< ebassi> so, agenda for tonight < bratsche> bitte schoen! < ebassi> 1. 2.14 release * bratsche wants to practice German more :) < ebassi> 2. non-x11 backends readiness < ebassi> 3. 2.90/3.0 plan < ebassi> 4. advisory board meeting/conference call < ebassi> 5. miscellanea < mclasen> vuntz had the board confcall w. gtk+ participation that he sent mail about < mclasen> but I don't see vuntz atm < ebassi> mclasen: poked vuntz < ebassi> we can probably wait until he pokes back/joins < mclasen> yep, lets start with something else first < mclasen> 2.14 release readiness, maybe < mclasen> tml, bratsche: how does 2.13 look on win32 ? < tml> mclasen: I don't know of any blocker as such < mclasen> ok, sounds good < mclasen> unfortunately, it seems no osx people around this time... < mclasen> have people played around with federicos latest patch for the file chooser ? < mclasen> I have seen at least one report of problematic behaviour, I think < pbor> mclasen: I filed a bug this morning < pbor> which looks pretty bad (at least on my pc) < Mikachu> i have a bug in the file chooser here, it doesn't shrink when i click the little triangle thing < mclasen> Mikachu: that is the regression that federicos patch is supposed to fix < Mikachu> aha < Mikachu> nm then :) < mclasen> pbor: what was the problem ? < pbor> mclasen: bug #549403 < pbor> the filechooser is popped up in a corner < Mikachu> what's the # for the patch? < mclasen> its in svn < Mikachu> that explains why i didn't find it then < mclasen> I'll try to get federico to look at 549403 < mclasen> so, maybe time to switch to the 2.90/3.0 plan < mclasen> I've got a good amount of feedback now, I'll try to fold that into a second draft and send that around tonight < pbor> mclasen: I'll try to take a look myself if I have a bit of time but that code is pretty awkward < ebassi> mclasen: sounds good < ebassi> mclasen: do you plan to put it on gtk.org/mailing list or live.gnome.org? < mclasen> ebassi: my idea was to send that out to the mailing list around the time of the 2.14 release < mclasen> and put something more verbose on the website, like a gtk3 section < mclasen> but I haven't started any work on that < ebassi> mclasen: okay < mclasen> hey there is vunt < mclasen> z < mclasen> vuntz: you wanted to talk about the board meeting ? < vuntz> mclasen: well, if you're done with the current topic, sure :-) < mclasen> I'm done < vuntz> so, I'll try to keep it short :-) < vuntz> back at guadec, timj and kris joined the advisory board meeting for 20-30 minutes to present the GTK+ 3 plans < vuntz> I think it was quite useful for the people who were there < mclasen> ok < vuntz> unfortunately, at this meeting we didn't have all the technical people from all advisory board members and we got requests from people asking for a bit more discussion < mclasen> I see that you talk about a ~30 min presentation by GTK+ people about gtk3 < vuntz> it was also pointed out that it might have been useful to have some ISV/ISD there to get a wider audience < mclasen> I probably won't be able to do that... < vuntz> mclasen: well, that's the standard advisory board phone call format for now, and we can certainly adapt it. It's clearly not set in stone < vuntz> so the board is trying to organize a phone call on september 10th (iirc) with all the right people < mclasen> vuntz: just saying, I'd be much more comfortable if the gtk3 presentation comes from the people who are actually doing the work < vuntz> mclasen: oh, sure. Board members are clearly not able to do that < mclasen> so I'll really hope that of of tim, kris, mitch will be able to attend < vuntz> and timj generally does a good job about this, so I hope he'll be able to join < mclasen> vuntz: my current plans for gtk roadmap communication involve assembling an email to send out around the time 2.14 is released < mclasen> so that will be available by the time the confcall takes place < vuntz> awesome! < timj> vuntz: i should, what was the date again? < mclasen> I also want to look at getting that stuff up on the website < vuntz> timj: I think it's september 