Last time someone helped with translation of this page was 2006-03-23. There may be differences to HelpOnConfiguration.
我们简单地把英文的系统设置帮助包含在这里, 如果您有时间, 请帮忙翻译成简体中文。为了正确地使用简体中文,除了英文系统必要的一些设置外,还需要在wikiconfig.py中设置如下的选项:
帮助-访问权限控制表 (权限/用户控制)
/用户设置 (禁用/移除用户)
1. 配置单独的维基
如要运行单独的维基, 你不需要复制“”文件到配置目录中(删除它和“.pyc”文件,如果它们在那里)。如果没有farmconfig,moin就使用默认的。
1.1. 维基配置文件结构
wiki/ 结构:
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- from MoinMoin.multiconfig import DefaultConfig class Config(DefaultConfig): sitename = u'MyWiki' # u 意味着字符串转化为Unicode格式 interwikiname = 'MyWiki' data_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/data/' underlay_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/underlay/' # 更多设置...
- 第一步,你必须定义配置文件的编码。缺省配置只能用于Latin("西方")语种,若要进行国际化配置,请阅读下一个部分。如果不定义配置文件的代码,你就无法使用非ASCII字符。
- 下一步导入Moin的内部缺省配置。缺省配置设置了所有配置的属性,所以不必去定义所有的属性,只需要定制想要的属性即可。
- 然后定义名为"Config"的新的配置类,从导入的缺省配置中继承所有设置。注意这个类的名字必须叫做"Config"。
- 下面几行是Config类的配置选项。注意每一行必须缩进4个空格,不允许使用制表符(tab)。如果缩进错误,Moin就无法运行。
一个常用的配置项是sitename - 大多数情况下,你不希望wiki的名字是默认的"Untitled Wiki"。你可以使用任何语言定义任何wiki的名字,但是在此之前,请阅读下一节关于Unicode的设置。
如果你按照安装建议操作,那么wiki会正常运行。但是也许你还想改变其他配置,比如data_dir,data_underlay_dir,acl_rights_before 等等。大多数情况下,修改安装包自带的wikiconfig.py文件中的配置就足够了。
2. Unicode选项
重要信息: 如要使用unicode,你必须在配置文件第一行设置正确的编码。请检查你的编辑器配置是否正确。
有一些配置必须使用unicode表示。例如,网站名称(site name)可能包含德语/法语/汉语/阿拉伯语/。因此,你必须使用unicode字符串表示这些配置。 Unicode字符串通过前置字母u表示。下面是一些例子:
# 网站名称,默认用于wiki名称logo [Unicode] sitename = u"Jürgen's Wiki" # 另一个例子: sitename = u'הוויקי של יורגן''
- 如果你使用utf-8编码(或者 plain ascii),就不需要使用unicode字符串,moin会自动对字符串解码。New in 1.3.2.
3. 国际化设置
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
使用unicode字符串的选项 (国际化用户可能会修改它们):
- sitename
- logo_string
- page_front_page
- navi_bar
- page_category_regex
- page_dict_regex
- page_group_regex
- page_template_regex
- page_license_page - New in 1.3.2
- page_local_spelling_words - New in 1.3.2
- acl_rights_default - New in 1.3.2
- acl_rights_before - New in 1.3.2
- acl_rights_after - New in 1.3.2
- mail_from - New in 1.5.0
For ready made configuration in your language, see ConfigMarket. Read also the section about unicode options.
4. 配置多个维基
为了选择正确配置,moin使用配置文件farmconfig.py中的变量wikis - 其包含(wikiname, url-regex)一对对的列表。 wikiname只能使用正确的python语法(确切的说: identifier ::= (letter|"_") (letter | digit | "_")* - 如果你不能理解这个语法,那么使用简单的单词就可以了)。当处理对某个URL的访问请求时,moin搜索这个列表,试图匹配URL。如果不能匹配,则试图匹配下一对。如果匹配,moin加载名为<wikiname>.py的配置文件(通常位于相同目录) 。
发行包中的farmconfig.py文件包含一些维基农场(wiki farm)的配置例子。你应该修改这个文件以适应自身的需要。
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # from MoinMoin.multiconfig import DefaultConfig class FarmConfig(DefaultConfig): url_prefix = '/wiki' show_hosts = 1 underlay_dir = '/where/ever/common/underlay' # ...
