Alignment classes


{{{#!wiki text-left
Left aligned text.

Left aligned text.

{{{#!wiki text-center
Center aligned text.

Center aligned text.

{{{#!wiki text-right
Right aligned text.

Right aligned text.

Images with text

{{{#!wiki image-left clearfix
Left aligned image with text.
You should always use the __clearfix__ class when aligning an image to clear the float.
}}} Left aligned image with text. You should always use the clearfix class when aligning an image to clear the float.

{{{#!wiki image-left clearfix
Right aligned image with text.
You should always use the __clearfix__ class when aligning an image to clear the float.
}}} Right aligned image with text. You should always use the clearfix class when aligning an image to clear the float.

{{{#!wiki image-left content-style clearfix
= Left aligned image with text. =
You can also style the content of the image! The __content-style__ class is the secret.

Left aligned image with text.

You can also style the content of the image! The content-style class is the secret.


Heading with image and line on both sides

{{{#!wiki image-header
}}}ø/Newcomers/SolveProject?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Documentation-header-icon.png Heading

Spacing classes

padding-bottom-sm and padding-bottom-lg classes add a space under your content. Keep in mind that they can't work with the clearfix class in the same div.


Buttons can be also aligned using the alignment text classes.

{{{#!wiki btn btn-default text-right
[[page|Default button]]

{{{#!wiki btn btn-blue text-center
[[page|Blue button]]

{{{#!wiki btn btn-green
[[page|Blue button]]

Page Header

{{{#!wiki image-left app-header clearfix
= Heading =
== description ==



Page Navigation

{{{#!wiki navigation-bar
 * '''[[Page/|Home]]'''
 * [[Page/AnotherPage/|AnotherPage]]

{{{#!wiki navigation-bar
 * {{}} [[#|Link]]
 * {{}} [[#|Link]]
 * {{}} [[#|Link]]
 * {{}} [[#|Link]]

TomTryfonidis/HelpOnLayout (last edited 2016-12-15 21:22:09 by TomTryfonidis)