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2.23 release notes items

Major changes in GNOME 2.23, to be mentioned in the release notes. Please make a list here when we reach feature freeze.

See the advice about the schedule and translation.

Please note that this does not need to be pretty. It's just a list that will be used to make the actual release notes. In fact, if it's too pretty, people will link to it and complain that it's not perfect.

See also the advice about the schedule and translation.

/!\ Attention: Press/reviewers: This is a work in progress. Items aren't checked for correctness. Statements may be completely wrong. Very large changes could be forgotten. Please wait until the final release notes are done. This page will not contain everything that will be in the final release notes.


Major changes are those that:

{i} Provide this information:

Be as descriptive as you like.

What's new for users

What's new for administrators

What's new for developers

What's new for mobile developers

GNOME 2.24 is the first release of the GNOME Mobile release set! GNOME Mobile brings standard desktop components together to provide a core platform on which distributors and handheld manufacturers can build rich programming environments.

The initial GNOME Mobile release set consists of:

As soon as they start to become available, we will be collecting downloadable, testable virtual machine images of distributions based on GNOME Mobile 2.24, such as Poky, Moblin and Ubuntu Mobile, which developers can try for themselves and develop against.

The GNOME Mobile platform is at the heart of a wide range of Linux-based mobile platforms, including Maemo, the ACCESS Linux Platform, the LiMo reference platform, Ubuntu Mobile, Moblin, and Poky.


Plans for the next release

We'll base the 2.24 notes on the 2.22 DocBook XML, with these improvements:

2024-10-23 11:50