05:50 -!- Irssi: #foundation: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal] 06:02 < OgMaciel> Agenda: http://live.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/MeetingAgenda 06:02 < OgMaciel> everybody awake? 06:03 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, hi 06:03 < OgMaciel> hi pockeylam 06:03 -!- BLUG_Fred [~fred@] has quit [Ex-Chat] 06:04 < OgMaciel> 1) GNOME 3 marketing contractor 06:04 < OgMaciel> yippi: can you give us an update? 06:04 -!- BLUG_Fred [~fred@] has joined #foundation 06:05 -!- mode/#foundation [+o OgMaciel] by Stric 06:06 -!- OgMaciel changed the topic of #foundation to: Current Meeting: Jan. 12th, 2011 from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC - Agenda: http://live.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/MeetingAgenda 06:06 < BLUG_Fred> hi, sorry I had connection issue (thought I was in, but nothing what being displayed ) 06:06 -!- andreasn_ [~andreas@90-227-182-209-no128.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #foundation 06:06 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: no worries 06:06 <@OgMaciel> yippi: around? 06:07 <@OgMaciel> ok 06:07 <@OgMaciel> 1) GNOME 3 marketing contractor 06:07 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, do we have any candidate applied for the marketing post? 06:07 <@OgMaciel> What I do know is that we have only received one single application so far... 06:08 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: is supposed to reach out via email and see if we can get some suggestions for this position 06:08 < andreasn_> we really want more people to apply! Let us know if you know someone good 06:09 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, the job description is not very clear e.g. how long the work last, what's the workload, maybe that's why we don't receive much feedback? 06:09 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, i mean how much is the workload 06:09 <@OgMaciel> if you guys know of someone, let us know 06:09 <@OgMaciel> pockeylam: good point 06:09 <@OgMaciel> ACTION: be more specific about the job work load 06:10 < BLUG_Fred> and duration as well I guess 06:10 <@OgMaciel> sounds good 06:10 <@OgMaciel> shall we move on? 06:10 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, sure, please 06:10 <@OgMaciel> 2) gnome3.org 06:11 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: could you give us an update? 06:11 < andreasn_> OgMaciel, sure 06:11 -!- aday [~allan@] has joined #foundation 06:12 < andreasn_> pretty much finished to launch, aday is doing some final fixes 06:12 < andreasn_> but I think we should be pretty much ok to launch right now 06:12 < andreasn_> what do you think aday? 06:12 < andreasn_> all dev is going on here btw http://gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design/trees/master/www/gnome3.org 06:13 < aday> andreasn_: we're pretty much there. let's get it out there! 06:13 < andreasn_> so now we just need someone to do the right dns stuff 06:13 < andreasn_> I'll ping the sysadmins later today 06:14 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: have we got a day in mind? 06:14 < andreasn_> today? :) 06:14 < pockeylam> :) 06:14 <@OgMaciel> hehehe 06:14 < andreasn_> but we could do it tomorrow too 06:14 <@OgMaciel> sounds good! 06:14 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: yesterday? ;-) 06:14 < andreasn_> Yes! 06:15 < BLUG_Fred> wow... 06:15 <@OgMaciel> :) 06:15 <@OgMaciel> ok 06:15 <@OgMaciel> 3) 2010 Annual Report - how can we all help? 06:15 <@OgMaciel> this would probably be a pcutler or yippi thing... 06:16 <@OgMaciel> ok if we skip until yippi is around? 06:16 < andreasn_> I can help with the design this year 06:16 <@OgMaciel> cool 06:16 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, i can help to write the event report for gnome.asia 2010 again :) 06:16 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: can we have a bit of help with GNOME.Asia summit call for sponsor document as well? 06:16 <@OgMaciel> 2 volunteers! :) 06:18 <@OgMaciel> ok 06:18 < andreasn_> BLUG_Fred, sure, ping me tomorrow about it 06:18 <@OgMaciel> 4) Executive Director search committee update 06:18 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: thanks a lot, i will 06:18 <@OgMaciel> german would be the best person to give us an update on this 06:18 < BLUG_Fred> (I asked jimmac and he told me to ask you... hehe) 06:18 <@OgMaciel> there is a interviewing committee 06:19 <@OgMaciel> and I know that there are candidates 06:19 <@OgMaciel> and they seem to be gearing for the interview process 06:19 <@OgMaciel> but this is all I know 06:19 < BLUG_Fred> screening has started and I was told we have 7-8 strong candidates 06:19 <@OgMaciel> so you know as much as I do :) 06:21 * OgMaciel makes mental note to get more information 06:21 <@OgMaciel> 5) Recent discussions about "Fallback mode". Were decisions made? Explained? How can we communicate that to a wider audience now? 06:21 < aday> i've discussed this with mccann a little, and it's been talked about on #gnome-shell 06:21 -!- hadess [~hadess@cpc6-glfd5-2-0-cust126.