The Seville University GNU/Linux user group SUGUS is going to make a great party to celebrate the GNOME 3 release and Emergya is going to help them.
There will be talks and beers
There are not a program now, but there will be one.
- All day stand at University promoting gnome and free software.
- Two or three talks by gnome developers.
- Beers at the "Reina Mecedes" grass.
possible talks
- Accesibilidad en GNOME, el desarrollo invisible. (danigm)
- Proyecto gnome, pasado, presente y futuro
- Cómo ser parte de la comunidad, desarrollando en gnome
- Introducción a la programación gtk
- ...
Charlas/Talleres propuestos
Ponente |
Charla / Taller |
danigm, Edulix, Alex, ... |
FlameTable, gnome vs kde |
Accesibilidad en gnome, el desarrollo invisible |
Taller de introducción al uso de GSettings |
The event will be in Computer School in Seville University.
Initially it will be on April 6th 2011.
Some stuff that we might need:
- Fliers, i.e. what is GNOME, why GNOME, ...
- GNOME-3 installations: probably private Laptops, but some misc. Hardware (N800, Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, ...) would be nice to show off GNOME-3.
GNOME-3 Media: A Live-CD running GNOME-3, maybe with a ready and working development environment (i.e. a *working* JHBuild setup
- A banner (2x1 meters or so) reading "GNOME"