- 说明:
- 首先导入默认配置
- 现在定义新的农场(farm)配置类 - 继承自默认配置
- 然后我们改变所有维基的通用设置,暂时不修改那些各有不同的设置
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # from farmconfig import FarmConfig class Config(FarmConfig): show_hosts = 0 sitename = u'MoinMaster' interwikiname = 'MoinMaster' data_dir = '/org/de.wikiwikiweb.moinmaster/data/' # ...
- 说明:
请参考单独维基的配置,两者唯一的区别在于: 类继承自FarmConfig (它继承自DefaultConfig),而不是直接继承自DefaultConfig
现在将show_hosts设置为0 - 我们希望农场中大部分维基都有此选项,但这个维基除外
- 还要设置sitename,interwikiname和data_dir(常见设置)
5. 配置选项总览
从moin 1.3.1开始,有些选项必须使用unicode字符串。请阅读unicode选项一节的内容。
变量名 |
默认值 |
描述 |
SecurityPolicy |
None |
Class object hook for implementing security restrictions |
acl_... |
... |
wiki-wide access control list definition (see HelpOnAccessControlLists) |
allow_xslt |
0 |
True to enable XSLT processing via 4Suite (note that this enables anyone with enough know-how to insert arbitrary HTML into your wiki, which is why it defaults to 0) |
actions_excluded |
[] |
Exclude unwanted actions (list of strings) |
attachments |
None |
If None, send attachments via CGI; else this has to be a dictionary with the path to attachment storage (key dir) and the equivalent URL prefix to that same dir (key url) |
auth |
[moin_cookie] |
list of auth functions, to be called in this order (see HelpOnAuthentication) |
bang_meta |
1 |
enable !NoWikiName markup |
caching_formats |
['text_html'] |
output formats that are cached; set to [] to turn off caching (useful for development) |
changed_time_fmt |
'%H:%M' |
Time format used on RecentChanges for page edits within the last 24 hours |
chart_options |
None |
If you have gdchart, use something like chart_options = {'width': 720, 'height': 540} |
cookie_domain |
None |
farmconfig: use this domain for the MoinMoin cookie |
cookie_path |
None |
farmconfig: use this path for the MoinMoin cookie |
cookie_lifetime |
12 |
12 hours from now until the MoinMoin cookie expires and you get logged out |
data_dir |
'./data/' |
Path to the data directory containing your (locally made) wiki pages. |
data_underlay_dir |
'./underlay/' |
Path to the underlay directory containing distribution system and help pages. |
date_fmt |
'%Y-%m-%d' |
System date format, used mostly in RecentChanges |
datetime_fmt |
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' |
Default format for dates and times (when the user has no preferences or chose the "default" date format) |
default_markup |
'wiki' |
Default page parser / format (name of module in MoinMoin.parser) |
docbook_html_dir |
'...' |
Path to the docbook html directory (optional, used by the docbook parser). The default value is correct for Debian Sarge. |
editor_default |
'text' |
Editor to use by default, 'text' or 'gui' |
editor_ui |
'freechoice' |
Editor choice shown on the user interface, 'freechoice' or 'theonepreferred' |
editor_force |
False |
Force using the default editor |
editor_quickhelp |
{'wiki':"...", 'rst':"..."} |
Quickhelp provided at the bottom of edit pages. To customize, specify a dictionary with key matching default_markup (e.g. 'wiki') and give a string value containing wiki markup |
edit_locking |
'warn 10' |
Editor locking policy: None, 'warn <timeout in minutes>', or 'lock <timeout in minutes>' |
edit_rows |
20 |
Default height of the edit box |
hacks |
{} |
for use by moin development |
hosts_deny |
[] |
List of denied IPs; if an IP ends with a dot, it denies a whole subnet (class A, B or C) |
html_head |
"" |
Additional <HEAD> tags for all pages (see HelpOnSkins) |
html_head_posts |
robots: noindex,nofollow |
Additional <HEAD> tags for POST requests |
html_head_index |
robots: index,follow |
Additional <HEAD> tags for some few index pages |
html_head_normal |
robots: index,nofollow |
Additional <HEAD> tags for most normal pages |
html_head_queries |
robots: noindex,nofollow |
Additional <HEAD> tags for requests with query strings, like actions |
html_pagetitle |
None |
Allows you to set a specific HTML page title (if not set, it defaults to the value of sitename) |
interwiki_preferred |
[] |
In dialogues, show those wikis at the top of the list. |
interwikiname |
None |
InterWiki name (prefix, moniker) of the site, or None |
language_default |
'en' |
Default language for user interface and page content, see HelpOnLanguages! |
language_ignore_browser |
False |
Ignore user's browser language settings, see HelpOnLanguages! |
logo_string |
sitename |