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #foundation 06:22 <@OgMaciel> aday: what can you tell us? 06:22 <@OgMaciel> hadess can help too I'm sure 06:22 < aday> doesn't seem like there's a definite plan right now. there are a few options which are being considered, from what i can gather 06:22 < hadess> the way the gnome-shell developers want to implement fallback mode, you wouldn't get 2 separate types of session in GDM 06:23 < hadess> you'd log in, and if your computer doesn't support gnome-shell, you'd get the fallback mode 06:23 < hadess> this doesn't mean that it'll spot people from installing 2 separate session types 06:23 < hadess> but offering an "unbreak my system" option really isn't the way we want to do things 06:24 < hadess> and the session types stuff in gdm really is for geeks and power users 06:24 <@OgMaciel> hehe 06:25 < BLUG_Fred> isn't GNOME 3.0 for geeks and power users at this stage? 06:25 < hadess> BLUG_Fred: that'd be because it's not released yet 06:25 < BLUG_Fred> hadess: once it's released 06:25 < BLUG_Fred> sorry.. bad choice of words 06:25 < aday> the gnome3.org faq says something like 'gnome 3 *really* is better, but there will be an option to switch to gnome 2 if you really want it' 06:25 < hadess> no, it won't be 06:26 < hadess> aday: that's a misnomer 06:26 < BLUG_Fred> i was told gnome 3.0 was targeting existing gnome 2.x users 06:26 < hadess> BLUG_Fred: if targetting gnome 2.x users was the goal, we probably didn't need to change the user experience 06:27 < BLUG_Fred> and besides no distro is going to ship gnome 3.0 before a few months 06:27 < BLUG_Fred> ok 06:27 < hadess> BLUG_Fred: i know it's at least planned for fedora 15 06:27 < andreasn_> BLUG_Fred, I think the discussion was to communicate the changes to existing GNOME 2.x users 06:27 < BLUG_Fred> hadess: wow... 06:28 <@OgMaciel> 6) GNOME 3 launch goodies budget approved: shall we announce it and how/where? 06:29 < BLUG_Fred> I added the topic, I actually didn't know whether i should put it here or post on the marketing list 06:29 <@OgMaciel> german and emily not around... 06:29 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: please do that... 06:30 < BLUG_Fred> emily and yippi confirmed there was a budget approved and since the release is in 3 months 06:30 < andreasn_> so this goes together with arranging launch parties, so maybe put it on the gnome.org frontpage? 06:30 < BLUG_Fred> we should promote it somehow to get people to apply and send them stuff 06:30 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, the board approved the budget not long ago, the goodies are supposed to help to get more parties organized , so we should announce it in the front page of gnome.org and blog 06:30 <@OgMaciel> I have a quick meeting to attend... andreasn_ and hadess will take over 06:30 -!- andre_ [~andre@] has joined #foundation 06:31 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: conclusion/AI is to ask on marketing mailing list then? 06:32 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: what do you think? 06:32 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: I think it would be best 06:32 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: ok. i ll ask then. thank you 06:32 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: no problem (/me dialed in for meeting) 06:32 < BLUG_Fred> i also add the next item, so I can present 06:33 <@OgMaciel> 7) Status of our collaboration efforts with distributions 06:33 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: go :) 06:33 < BLUG_Fred> we had a discussion 1 or 2 IRC meetings ago about trying to reach out and better understand if we could help downstream projects 06:33 < andreasn_> did you get any good feedback? 06:33 < BLUG_Fred> i have contacted people at Novell, Red Hat, Oracle (2 teams), Canonical and Debian 06:34 < BLUG_Fred> as discussed with others 06:34 < BLUG_Fred> so far Novell as replied, Debian and Canonical is going to.... soon 06:34 < BLUG_Fred> yippi has helped to ping back Oracle and they said they are looking for the right info/contact 06:35 < andreasn_> cool 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> i was hoping Jonathan would be here, but I guess i'll try to catch him around here another time 06:35 * OgMaciel is back 06:35 < andreasn_> OgMaciel, do you want to drive the meeting again? :) 06:35 <@OgMaciel> pockeylam: I'll talk to the board and will post anything decided 06:35 < andreasn_> 8) # Upcoming events on gnome.org to be updated (gnome.asia and desktop summit) 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> questions asked were 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> 1. What version(s) of GNOME do you maintain in a stable fashion? 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> 2. How much work does this represent? 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> 3. Do you feel there is duplication of work between what you do and what 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> other distribution do? 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> 4. How do you see a potential collaboration between all of "us" 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> (upstream and downstream projects)? 