Code of Conduct
GNOME creates software for a better world. We achieve this by behaving well towards each other. The code of conduct suggests what we consider ideal behaviour, so you know what to expect when getting involved in GNOME.
Read the code of conduct.
Speaker Guidelines
The GNOME community has people from many backgrounds, and to help speakers give talks that may be enjoyed by the whole audience, we provide speaker guidelines to potential speakers that will come talk at GNOME events or that will deliver a GNOME talk at other events.
Read the speaker guidelines.
Free Software, Open Source & Proprietary Software
Note: need to integrate the content of FreeSoftware here.
The GNOME Foundation believes in and supports open source and free software, but that does not mean that we oppose proprietary software developers using GNOME; indeed, even if a program is proprietary, we encourage its developers to use GNOME.
We are excited when companies and individuals use GNOME technologies because we believe it brings us closer to our mission and vision of a free desktop (or mobile interface) accessible to everyone. Sometimes those companies are proprietary software companies and while we would like them to move closer to free and open source software in the future (and that we are helping them do so with the use of GNOME), we are delighted that they have chosen to use GNOME and will help them and their customers.
Licensing Policy
Some notes:
- BSD/MIT/X11, LGPLv2.1+ for the platform
- CC-SA 3.0 (and to a lesser extent GFDL) for documentation
- BSD/MIT/X11, LGPLv2.1+, GPLv2+ for everything else
For reference, when writing this section, see http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Licensing_Policy
What about (L)GPLv3? For platform, there's a suggestion to accept LGPLv3+|GPLv2 (ie, LGPLv3+ + GPLv2 so that GPLv2 apps can still use the library).
Web Services
The GNOME project supports the Franklin Street Statement.
Read the Franklin Street Statement.
Copyright Assignments Policy
Including packages with mandatory copyright assignment policies into GNOME can introduce significant problems. Therefore, addition of any dependency that would require GNOME to officially include such packages should be explicitly approved by the GNOME Release Team and the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors. Corporate entities that wish such a package to be included in GNOME should be prepared to negotiate with the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors and GNOME Release Team regarding such inclusion. The Release Team and Board of Directors will consider each such request on a case-by-case basis, using various guidelines and a more detailed discussion.
- Read the full policy.
- Read the detailed discussion.