The wiki logo top of page, HTML is allowed (<img> is possible as well) [Unicode] |
lupy_search |
False |
use the lupy indexing search engine (DEPRECATED, gone in 1.6) |
mail_from |
None |
From: header used in sent mails, e.g. mail_from = u'Jürgen Wiki <>'. See /EmailSupport. |
mail_import_subpage_template |
u"$from-$date-$subject" |
This is the template for the pagename generated by the mail import code. See /EmailSupport. New in 1.6. |
mail_import_wiki_address |
None |
The e-mail address of the e-mails that should go into the wiki See /EmailSupport. New in 1.6. |
mail_import_secret |
"" |
The secret that matches the configuration file. See /EmailSupport. New in 1.6. |
mail_login |
None |
"user pwd" if you need to use SMTP AUTH |
mail_smarthost |
None |
IPv4 address or hostname of an SMTP-enabled server (with optional :port appendix, defaults to 25). Note that email features (notification, mailing of login data) works only if this variable is set. |
mail_sendmail |
None |
If set to e.g. '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i', use this sendmail command to send mail. Default is to send mail by an internal function using SMTP. |
navi_bar |
[u'%(page_front_page)s', u'RecentChanges', u'FindPage', u'HelpContents',] |
Most important page names. Users can add more names in their quick links in UserPreferences. To link to URL, use u"[url link title]", to use a shortened name for long page name, use u"[LongLongPageName title]". To use page names with spaces, use u"[page_name_with_spaces any title]" [list of Unicode strings] |
nonexist_qm |
0 |
Default for displaying WantedPages with a question mark, like in the original wiki (changeable by the user) |
page_category_regex |
ur'(?P<all>Category(?P<key>\S+))' |
Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as Wiki categories [Unicode] |
page_credits |
[...] |
list with html fragments with logos or strings for crediting. |
page_dict_regex |
u'[a-z0-9]Dict$' |
Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as containing variable dictionary definitions [Unicode] |
page_footer1 |
"" |
Custom HTML markup sent before the system footer (see HelpOnSkins) |
page_footer2 |
"" |
Custom HTML markup sent after the system footer (see HelpOnSkins) |
page_front_page |
Name of the front page. We don't expect you to keep the default. Just read HelpOnLanguages in case you're wondering... [Unicode] |
page_group_regex |
u'[a-z0-9]Group$' |
Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as containing group definitions [Unicode] |
page_header1 |
"" |
Custom HTML markup sent before the system header / title area (see HelpOnSkins) |
page_header2 |
"" |
Custom HTML markup sent after the system header / title area (see HelpOnSkins) |
page_iconbar |
["view", ...] |
list of icons to show in iconbar, valid values are only those in page_icons_table. Available only in classic theme. |
page_icons_table |
dict |
dict of {'iconname': (url, title, icon-img-key), ...}. Available only in classic theme. |
page_license_enabled |
0 |
Show a license hint in page editor. |
page_license_page |
u'WikiLicense' |
Page linked from the license hint. [Unicode] |
page_local_spelling_words |
Name of the page containing user-provided spellchecker words [Unicode] |
page_template_regex |
u'[a-z0-9]Template$' |
Pagenames containing a match for this regex are regarded as templates for new pages [Unicode] |
refresh |
None |
refresh = (minimum_delay_s, targets_allowed) enables use of #refresh 5 PageName processing instruction, targets_allowed must be either 'internal' or 'external' |
shared_intermap |
None |
Path to a file containing global InterWiki definitions (or a list of such filenames) |
show_hosts |
1 |
Disable this option to hide host names and IPs |
show_interwiki |
0 |
Enable this option to let the theme display your interwiki name |
show_login |
1 |
Disable this option to get login/logout action removed |
show_names |
1 |
Disable this option to hide names from the info view and RecentChanges (this was previously done by show_hosts) |
show_section_numbers |
0 |
True to show section numbers in headings by default |
show_timings |
0 |
Shows some timing values at bottom of page - used for development |
show_version |
0 |
Show MoinMoin's version at the bottom of each page |
sitename |
u'Untitled Wiki' |
Short description of your wiki site, displayed below the logo on each page, and used in RSS documents as the channel title [Unicode] |