06:35 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: you're doing great :) 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> 5. We are definitely aware that today each of us use a different bug 06:35 < BLUG_Fred> tracking system. Do you see any possible technical solution that could 06:36 < BLUG_Fred> address this specific issue? 06:36 < andreasn_> OgMaciel, no, because we weren't done. Everyone: Ignore my last post :) 06:36 <@OgMaciel> hehehe no worries 06:37 < andreasn_> BLUG_Fred, great questions. Thanks for doing this! 06:37 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: did you get any answers yet? 06:37 < BLUG_Fred> well that's about it. I haven't figured out where and how to store responses and Dave suggested we posted on the distribution mailing list and getting in touch with andre_ as well 06:37 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: Novell and Debian answered 06:37 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: I'd love to read them :) 06:37 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: Canonical and Oracle said they will 06:38 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: Dave told me to ping you on where to put/continue this effort (if I understood correctly) 06:38 < andreasn_> are we ready for next item? 06:38 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: are you subscribed to the distribution mailing list (no idea what's the name) 06:39 * andre_ wonders what the topic is 06:39 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: am not but if you point it to me I will 06:39 <@OgMaciel> 7) Status of our collaboration efforts with distributions 06:39 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: better ollaboration with distributions 06:39 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: ^^ 06:39 <@OgMaciel> err 06:39 <@OgMaciel> andre_: 06:40 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: we're starting to get responses and it's probably time to start looking at it 06:40 < BLUG_Fred> Novell was super fast 06:40 * andre_ didn't know about this 06:40 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: would the distribution mailing list be a good place to continue the effort and share the information? 06:41 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: it was discussed on the foundation meeting maybe last month 06:41 < andre_> I assume it's the best place, yeah 06:41 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: can't remember for sure 06:41 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: maybe 2 06:41 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: yes maybe 2 meetings ago 06:41 * andreasn_ got phone call 06:41 < andre_> I only read the mail summaries sometimes 06:42 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: so i'll continue on that mailing list then 06:42 <@OgMaciel> ok 06:42 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: i'll ping you again if I can't find it ;-) 06:43 <@OgMaciel> next topic 06:43 <@OgMaciel> 8) Upcoming events on gnome.org to be updated (gnome.asia and desktop summit) 06:43 <@OgMaciel> pockeylam: you can go if you want 06:43 <@OgMaciel> we'll wait for andreasn_ to give his update 06:43 < BLUG_Fred> we don't have a date yet for gnome.asia, but that should be fixed this weekend I think 06:44 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, for gnome.asia , we confirmed the location , which is bangalore, for the date, we will most likely host it in March 2011... 06:44 < BLUG_Fred> still maybe we could update the section and just say it's happening with GNOME 3.0 release 06:44 < pockeylam> yes, waiting for the date to be confirmed, and then we can announce it early next week 06:44 < andreasn_> back, sorry for that 06:44 <@OgMaciel> sweet 06:44 < BLUG_Fred> and desktop summit seem confirm and the site ready 06:44 <@OgMaciel> andreasn_: no worries 06:44 < andreasn_> what did you need my update on? 06:44 <@OgMaciel> Desktop Summit 06:45 < BLUG_Fred> Upcoming Events on front page of gnome. org is Boston Summit 2010 06:45 < andreasn_> right. So, things are going on track 06:45 < BLUG_Fred> maybe we should refresh that 06:45 < BLUG_Fred> that's what the topic is about 06:45 <@OgMaciel> ACTION: update front page about upcoming events 06:46 < andreasn_> a CMS have been selected (Drupal) and I need to theme it really, really soon :) 06:46 <@OgMaciel> :D 06:46 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: do you need some text for the GNOME.Asia summit announcement? 06:46 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: or you will make it up? 06:47 < andreasn_> BLUG_Fred, I'm terrible with texts, so I really need some help with that 06:47 -!- stormy [~stormy@c-67-173-248-20.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #foundation 06:47 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: ok then. I'll write something and email you then 06:47 < BLUG_Fred> how long should it be to fit the layout? 06:47 -!- emily [~emily@] has joined #foundation 06:48 < andreasn_> and I'll take care of the desktop summit text for the frontpage 06:48 <@OgMaciel> ACTION: BLUG_Fred to provide andreasn_ with text for GNOME.Asia announcement 06:48 <@OgMaciel> thanks andreasn_ 06:48 < andreasn_> maybe after we do the proper site so people can register and stuff, but it could also link to the current desktopsummit.org if we want it sooner 06:49 < andreasn_> but it's probably not that urgent yet 06:49 < BLUG_Fred> andreasn_: it's just that our upcoming event section seems outdated 06:50 < andreasn_> so you think it wouldn't hurt to put the desktop summit one there right away? 06:51 < BLUG_Fred> i don't think it would hurt at all... 06:51 <@OgMaciel> well, that concludes the topics listed in the agenda... anyone got something else they'd like to discuss? 