When in GNOME...

Here is some discussion about translating GNOME into Latin ("la").

It is quite important that we ensure that our vocabulary is the same as other modern Latin projects, such as Latin Wikipedia, the Vatican's word lists, etc. If any such words turn out to differ from ours, we should attempt to harmonise them.

It is also quite important that work is proofread, especially work by non-fluent speakers.

News: There is now a mailing list: http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-latin-list


  • In phrases like "Failed to load file", how do we conjugate "failed"? Is it first person, the computer telling you it failed, or a passive infinitive?
    • Third person: "Fasciculum imponi non potuit" = "the file could non be loaded (imposed)"; or "Fasciculum collocari non potuit" "the file could not be put in the desired place"; or "Fasciculum depromi non potuit" ="the file could not be fetched/obtained from the desired place", depending on your meaning, the first being the most non committal/ambiguous way--Rafael


(Please keep this sorted; this should have its own page. See the lexicons above for sources)

  • compositor: compositor, compositoris (it's a real word! it means "orderer")

    • this may be ok since it is a jargon word and the sense of combining is implied; however compositor literally means "a man who puts to gether"; if "a machine or thing that orders things" is what is needed then "ordinatrum" is the word that best fits; or if "a machine that blends or unites together into a whole" is what you want then "temperaculum" --Rafael
      • Thanks! Let's go with "temperaculum"; "ordinatrum" sounds too much like the French word for "computer" to me. -- Thomas
  • desktop: tabula
    • OK--Rafael
      • I changed Desktop-->Mensa below because we also need a word for panel and Tabula is the best word for that I can find. Also Traupman recommends Mensa/Mensa Scriptoria for Desktop.--Rafael

  • session: sessio

  • window: fenestra or festra (contracted version)
    • I would avoid the contractions --Rafael
  • window management, manager: regimen (regiminis) fenestrarum

    • There are two phrases here: "window management" which suitably is translated by "regimen fenestrale" ="window control" (latin prefers adjectival forms over genitives usually); and "window manager" which I think is suitably translated as "gubernatrum fenestrale" ="thing that steers windows" or "moderatrum fenestrale" = "a thing that governs/manages windows"
      • Thanks-- I think I was thinking of some analogy to De regimine principum, but I'll use the adjectival form.

  • workspace: cella, cellae? tablinum, tablini?
    • It depends what sense you are looking for; if you are looking for "open space that you can use for work", then "area labori" ="open space for work"--Rafael
  • world wide web (www): tela totius terrae (ttt) ("whole earth web")
    • OK--Rafael
  • X Window System: systema fenestrae X
    • I think that "Systema fenestrale X" ="the X window system" would be better.--Rafael
  • (X) display: how do we differentiate this from "screen"? We could look into a "gallery" of screens, or even a gallery as in a colonnade, where there were columns and gaps between them? This would perhaps give us the excuse to use the unusual but wonderful word xystus, xysti, which does begin with X, after all.)

    • It depends on your specific sense;
      • display apparatus" = "apparatus visificus" (video/visual apparatus) (suitable synonyms: "scrinium visificum" ="video/visual box", "quadrum visificum"="video frame/square", "apparatus rei praeponendi" ="apparatus for displaying things" and "monitorium" = "monitor apparatus");
      • "a thing that has been displayed on the screen" = "res praeposita" ; also possibly "quadrum visificum"="video frame/square" --Rafael
        • A "display" in X is a set of one or more screens with some number of input devices. So I think "apparatus visificus" seems best. Thank you. -- Thomas
  • (X) screen: scrinium X? quadrum X? album X?
    • If refering to a movie screen the right word is "album X" ; the same may be said of the computer screen itself as distinguished from the whole monitor apparatus; we can also call it "the glass"= "vitrum" or "hyalus"--Rafael
  • (XML) tag:
    • notaculum XML--Rafael
  • (XML) element:
    • elementum XML--Rafael
  • (XML) attribute:
    • adiunctum XML--Rafael

Jargon words

Dear Paul or is it Marnanel or Thomas, thanks for organizing this. I look forward to contributing.