10th (second wednesday of the month). behdad, is this right? < vuntz> mclasen: great! I'm trying to gather some data to send to the people who will attend the meeting so they can read some stuff before the meeting < vuntz> will be more productive this way < behdad> what's that? < vuntz> I'll also ask them before hand if they have questions, that I'll forward to the gtk+ team < behdad> oh < vuntz> behdad: ab meeting? < behdad> yeah, sep 10 it seems to me < mclasen> the email I see says sep 11 < vuntz> mclasen: nod. It moved from Thursday to Wednesday < mclasen> oh, ok < vuntz> fwiw, I'm talking to the advisory board people to have technical people attend the meeting, so that it's more useful < vuntz> I'm also trying to reach various companies/projects who might be interested in all that, like eclipse, adobe, real, vmware, etc. < vuntz> we don't want this to turn out as a "GTK+ people vs others" debate. Instead, we hope it will make it possible to involve new people in the plans < mclasen> vuntz: it is also important to avoid the impression that 'everyone has a say' in this... < mclasen> I mean, it is fine to have comments from interested players, but ultimatively, the GTK+ maintainers will have to decide < vuntz> mclasen: sure. By "involve" I don't mean people discussing, but people contributing upstream < vuntz> and helping for GTK+ 3 < mclasen> ok, my calendar looks good right now for the time of the confcall, so I should be able to attend < vuntz> cool < mclasen> did I see anybody else commit to being there, timj ? < mclasen> vuntz: anything else we need to discuss wrt to the meeting ? < vuntz> well, if you can think of any big ISV that might be interested in joining, just tell me < vuntz> I got replies from real & vmware. My mail to adobe went in a black hole so far, fwiw -!- dom [~lachowicz@] has left #gtk-devel [] < vuntz> eclipse people were interested too < timj> mclasen: i do. and i'll try to get kris & mitch there also (for kris it depends on uni schedule) < mclasen> timj: ok, thanks < vuntz> timj: great! < bratsche> Maybe someone from Medsphere (other than me) wants to join, should I ask them? < vuntz> bratsche: if it makes sense, yes. Drop me a mail when you know < bratsche> What is this meeting called? Advisory board meeting or something? < vuntz> bratsche: yes, it's a GNOME Foundation Advisory Board meeting, but it's extended to outside people < bratsche> Okay. We have a meeting in ~5 mins, I'll just mention it and see if anyone feels the need to join. * mclasen looks at the calendar < bratsche> They were asking a lot of questions about gtk3 after reading miguel's and others blog posts, but they seem to have calmed down now anyway. < mclasen> I'll probably end up doing stable releases a week from now, ~ next wednesday < timj> mclasen: cool < mclasen> anything else to discuss ? * mclasen gets nagged to pay attention to the kids... * Mikachu just finished compiling with the filechooser patch, will test in 5 seconds < Mikachu> but that can most likely wait ): < Mikachu> :)* < Mikachu> yeah, same results as paolo < mclasen> does the expanding work as expected, though ? < Lethalman> err, i'm not a gtk developer so I'm sorry in advice :) but I was thinking to suggest a common interface for radio/toggle buttons < Mikachu> yeah, it isn't super big when contracted < Lethalman> for e.g. gtk3 < ebassi> Lethalman: send it to the gtk-devel-list with an API proposal < mclasen> Mikachu: ok, thanks < ebassi> Lethalman: and keep nagging if you don't get comments < Lethalman> ebassi, ok < Lethalman> thanks < Lethalman> I've already filed in a bug a couple of months ago with no replies < mclasen> later, guys * mclasen drops out < ebassi> Lethalman: api proposals should always go to gtk-devel - bugzilla is not very good at discussing stuff < ebassi> Lethalman: but reference the bug when mailing gtk-devel-list < Lethalman> ok of course < ebassi> you'll see people cc-ing it soon enough :-) < ebassi> okay, so meeting adjourned < ebassi> will send the minutes and upload the log as soon as possible, as usual < timj> ebassi: thanks a lot ;)