GNOME Accessibility Team
3.2 "Nice to Haves"
1. Introduction
This page lists:
the accessibility changes we feel are strongly desired to have in time for the release of GNOME 3.2, but not absolutely essential.
items which we feel can be addressed, if given sufficient resources
Team members should:
- keep existing entries up-to-date
- ensure all entries remain uniform in content and appearance
For those things which are absolutely essential, please see our 3.2 Issues page.
2. A11y Team Modules
2.1. Caribou
Key Contacts: EitanIsaacson
Work Remaining - Updated: 26-April-2011
Need to determine what is required.
Impact: We currently have no fully-incorporated, fully-working on-screen keyboard shipping with GNOME 3.
Bug(s): None filed at this time.
Next Action: To be identified.
Person(s) Responsible: EitanIsaacson
2.2. Java ATK Wrapper (JAW)
Key Contacts: Ke Wang
Work Remaining - Updated: 26-April-2011
Eliminate X Conflict
Impact: At least one Java application hangs the GNOME desktop using JAW.
Bug(s): 648152
Next Action: Create the patches for JAW, at-spi and Orbit-2.
Person(s) Responsible: Ke Wang
Other bugs need triaging
2.3. GNOME Shell Magnifier
Key Contacts: JosephS
Work Remaining - Updated: 7-April-2011
GNOME Shell Magnifier does not track focus or the caret.
Impact: GNOME Shell Magnifier users must either use Orca, or regularly move the mouse to see the active area. Screen magnification solutions in other platforms do not have the requirement of using a screen reader.
Bug(s): 647074
Next Action: To be identified.
Person(s) Responsible: None at this time.
2.4. Orca
Key Contacts: JoanmarieDiggs, AlejandroLeiva
Work Remaining - Updated: 6-September-2011
Orca currently "drives" some magnifiers; it should instead co-exist with them.
Impact: The majority of magnification users do not require the full support of a screen reader; the majority of screen reader users do not require magnification users. Thus most users are getting overhead and UI elements that do not apply to them.
Bug(s): 647076
Next Action: Wait until gnome-shell mag implements focus and caret tracking.
Person(s) Responsible: JoanmarieDiggs
Orca should provide access to more complex documents rendered via WebKitGtk.
Impact: All but the simplest of content displayed by Empathy is not accessible to users who are blind.
Bug(s): None filed at this time.
Next Action: Joanmarie will complete the necessary work in Orca.
Person(s) Responsible: JoanmarieDiggs
3. Other GNOME Modules
3.1. Gtk/Gail
Key Contacts: MatthiasClasen, Benjamin Otte, Li Yuan
Work Remaining - Updated: 7-June-2011
Incorporate Gail into Gtk
Impact: This should hopefully give the a11y code more attention from GTK+ people, and allow us to remove some gross hacks that were necessitated by the code living outside GTK+ in a module.
Bug(s): None filed at this time.
Next Actions: (As outlined in Matthias' plan)
- Benjamin and Cosimo review and merge all the outstanding CSS feature branches for 3.2.
- Matthias does a 3.1 release.
- Benjamin and Matthias work on moving the gail code to gtk/a11y and doing some initial cleanups in master, the goal being to have things back to a more or less working state, by mid-July, so another 3.1 release with this can be done before Guadec.
Person(s) Responsible: MatthiasClasen, Benjamin Otte, AlejandroPiñeiro, others
3.2. GNOME Shell
Key Contacts: AlejandroPiñeiro, DanWinship
Work Remaining - Updated: 25-April-2011
Implement Accessibility Theming
Impact: Users for whom the sole current gnome-shell theme is insufficient do not have a simple means to adjust the theme to better suit their needs.
Bug(s): 618888
Next Action: To be identified.
Person(s) Responsible: DanWinship
3.3. gnome themes standard
Key Contacts MegFord
Work Remaining - Updated: 11-October-2011
Fix present bugs related to themes
Bug(s): 644000, 644001, 644003, 644004,655838, 655839, 655842, 655844, 655845, 655846, 655847, 655851,655852,655853, 655854, 655855, 655856, 655857, 655859, 655860, 655863, 655873
Next Action: Edit icons in as per discussion with AndreasNilsson. These icons will be included in the 3.4 release. CosimoCecchi will do the work to incorporate them. After the release, MegFord will continue to work on replacing all of the High Contrast style icons with new symbolic style icons.
Person(s) Responsible: MegFord
3.4. Common Magnifier Framework
Key Contacts: JosephS, FernandoHerrera, AlejandroLeiva
Work Remaining - Updated: 27-April-2011
Finalize common API(s) for magnifiers
Impact: Any AT that uses a magnifier need not know which one is available.
Bug(s): None filed at this time.
Next Action: Continue refining the specification (Common Magnifier Framework).
Person(s) Responsible: JosephS, FernandoHerrera, AlejandroLeiva.