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( This page is a branch, meaning that if in the index page you had used the 2column parameter, this is the second page that will show up on your index page. The dots as always mean lines to be written there)

<page xmlns=""
      type="topic" (this sets the page as a topic of your guide)
      id="send-message"> (this gives the page an unique id)

    <link type="guide" xref="index#text-conv"/>
    <desc> description_of_your_app </desc>
    <revision pkgversion="current_package_verison (currently 2.28)" version="0.1" date="YYYY-MM-DD" status="draft"/>
    <revision pkgversion="current_package_verison (currently 2.28)" date="YYYY-MM-DD" status="review">
      <e:review by="your_email" date="YYYY-MM-DD" status="deferred"/>
    <credit type="author"> (here it can be an editor or an author depending on what you are doing with the doc.)
      <name>Your Name</name>
      <email>Your email</email>
      <year>current year (2009) </year>
      <name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
    <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="" />

  <title>Your page title</title>
(here's how to do a bulleted list) 
  <steps> (this starts a numbered list with 1. )
    <item> (this tag makes a bulleted list which is indented to be like a sub-topic of the main numbered list)
        ......... <gui>(if you add these tags they will highlight the part of the gui you are trying to focus on</gui> ............ .........
      <list> (this starts the numbered list under the bulleted list)
        <item> (again for a bullet) 
            ................................ <gui> if you want to emphasize a specific part of the gui</gui>.
    <item> (the same pattern follows here) 
        ................................. <key>if you want the user to know what key to press to perform an operation, write the key between this tag</key> ...........


2024-10-23 11:53