06:51 < BLUG_Fred> it's look updated compared to now 06:51 < andreasn_> I can put some text together for that one, I have enough content from the desktopsummit.org site I can reuse 06:51 < andreasn_> ACTION: andreasn_ to fix the Desktop Summit text for the gnome.org frontpage 06:52 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: the list is http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/distributor-list right? 06:52 < andre_> yes 06:52 < BLUG_Fred> thanks 06:53 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: i'll post the replies on that list 06:53 < andre_> well, I don't think there's any other list with "distribut" listed on the overview webpage ;-) 06:53 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: thanks, subscribing right now :) 06:55 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: i might not post right away ;-) 06:55 <@OgMaciel> hehe 06:55 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: and i haven't received my confirmation yet neither... 06:56 <@OgMaciel> hmmmm jdub is the moderator 06:56 < BLUG_Fred> andre_: i thought you were the list admin.. so i had doubts 06:57 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: yes that surprised me as well 06:57 < andre_> no, I'm not 06:59 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: i had some question about the FOG progress bar 07:00 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: shoot 07:00 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: does it only track the monthly subscribers or all donations? 07:00 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: like what about someone who decides to give one time $200 07:00 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: all new subscriptions 07:00 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: does he appear as +1? 07:00 <@OgMaciel> one time does not add 07:01 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: isn't that counter-xxxx , can't find the term 07:01 < BLUG_Fred> i mean it's better if someone going for 10x12 suddenly decides to give $150, though he will not make the progress bar go up 07:01 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: the bar is for new subscriptions only 07:02 <@OgMaciel> though we like one time donations, we'd prefer subscriptions 07:02 < BLUG_Fred> especially if one time is more than recurring 07:03 < BLUG_Fred> i would feel a financial goal is more motivating than a subscriber goal 07:03 < BLUG_Fred> subscriber count goal 07:04 < BLUG_Fred> (i noticed we got 5 more since the launch though) 07:04 <@OgMaciel> I think it's safe to end the meeting now. BLUG_Fred we can continue this 07:04 < stormy> subscribers provide a different financial stability than one time subscribers. 07:04 <@OgMaciel> what stormy said 07:04 < stormy> If you have 1,000 subscribers, you know that's $10,000/month you can count on. 07:04 < BLUG_Fred> stormy: but they can opt out anytime as well... 07:05 < stormy> Yes, but they are much less likely too. 07:05 < BLUG_Fred> stormy: do we have some stats? (I mean it doesn't really matter) 07:05 < stormy> Not all of them. Not unless you do something bad. 07:05 < stormy> What type of stats? 07:05 < stormy> FSF has a similar program. 07:05 < stormy> It works really well for them. 07:05 < stormy> And provides a very solid financial base. 07:05 < BLUG_Fred> like recurring one time donations? 07:05 < BLUG_Fred> vs the normal recurring ones 07:05 < stormy> Someone could easily go through the data and see. 07:06 < stormy> But it's been proven in the nonprofit world that having "subscribers" is a good thing. 07:06 < stormy> We pushed $ amount last time. 07:06 < BLUG_Fred> in our recurring offer we somehow encourage a one year commitment. Is that recurring as well? 07:06 <@OgMaciel> BLUG_Fred: just got my confirmation email 07:06 < stormy> And didn't get many subscribers. 07:06 < stormy> Now we are pushing subscribers and we'll see. 07:07 < BLUG_Fred> stormy: oh that makes sense... didn't know 07:07 < stormy> BLUG_Fred, it was supposed to be but I didn't take part in the implementation. 07:07 < pockeylam> after this new subscription program, we can compare this year over last year :) 07:08 < BLUG_Fred> well i got my answers. thank you very much 07:08 < BLUG_Fred> I guess I have to try the one year subscription and see if it's recurring then :) 07:09 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, when will be the next irc meeting? 07:09 <@OgMaciel> pockeylam: 2 weeks and I will announce it 07:10 < pockeylam> OgMaciel, great, thanks! 07:10 < BLUG_Fred> OgMaciel: i don't have other question 07:10 -!- OgMaciel changed the topic of #foundation to: Next Meeting: Jan. 26th, 2011 from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC - Agenda: http://live.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/MeetingAgenda 07:10 <@OgMaciel> pockeylam: you're very welcome