When translating it would be helpful to have a short description of what jargon words mean(for example latin compositor = "a man who composes, composer" seems hardly the same as english compositor = typesetter ? (see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/compositor ) or is compositor simultaneously a specialized computer word with yet another meaning?) Rafael

  • Hello Rafael, good to see you! Paul is the team lead; I (Thomas aka Marnanel on vicipaedia) wrote most of this page. The vocabulary is currently very biased towards words needed for the window manager Metacity, since that program is my particular responsibility. Eventually it will contain words from all the other programs too, of course. You are correct in guessing that "compositor" is a jargon word: it means the subsystem which takes all the windows on the screen and merges/composes them into one image, usually adding some kind of special effect in doing so such as drop shadows. Is there a program you think we should concentrate on working on first? (Here are some lists shown for the Spanish translation, which happened to be the first convenient one I found.) -- Thomas

lingua loquitur

Separately, good latin is to say "Gnome lingua Latina loquitur" or "Gnome Latine loquitur" but it is not good latin (nonidiomatic) to say "Gnome linguam Latinam loquitur" (sic). Ps. Is the gnome latin logo suitable for uploading to commons and use on vicipaedia? Rafael

  • Apologies for my slip; it's been quite a few years now since I studied Latin seriously. I hope that anything I contribute can be checked until I'm up to speed again. The Latin logo has been passed by the Board as an acceptable variant of the GNOME logo; it would seem reasonable to suppose (but I'm not a lawyer, nor do I speak for the Board) that this means it can be uploaded anywhere the original logo can be uploaded (which appears to include Commons, and hence vicipaedia). If you're going to use it on MediaWiki, you might want to upload the SVG version rather than the PNG I used on Planet GNOME. (Since I created this logo, I must hereby state that it is usable under the same terms as the original plain logo.) -- Thomas

Rafael: thanks so much for all you're doing. I'll split the vocab out into a separate page soon. -- Thomas

Another Computer terms Lexicon

Vocabula computatralia - http://www.obta.uw.edu.pl/~draco/docs/voccomp.html --Paul

  • I myself look at all the lists that are available first before trying to make up any term. Sometimes, though, the lists are inconsistent or wrong. This list in particular lacks most words necessary to translate the Gnome interface, and even offers nonsensical "systema internum" (internal system) for operating system and extrahere (extract) for download. I think we have to look at other lists for a consensus and also look to the meanings of words to find the best one to translate things in general and in particular in the context of the gnome interface.--Rafael

Gnome Interface Translations

I don't know how to do it but here are my translations of Gnome menu bar with explanations;

Applications - Opportuna; Places - Loci; System -Systema

%Explanation of translation Applications as Opportuna: %Opportuna is short for "programmata opportuna" = suitable programs

%Res informatica=software %Res informatica usori opportuna = software suitable to the user % *programma opportunum = suitable program, alternatively use: programma utile = useful program % *programma commodum = convenient/timely program = utility %Res informatica systematis = system software % *programma commodum = utility % *systema administrativum = administrative system= operating system %Res informatica programmatori opportuna = software useful to the programmer % *compilatrum = compiler % *lingua programmandi = programming language

Under Applications: Accessories -Accessoriae; Games - Ludi; Graphics - Graphica; Internet - Interrete; Office - Sedes; Other - Alia; Sound and Video - Sonus et Visus; System Tools - Instrumenta; Add/Remove - Addere/Abdere;

%Note: Use infinitive for add/remove rather than imperative since this is %the norm when listing commands %The recommended form for office is "sedes" + a descriptive genetive that %describes the type of office. Since here we don't know the type of office, %because we want to be general, I think we can safely drop the genetive.

