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Stock emails

These are stock emails that the Travel Committee send out in response to requests.


GNOME.Asia 2017

The GNOME Foundation <> provides travel
subsidy to individuals who want to attend GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 and need
financial assistance.

We are happy to announce the Travel Committee
<> is ready to receive applications for
subsidy to attend GNOME.Asia Summit 2017. This year, the Summit is being
organized in Chongqing, at the Chongqing University on October 14-16, 2017.

The instructions are detailed at

Please read them carefully.

*Deadline of travel application*: September 15th, 2017. You can start
sending in your applications now!
*Confirmation of travel subsidy*: September 18th, 2017.

Some extra comments:

* Any information you send to the Travel Committee will be private.

* Asking for sponsorship *does not* guarantee you will get sponsored.

* A good application with good information will be processed quickly.

* If you need help with accommodation, you should state in your application
that you need lodging, and leave the cost blank.

* Always choose the most economical option when possible. People who need
travel sponsorship, should look for the best price (for example. through a
service like If the Travel Committee finds a cheaper price,
that will be the price considered during the evaluation.

* Preference would be given to speakers, Foundation members, GSoC students,
Outreachy interns and active contributors.

* If your country needs a VISA invitation letter and you are a GNOME
contributor, please let the GNOME Travel invitations committee know about
it. <>

* If you are selected for the Google Summer of Code or Outreachy (as student
or mentor) you should mention it in your application.

* If your talk was selected for GNOME.Asia 2017, you should mention it in
your application.

* The Travel committee should reply back about receiving your application
within 2-3 days. After that we would accumulate all the sponsorship
requests and process them together. So please do not panic (have any
butterflies in your stomach) if we take some time to reply on the status.
Affirmative/Negative you would surely get a response.

* No personal emails to committee members. Please keep travel-committee
Cc’ed on all your replies.

Feel free to ask questions on the travel-committee list. You can also find
us in the #travel channel at



David, on Behalf of GNOME Travel Committee

Receipts of request


This is a confirmation that the Travel Committee have received your application.

We will get back to you if we have any questions and/or to let you know the status of your sponsorship.

Sponsorship offer

Hackfest full

On behalf of the Travel Committee, I would like to confirm that your sponsorship has been approved as follows:
 * Travel: <amount> USD
 * Accommodation: <amount> USD

It would help us if you could send us all of your receipts as soon as possible, but note that reimbursements happen a few weeks after the hackfest. Please make sure to reply to the same thread as your original request when you send in your receipts.

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.


On behalf of the Travel Committee, I would like to confirm that your sponsorship has been approved as follows:
 * Travel: <amount> USD
 * Accommodation: <number> nights (from <date> to <date>)

The accommodation will be booked for you in a <shared/single> room from <date> to <date>. <Please note that the cost of any extra nights before or after the event will be subtracted from your travel sponsorship before the reimbursement.>

If your travel costs less than you estimated, please let us know immediately as it may help us offer sponsorship to someone else.

It would help us if you could send us all of your receipts as soon as possible, but note that reimbursements happen a few weeks after the conference. Please make sure to reply to the same thread as your original request when you send in your receipts. If we do not receive your receipts by <date>, we will assume that you no longer wish to be sponsored.

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Flight costs were estimated using <link>

GUADEC partial

On behalf of the Travel Committee, I would like to confirm that your sponsorship has been approved as follows:
 * Travel: <amount> USD
 * Accommodation: <number> nights (from <date> to <date>)

The accommodation will be booked for you in a shared room from <date> to <date>. <Please note that the cost of any extra nights before or after the event will be subtracted from your travel sponsorship before the reimbursement.>

It would help us if you could send us all of your receipts as soon as possible, but note that reimbursements happen a few weeks after the conference. Please make sure to reply to the same thread as your original request when you send in your receipts. If we do not receive your receipts by <date>, we will assume that you no longer wish to be sponsored.

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

We hope you can cover the difference in the cost of the travel yourself. This helps us sponsor more contributors for the event. Flight costs were estimated using <link>

Accommodation only

On behalf of the Travel Committee, I would like to confirm that your sponsorship has been approved as follows:
 * Accommodation: <number> nights (from <date> to <date>)

The accommodation will be booked for you in a shared room from <date> to <date>.

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Change to sponsorship

The Travel Committee would like to update your offer of sponsorship. The new sponsorship offer has been approved as follows:
 * Travel: <amount> USD
 * Accommodation: <number> nights (from <date> to <date>)

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.


Your accommodation has been booked at <address>.

You will be sharing a room with <name>.

Travel from the accommodation to the venue can be planned using <link>


On behalf of the Travel Committee, I would like to confirm that your sponsorship has been approved as follows:
 * Travel: <amount> USD
 * Accommodation: 6 nights (from 2016-08-11 to 2016-08-17)

The accommodation will be booked for you in a shared room.

If your travel costs less than you estimated, please let us know immediately as it may help us offer sponsorship to someone else.

It would help us if you could send us all of your receipts as soon as possible, but note that reimbursements happen a few weeks after the conference. Please make sure to reply to the same thread as your original request when you send in your receipts. If we do not receive your receipts by 2016-08-31, we will assume that you no longer wish to be sponsored.

Please confirm whether you accept this offer of sponsorship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Flight costs were estimated using <link>

Notice of reimbursement

Your reimbursement has been processed, and the payment should be made, by your chosen method, within the next few days.

Please contact us in a few weeks if you have still not received your payment.

Reminder to submit receipts

This is a friendly reminder to send us the receipts, and a link to the blog post(s) related to your experience in the events we sponsored you.

Closing an issue without reimbursement for lack of receipts

The travel expects you to submit the receipts within 6 weeks of the end of the event. We have not received the receipt in a period longer than without any notice, and therefore, we are closing this issue.

If you think there has been a mistake, do not hesitate getting in touch with us as soon as possible.

2024-10-23 11:49