14:01:37 < OgMaciel> Welcome everyone to today's meeting! The agenda is empty but I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have! 14:02:29 < aday> OgMaciel: hi :) 14:02:51 < OgMaciel> howdy aday, how is it going? 14:04:27 < aday> OgMaciel: good thanks. really busy with design work at the moment 14:04:50 < OgMaciel> aday: cool! been busy myself 14:07:18 -!- sri [~sri@li160-162.members.linode.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 14:07:21 -!- sri [~sri@li160-162.members.linode.com] has joined #foundation 14:21:09 * OgMaciel wondering if anyone has any questions... 14:23:07 < aday> OgMaciel: seems like everyone is saving their foundation business for the elections 14:23:16 < OgMaciel> hehe 14:23:33 < aday> OgMaciel: which is maybe a topic in itself - why people don't feel empowered to do this stuff anyway 14:24:05 < OgMaciel> aday: how so? 14:27:13 < aday> OgMaciel: a lot of people propose themselves for the board in order to do things that they could do anyway 14:27:35 < aday> OgMaciel: it would be cool if we could foster an environment where they just do it :) 14:28:36 < aday> OgMaciel: people have no end of ambitions and plans for gnome, yet this meeting is empty 14:28:45 < OgMaciel> aday: I think that is more of an attitude perception that can be dealt by the marketing team perhaps? 14:29:24 < OgMaciel> meaning, people need to know that they can come to meetings and make a difference 14:29:27 * aday hides 14:29:30 < OgMaciel> hehe 14:30:14 < aday> we could maybe look to other communities for inspiration. ubuntu does very well at inspiring community led projects, for example 14:30:25 < aday> i wonder what the differences are 14:30:49 < aday> (population might be one, of course) 14:31:16 < OgMaciel> true 14:31:57 < aday> maybe foundation membership could be made to mean more, somehow? 14:32:07 < aday> maybe we could provide resources to help community projects? 14:32:42 < OgMaciel> aday: we already have some resources available... what do you think we could provide? 14:34:05 < aday> no idea :) 14:34:38 < OgMaciel> hehe 14:43:29 < aday> we should really make a bigger deal of membership though - it would be really encouraging and enabling 14:43:39 < aday> look at all the stuff you get if you become a ubuntu member - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership 14:46:26 -!- jclinton [~jclinton@] has joined #foundation 14:49:54 < andre> aday, maybe it's unclear what the "advantages" of being on the board are? 14:50:53 < andre> OgMaciel, well, where was this meeting announced? I didn't see anything except for a short-term (15min before) note on #gnome-hackers. 14:51:34 < OgMaciel> andre: it is published on news.g.o a week before the meeting... 14:51:40 < afranke> aday, what about taking the problem in reverse order? What use is the board if I can do everything from outside the board? 14:52:03 < andre> OgMaciel, urgh, a week. that's like... already a week ago? :-P 14:52:09 < OgMaciel> hehehe 14:52:38 < afranke> OgMaciel, do you think negociating LWN subscriptions for foundation members would be doable? 14:53:04 < andre> we should have an online ical file listing all such stuff that people can just have in their calendar probably... 14:53:07 < OgMaciel> afranke: we already give subscribers to FoG a subscription... 14:53:10 < andre> plus with any meetings... 14:53:21 < afranke> OgMaciel, and is that expensive for us? 14:53:22 < OgMaciel> andre: sounds like a good idea to me 14:53:30 < OgMaciel> afranke: we get a discount 15:16:43 < aday> andre: i thought there was an ical somewhere... might be wrong 15:17:12 < aday> andre: probably right about the advantages :) 15:17:38 < aday> i'd be really interested to hear about how easy it was for previous board members to pursue their own agenda 15:18:13 < andre> aday, ask! 15:18:45 < andre> I'm not sure either whether being on the board will help pushing some things (but I hope that I expressed this in my initial email already). 15:18:46 < aday> erm, erm... ! 15:18:57 < aday> OgMaciel! ^ 15:19:16 < OgMaciel> aday: one minute 15:19:44 < aday> afranke, andre: a lot of people seem to want the validation of being a board member in order to push their plans 15:20:17 < andre> hmm. I can do whatever I want anyway, I think. But the discussions are definitely insightful and good to have. 15:20:18 < aday> afranke, andre: so maybe we need a different way to validate people and their efforts... 