stylesheets |
[] |
List of tuples (media, csshref) to insert after theme css, before user css |
superuser |
[] |
List of trusted user names with wiki system administration super powers (not to be confused with ACL admin rights!). Used for e.g. making full backups, software installation, language installation via SystemPagesSetup and more. See also HelpOnPackageInstaller. |
theme_default |
'modern' |
the name of the theme that is used by default (see HelpOnThemes) |
theme_force |
False |
If True, do not allow to change the theme |
trail_size |
5 |
Number of pages in the trail of visited pages |
tz_offset |
0.0 |
default time zone offset in hours from UTC |
ua_spiders |
...|google|wget|... |
A regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTs that should be excluded from logging |
url_mappings |
{} |
lookup table to remap URL prefixes (dict of 'prefix': 'replacement'); especially useful in intranets, when whole trees of externally hosted documents move around |
url_prefix |
'/wiki' |
used as the base URL for icons, css, etc. |
unzip_attachments_count |
51 |
the number of files which are extracted from the zip file |
unzip_attachments_space |
200MB |
this total amount of bytes can be used to unzip files. |
unzip_single_file_size |
2MB |
size of a single file in the archive which will be extracted |
user_autocreate |
False |
If set to True user accounts are created automatically (see HelpOnAuthentication). |
user_checkbox_defaults |
dict |
Sets the default settings of the UserPreferences checkboxes. See /UserPreferences or for the default settings. Example: user_checkbox_defaults = {'edit_on_doubleclick': 0} |
user_checkbox_disable |
[] |
a list of checkbox names to be disabled in the UserPreferences. A disabled checkbox is displayed greyedout and uses the default value set in user_checkbox_defaults. |
user_checkbox_fields |
[...] |
list of checkbox items, see /UserPreferences or |
user_checkbox_remove |
[] |
a list of checkbox names to be removed from the UserPreferences. A removed checkbox uses the default value set in user_checkbox_defaults. See /UserPreferences |
user_email_unique |
True |
check emails for uniqueness and don't accept duplicates. |
user_form_defaults |
[] |
a list of form defaults for UserPreferences. See /UserPreferences |
user_form_disable |
[] |
a list of form field names to be disabled in the UserPreferences. A disabled field is displayed greyedout and uses the default value set in user_form_defaults. See /UserPreferences |
user_form_fields |
[...] |
list of userprefs form items, see /UserPreferences or |
user_form_remove |
[] |
a list of form field names to be removed from the UserPreferences. A removed form field uses the default value set in user_form_defaults. See /UserPreferences |
user_homewiki |
Self |
farmconfig: wiki where the user home pages are located (useful if you have many users). You could even link to nonwiki "user pages" if the wiki username is in the target URL. |
xmlrpc_putpage_enabled |
False |
True to enable wikirpc's putPage call writing to the given pagename. When False, it always writes to PutPageTestPage instead of the given pagename. |
xmlrpc_putpage_trusted_only |
True |
Require users using putPage call to be in Trusted group (usually achieved by http auth). |
有些值只能在 MoinMoin/ 中设置(他们是MoinMoin代码的一部分,因此对所有维基都有影响),- 只有对系统很了解的情况下才可以修改这些值:
charset |
'utf-8' |
the encoding / character set used by the wiki |
lowerletters |
ucs-2 lowercase letters |
Lowercase letters, used to define what is a WikiName |
smileys |
{} |
user-defined smileys (a dict with the markup as the key and a tuple of width, height, border, image name as the value) |
umask |
0770 |
umask used on all open(), mkdir() and similar calls |
upperletters |
ucs-2 uppercase letters |
uppercase letters, used to define what is a WikiName |
url_schemas |
[] |
additional URL schemas you want to have recognized (list of strings; e.g. ['ldap', 'imap']) |
6. 特殊选项
6.1. Character Set
Moin uses unicode internally, and utf-8 for external output and input, like pages, html output and translation files. The external character set is defined in config.charset to utf-8. This setting is fine for all languages, as any character can be encoded in utf-8. You should not change this value, although technically it is possible.
Do not change config.charset. It is not tested and we can't support this.