Under Accessories: Bluetooth Analyzer - Censura Bluetooth; Calculator - Calculare; Character map - Tabula Characterum; Dictionary - Dictionarium; Disk Usage Analyzer - Censura Disci Usus; Manage Print Jobs - Imprimmendi Opera Regere; Take Screen Shot - Visum Albi Capere; Terminal - Terminalis; Text Editor - Scripta Edere; Tomboy Notes - Notacula Tomboy; Tracker Search Tool - Instrumentum Indagatorium

%Explanation: Rather than invent a word to translate Analyzer , we can use %Censura = office/conduct/power of appraising/overseeing/estimating; thus %Censura Disci Usus = Appraisal of disc use %Rather than invent words I render Calculator and Text Editor as infinitive %verb forms, which fits in with the text of Manage Print jobs and Take %screen shot.

Under Games (Default with GNOME and KDE installed in ubuntu menu): AisleRiot Solitaire - AisleRiot Ludus Solitarius Atomix - Atomix; Blackjack- Scurra Niger; Chess - Scacci; Four or more - Quattuor aut plures; Five in a row - Quinque in serie; FreeCell Solitaire - FreeCell Ludus Solitarius; Gnometris - Gnometris; Iagno - Iagno; Klotski - Klotski; KSpaceDuel -Kertamen Singulare; lbreakout2 - Eruptio2; Mahjongg - Mahjongg; Mines - Minae; Nibbles - Delibationes; OpenInvaders - ApertiInvasores; PovetChess - PovetScacci; Robots - Automata; Same GNOME - Idem GNOME; Sudoku - Sudoku; Tali - Tali; Tetravex -Tetravex;

Under Graphics (Default with GNOME and KDE installed in ubuntu menu): F-Spot Photo Manager - F-Spot Moderatrum Photographemicum; GIMP Image Editor - GIMP Imaginibus Mutamen; gThumb Image Viewer - gImagellarum Ostentatrum; KColorChooser - KColorumSelectrum; KColorEdit -KColorumMutamen; KDVI - KDVI; KFax -KIsographia; KFaxView - KIsographiaeOstentatrum; KolourPaint - Koloratrum; Kooka - Kooka; KPDF - KPDF; KPovModeler - KDeformatrumVisuale; KRuler - KRegula; KSnapshot - KVisumCaptum; Kview - Kprospectus; OpenOffice.org Drawing - OpenOffice.org Depictio; xpdf - xpdf; XSane Image Scanner - XSane Machina Photographemica;

Under Internet (Default with GNOME and KDE installed in ubuntu menu): Ekiga Softphone - Ekiga Telephonum Informaticum; ELinks - ENexus; Epiphany Web Browser - Epiphania Navigatrum Interretiale; Evolution Mail - Evolutio Cursorium; Firefox Web Browser - Firefox Navigatrum Interretiale; KNetworkManager - KModeratrumInterretiale; Konqueror - Konquisitator; Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News - Mozilla Thunderbird Cursorium/Nuntia; Pidgin Internet Messenger -Pidgin Nuntius Interretialis ; Sun Java 6 Web Start - Sun Java 6 Interretialis Incohata; Terminal Server Client - Terminalis Ministri Cliens;

Under Office (Default with GNOME): Evolution - Evolutio; OpenOffice.org Database - OpenOffice.org Datorum Ordinatrum; OpenOffice.org Presentation OpenOffice.org Ostentatio; OpenOffice.org SpreadSheet OpenOffice.org Charta Calculatoria; OpenOffice.org Word Processor - OpenOffice.org - Instrumentum Compositorium;

Under Sound and Video (Default with GNOME + some others): gxine - gxine; Kaffeine - Kaffeinum; Kino - Kino; Movie Player - Apparatus Cinematographicus; MPlayer Movie Player - MPlayer Apparatus Cinematographicus; Rhythmbox Music Player - Rhythmbox Grammophonum; Serpentine Audio CD Creator - Serpertinum CD Audibilum Generatrum; Sound Juicer CD Extractor - Sonica Sucifex CD Extraculum; Sound Recorder - Phonographium;

Under System Tools (Systematis Instrumenta): Configuration Editor - Configurationis Mutamen; Konsole - KScrinium; KSysGuard -KSystematisCustos; VMWware Server Console -VMWare Ministri Scrinium;

