HIG 3.0 Proposal for displaying long running tasks
- Existing art: nautilus-3.0
- Place a resident notification in the message tray
- "Show Details" action or something similar to provide a link to the application
- Displayed information:
- Type of task
- Download, File operation, Print job
- Icon of the performing application
- Estimate remaining time
- Use clever rounding
- "1h, 13min and 23 sec" is a completely misleading and bogus information (e.g. it is very, very unlikely that the download will exactly finish after this time period)
- for instead you can use "around 1h and 15 minutes remaining"
- If ETA is not available or reliable then don't show it!
- Use clever rounding
- As an alternative you can display another information, which makes sense in the context (e.g "printed 5 of 12 pages")
- Type of task