Sandy Armstrong


This page is generally out-of-date. Sorry! :-)


  • Co-maintainer of Tomboy, Snowy, and Tasque.

  • Will probably make a Giver release if you ask me nicely.

Google Student Programs

  • SoC 2007-2010 (Mentor/Admin)
  • GHOP 2007-2008 (Mentor, representative at Google meetup)
  • SoC 2005 (Student) - Worked on SearchParty for GNOME. Abandoned project shortly after SoC ended because I wasn't sure what to do about the paradox that the extension wasn't useful unless it had tons of users (so why would anyone install it in the first place?). Still think it was a cool idea, though.


SandyArmstrong (last edited 2011-08-29 21:18:42 by SandyArmstrong)