Under Wine (needed for nicer windows version of Words--the latin translating program): Programs - Programmata; Accessories - Accessoriae; Notepad - Codicellus; Browse C:\ Drive - Discum C:\ Perspicere; Configure Wine - Vinum Ordinare; Uninstall Wine Software - Res Informaticas Vini Abmovere;

Under Places (Loci): Home Folder - Collectorium Principale; Desktop - Mensa; public_html on... - public_html in...; Computer -Computatrum; CD/DVD Creator - CD/DVD Generatrum; Network -Rete; Connect to Server... - Se Adiugare ad Ministrum; Search for Files... - Fasciculos Quaerere; Recent Documents - Fasciculi Recenter Servati;

Under System: Preferences - Praeferentiae; Administratio - Administratio; About GNOME - De GNOME; Quit - Desistere;

Under Preferences: Universal Access - Accessus Universalis; About me -De me; Appearance - Vultus; Bluetooth Preferences - Praeferentiae Bluetooth; Default Printer - Impressorium Assuetum; GL Desktop - Mensa GL; Hardware Information - Armaturae Indicia; Indexing Preferences - Indicis Facendi Praeferentia; Keyboard - Clavicula; Keyboard Shortcuts - Claviculares Compendiariae; Main Menu - Inventarium Principale; Mouse - Mus; Network Proxy - Reti Vicarius; PalmOS Devices - PalmOS Instrumenta ; Power Management - Virum Electricarum Regimen; Preferred Applications - Opportuna Promota; Remote Desktop - Mensa Remota; Removable Drives and Media - Discos Mediaque Amotibilia; SCIM Input Method Setup- SCIM Methodi Imputandi Selectrum; Screen Resolution - Albi Resolutio; Screensaver - Albi Conservatrum; Sessions - Sessiones; Sound - Sonus; Sun Java 6 Plugin Control Panel - Sun Java 6 Annexorum Regiminis Scrinium; Sun Java 6 Policy Tool - Sun Java 6 Regularum Instrumentum; Windows - Fenestrae;

Under Administration: Keyring Manager - ClaviumAnuli Moderatrum; Language Support - Linguarum Auxilium; Login Window - Initii Fenestra; Network - Rete; Network Tools - Retis Instrumenta; Partition Editor - Partiturae Mutamen; Printing - Impressorium; Restricted Drivers Manager - Gubernatrorum Conclusorum Moderatrum; Screens and Graphics - Albi et Graphica; Services - Ministra; Shared Folders - Collectoria Communia; Software Sources - Rerum Informaticarum Fontes; Synaptic Package Manager - Synaptic Sarcinarum Moderatrum; System Log - Systematis Ephemeris; System Monitor - Systematis Monitorium; Time and Date - Hora et Dies; Update Manager - Renovationum Moderatrum; Users and Groups - Usores et Classes;

Various Gadgets:

Ondemand - Adpostulatum;

  • Right click:
    • Preferences - Praeferentiae; Help - Auxilium; About - De Hac Re; Remove from panel - Ab Tabulo Amovere; Move - Movere; Lock to panel - Ad Tabulam Ligare;

Volume Control - Soni Regimen;

  • Right click: Mute - Mutum facere; Open Volume Control - Regimen Soni Aperire;...
    • Open Volume Control - Regimen Soni Aperire;
      • File - Fasciculus; Change Device - Instrumentum Seligere; Edit - Mutare; Help - Auxilium; Contents - Index Rerum; Get Help Online - Auxilium Interreti Quaerere; Translate this application - Hoc ad Aliam Linguam Vertere; About - De Hac Re; Playback - Resonare; PCM - PCM; Microphone - Microphonum; Switches - Mutatra; Headphone - Concha Auditoria;

Battery Gadget:

  • System is running on AC power - Systema sub potentia AC currit / x hours and xx minutes until charged - x horae et xx minuta manent priusquam pila oneris plena erit System is running on battery power - Systema sub potentia pilaria currit / x hours and xx minutes (pp %) remaining - x horae et xx minuta (pp %) manent

