically the GAIL equivalent for Clutter and will help provide a building block for accessibility support in GNOME Shell. It is required to a proper configuration of Cally and atk-bridge on gnome-shell. It is also important the Cally ATK support itself. You can check Cally bugs here:

3.2. GNOME Shell: Theming

Risk level: medium

GNOME Shell provides some level of theming for adjusting colors, fonts, etc. It is unclear, however, how or if this theming support will be connected to the general GNOME theming/appearance properties. Need to contact the GNOME Shell team about this. Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias (API) may help with this as well.

3.3. WebKitGtk (support ATK)

Risk level: medium

3.4. gdm

Risk level: medium

3.5. Evince

Risk level: medium

3.6. LDTP (port to pyatspi)

Risk level: medium

Low Risk

These are the items which have been deemed a minimal risk for GNOME 3.0 and/or were higher-risk items that have since been addressed.

1. Accessibility Stack

1.1. atk

Risk level: low

1.2. GAIL

Risk level: low

1.3. Java Access Bridge for GNOME (JABG - drop for GNOME3)

Risk level: low

2. Assistive Technologies

2.1. MouseTweaks Applet

Risk level: low

3. Desktop Environment

3.1. GNOME Shell: Keyboard Navigation

Risk level: low

GNOME Shell requires support keyboard navigation (e.g., arrowing, tabbing, etc.) for people who cannot use the mouse. This requires support directly inside GNOME Shell and/or the toolkit that GNOME Shell is using.


1. Yelp 3

2024-10-23 10:57