15:20:26 < andre> maybe, yupp 15:21:01 < andre> for me it is rather "if people think I could help there, I'm in. If not, I'm also totally fine." 15:21:29 < aday> andre: sounds like a good attitude for the board 15:22:07 < OgMaciel> aday: on the phone here, but to answer your question, nothing blocks you from pursuing your agenda... it is a matter of having the time and disposition to do it 15:22:18 < aday> yea 15:22:38 < aday> my sense is that being on the board soaks up time that could be used pursuing a specific agenda 15:23:09 < aday> it would be cool in the board could endorse and give a structure to particular initiatives somehow 15:23:12 < OgMaciel> if you're a guy with a full time job and other important things (such as kids), then yes 15:24:00 < aday> andre wants to make contribution better, so he goes to the board and they give him a gun and a badge and ask him to report back in a month 15:24:48 < aday> and they maybe give him some exposure too 15:25:03 < andre> haha, actually that was my picture for the last two days at work (MeeGo) already: carrying a gun with me for some meetings... 15:25:05 < andre> "So you all agree with me? Fine, fine. You have to, you know?" 15:25:17 < OgMaciel> :) 15:27:35 < aday> andre: someone gave you power? what a terrifying prospect :D 15:27:44 * aday runs 15:28:52 < andre> no, I just took some power. however that's a tad harder for areas where there's this pseudo-democratic "elections" concept instead of mertiocracy, you know. ;-)) 15:31:03 < aday> right - so that would be a really good thing the foundation could do - giving validity to people 15:59:40 -!- yippi [~bc99092@sca-ea-fw-1.Sun.COM] has joined #foundation 16:22:01 < ploum> aday, yep, also, it is a shame that the election seems of so few interest 16:22:06 < ploum> nearly no post on pgo 16:23:59 < andre> ploum, but you posted! :) 16:25:07 -!- andre [~andre@g1.blanicka25.net] has quit [andre] 16:34:55 < aday> ploum: i guess people feel they get enough by reading the foundation list 16:36:34 < ploum> aday, most people don't read the foundation list 16:36:45 < aday> ploum: even foundation members? 16:36:50 < ploum> I was hoping to see more debates 16:36:53 < ploum> aday, yes 16:37:05 < aday> hmph 16:37:14 < ploum> most of them unsubscribe after a few lefty vs RMS flamewars 16:37:22 < aday> understandable :) 16:37:31 < ploum> none of my members friends are actually subscribed to foundation 16:37:54 < aday> i guess people will start to be more interested if they see the foundation making a difference 16:38:07 < ploum> aday, yes, exactly 16:38:08 < aday> right now it's more administrative (which is fine) 16:38:20 < aday> (but not interesting) 16:38:27 < ploum> I think that the foundation should be more visible 16:38:40 < aday> i agree 16:38:51 < ploum> I really like OgMaciel ideas about having more advantages for members 16:38:58 < aday> hey, that was my idea! 16:39:06 < ploum> ops, sorry ;-) 16:39:11 < aday> heh heh 16:39:23 < ploum> some people asked me "but why should I become a member?" 16:39:35 < aday> there's loads we can do there 16:39:42 < aday> i'll agenda it for the next meeting 16:39:53 < ploum> I proposed that previously, for example, that members could automatically have the blog on the planet 16:40:06 < aday> nod. ubuntu does that 16:40:12 < ploum> because, actually, there is no relationship between being on the planet or being a member 16:40:28 < ploum> yes, I know, I was late in this meeting ;-) 16:40:33 < ploum> missed it 16:40:38 < aday> the planet has slightly different criteria, but they overlap 16:40:57 < ploum> it should be easier to just throw everybody in the same basket 16:41:15 < ploum> and, maybe, handle special case on a case-by-case basis 16:41:26 < aday> ploum: but to go back to your point about visibility - our technical development is becoming more goal orientated. it makes sense to mirror that in how the project is orientated 16:41:47 < aday> we could have something analogous to feature proposals, for example 16:42:40 < ploum> aday, could you give me an example? 16:42:48 < ploum> I think I see but not really sure 16:43:44 < ploum> I'm surprized you didn't stand for election yourself :-) 16:43:52 < aday> ploum: in your case, you'd propose a gnome business ecosystem initiative which the board would endorse in some way 16:44:11 < ploum> mm, I think I get your point 16:44:23 < ploum> I have to think more about it but it is really intererting 16:46:45 < aday> ploum: you'd also be required to set goals and to report back at a certain time - so there's an incentive 16:48:16 < ploum> aday, that makes sense 16:48:19 < ploum> really good idea 16:48:46 < ploum> I'm not sure I grasp all the implications yet but I will keep that in mind 16:57:34 < ploum> well, time to take some fresh air 16:57:40 < ploum> see you aday :-) 16:57:46 < ploum> thanks for all the good ideas 17:04:48 < aday> ploum: see you around :)