Network Gadget:

  • Hover: Vinculum interretiale ad xxx (pp %) Left click: Wireless Network - Rete Radiophonicum; Connect to wireless network... - Se ad Rete Adiugere; Create new wireless network - Novum Rete Radiophonicum Creare; Manual configuration - Configurationem Manu Facere; Right click: Enable Network - Rete Habilitare; Enable Wireless - Radiophonum Habilitare; Connection Information - Communicationis Indicia; About - De Hac Re;


  • Hover: xxx items in trash - xxx res purgandae Left Click opens window: File - Fasciculus; Edit - Mutare; View - Videre; Go - Ire; Bookmarks - Signacula; Help - Auxilium; Back - Rursus; Forward - Prorsus; Up - Sursum; Stop - Sistere; Reload -Reimponere; Home - Primus Locus; Computer - Computatrum; Search - Quaerere;


  • Hover: Logoff, Switch User, Lock Screen, or power down the computer - Sessionem desistere, usorem commutare, album occludere, vel computatrum extinguere; Left click: Logoff - Sessionem Desistere; Lock Screen - Album Occludere; Switch User- Usorem Commutare; Suspend - Suspendere; Hibernate - Hibernare; Restart - Reincohare; Shutdown - Claudere; Cancel - Cancellare;

The following Sections translate the text that appears when the mouse is held over a given item on the menu bar:

Applications: Browse and run installed applications - Programmata opportuna installataque conspicere et actuare

Places: Access documents, folders and network places - Documenta, collectoria et locos interretiales potiri

System: Change desktop appearance and behavior, get help, or log out - Mensae vultum et agendi modum commutare, auxilium potiri, vel sessionem desistere

Messages under Accessories:

  • Bluetooth Analyzer: Bluetooth protocol analyzer - Protocoli bluetooth censura; Calculator: Perform arithmetic, scientific, or financial calculations - Computationes arithmeticas, scientificas, vel pecuniarias fungi; Character map: Insert special characters into documents - Characteres speciales in documenta inserere; Dictionary: Check word definitions and spellings using online dictionary - Vocabulorum definitiones scribendique modos comperiri; Disk Usage Analyzer: Check folder sizes and available disk space - Collectoriorum amplitudines et spatium disci relicum comperiri; Manage Print Jobs : Cancel, pause, resume, or reprint jobs - Opera imprimenda cancellare, consistere, resumere, vel reimprimere; Take Screen Shot: Save images of your desktop or individual windows - Tuae mensae vel fenestrarum singularum imagines servare; Terminal: Use the command line - Iussi linea utere; Text Editor: Edit text files - Fasciculos litteratos mutare; Tomboy Notes: Simple and easy to use notetaking - Simplex et facilis enotatio; Tracker Search Tool: Locate documents and folders by name or content using Tracker - Documenta et collectoria nominibus vel rebus intus invenire;

Messages under Games (see list of names above):

  • Play many different solitaire games - Varios ludos solitarios lude; Molecule puzzle game - Ludus molecularum enigmaticus; Play the casino card game Blackjack - Ludum aliatorium nomine Scurra Niger lude; Play the classic two-player board game of chess - Scaccorum ludum duobus lusoribus lude; Remove colored balls from the board by forming lines - Pilas coloratas ab tabula submove lineas formando; Make lines of the same color to win - Fac lineas eiusdem coloris ut vincas;

