Module Name Roadmap


  • Stefan Kost

What are your plans for GNOME 2.26 (next 4 months, before feature and UI freezes)?

I want to enable more output formats.

What are your plans for GNOME 2.28?

I'd like to have a plan for GObjectIntrospection integration.

Do you have any goals from 2.24 that were not achieved? Why?


Is there something that is really missing in our infrastructure or platform that would help you?


Do you have plans to work on other modules not maintained by you? What are they?

Maybe gnome-canvas. Also API documentation in various modules.

Do you have any GNOME-wide goals suggestions for the next releases?

What about using recent gtk-doc features?

Do you have any cool ideas for GNOME 3? What are they (both GNOME-wide and about your module)?

Gtk-doc could support a gettext like workflow to support language bindings.

RoadMap/GtkDoc (last edited 2008-11-16 20:18:11 by StefanSauer)