    Play the popular FreeCell card game - Ludum FreeCell popularem lude; Fit falling blocks together - Laterculos cadentes coniunctim concurre; Dominate the board in a classic version of Reversi - Tabula domina in versione Reversi classica; Slide blocks to solve the puzzle - Ad enigma solvendum laterculos inlabi; KSpaceDuel: - ; A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics - Pilae-remique ludus cum bella graphica; Dissemble a pile of tiles by removing matching pairs - Pares submovendo acervum imbricum discompone; Clear hidden mines from a mine field - Minas occultas a campo minato purga; Guide a worm around a maze - Vermem circum labyrinthum guberna; Play a space invaders clone - Clonum invasorum spatialum lude; Play a game of chess, either against another player or against the AI - Scaccorum ludum lude aut contra lusorem alium aut contra AI; Avoid the robbots and make them crash into each other - Automata effuge vel fac ut ea contra se concurrant; Clear the screen by removing groups of colored balls - Album purga greges submovendo pilarum coloratarum; Test your logic skill in this number grid puzzle - Tuam logicae artem proba in hoc enigma numerorum cancellatum; Beat the odds in a poker style dice game - Fortem vince in ludo striato; Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles - Enigma comple imbrices numeratas componendo;

Messages in Firefox panel:

  • File - Fasciculum: New Window - Nova Fenestra; New Tab - Nova Tabula; New Location... - Novus Locus...; Open File... - Fasciculum Aperire; Close - Claudere; Save Page as... - Pagiam Servare Nomine...; Send Link... - Nexum Mittere...; Page Setup... -Paginae Ordinare; Print Preview - Imprimenda Praevidere; Print... - Imprimere; Import... - Inferre...; Work Offline - Reti Aversus Laborare; Quit - Desistere; Edit - Commutare: Undo - Abrogare; Redo - Revertere; Cut - Excidere; Copy - Duplicare; Paste - Inserere; Delete - Delere; Select All - Omnia Selegere; Find in This Page... - Hac in Pagina Quaerere...; Find Again - Iterum Quaerere; Preferences - Praeferentiae; View - Spectare: Toolbars - Tabulae; Status Bar - Status Tabula; Sidebar - Tabula ab Latere; Reload - Reonerare; Text Size - Litterarum Magnitudo; Page Style - Paginarum Ornatio; Character Encoding - Charaterum Inscriptio; Page Source - Paginae Fons; Full Screen - Album Implere;
    • Status Bar - Status Tabula; Toolbars - Tabulae: Navigation Toolbar - Navigationis Tabula; Bookmarks Toolbar - Signaculorum Tabula; Customize - Accomodare; Sidebar - Tabulae ab Latere: Bookmarks - Signacula; History - Paginae Anteriores; Textsize - Letterarum Magnitudo: Increase - Augere; Decrease - Diminuere; Normal - Magnitudo Naturalis; Page Style - Paginarum Ornatio: No Style - Sine Ornatione; Basic Page Style - Ornatio Simplex; Character Encoding - Characterum Inscriptio: Autodetect - Autodetegere; More Encodings - Plures Inscriptiones: Customize List - Indicem Accomodare; Western - Occidentalis; Unicode - Unicode; Page Source - Paginae Fons; Full Screen - Album Implere;
    History - Paginae Anteriores: Back - Rursus; Home - Primus Locus; Recently Closed Tabs - Tabulae Recenter Clausae; Show in Sidebar - In Tabula Laterali Ostendere; Bookmarks - Signacula: Bookmark This Page... - Hanc Paginam Signare; Bookmark All Tabs... - Omnias Tabulas Signare; Organize Bookmarks... - Signacula Ordinare; Bookmarks Tool Folder... - Signaculorum Instrumentorum Collectorium; Ubuntu and Free Software Links - Nexus ad Ubuntum et Res Informaticas Liberas; Firefox and Mozilla Links - Nexus ad Firefox et Mozilla; Tools - Instrumenta: Websearch - Interreti Quaerere; Downloads - Res Depromptae; Addons - Res Adiunctae; Error Console - Erratorum Scrinium; Page Info - Paginae Indicia; Clear Private Data - Data Privata Purgare; Help - Auxilium: Help Contents - Adiuvantes Res; Release Notes - Novae Editionis Res; Report Broken Web Site... - Situm Interretialem Ruptum Referre; Report Web Forgery - Adulteriam Interretialem Referre; Check for Updates - Renovationes Quaerere; About Mozilla Firefox - De Mozilla Firefox;


TranslationProject/Latin (last edited 2015-10-11 21:58:33 by BastienNocera)