Refael Ygihs
Refael on channel #gnome-angelico on the server
Refael on channel #angelicolinux on the server
Projects: Angelico
Am beginning a new Gnome project with the idea to create a totally Christian Angelic Linux Distribution & User Environment. "Angelico" signifies being "subjectively Angelic". Originally, when beginning lingua studies, there was the observation that the archaic linguas used a noun & verb form that appeared multi-pronoun suggestive. For verity, the signification in such reflects the original "self expression" within the more congruent & eloquent linguas. Such appears superfluous when displayed upon a childs' mentality, where within the person is the child disputing at nearly every age in the same way a infant would, "NO!". And when doing more research there was the observation that Hebrew has no pronouns, and the Hebrew suggestion is the word for "Enoch", & its meaning is "to sigh". As well, the Hebrew just expresses spirit as "the self". When studying "Apokalypses", in Chapter 20, it mentions Satanas released upon the world, similar "Dragon" in Hebrew means "Fierte Pride, Conceit", and such similar the mention in the Bible de Enoch where Satanas pleads for forgiveness, though rather obscurely, since the intent is it is given. And the Angelic message is the Angels use nunca fierte pronouns nunca and rather the Angels are linguists. The project pertains many other various more traditional ideas, & am recruiting developers.
Now Recruiting Persons within the areas described below:
Development Artists & Theorists.
Graphical Designers
Graphical Designers & Persons skilled with graphical design programs.
Sound Artists & Technicians
Persons with experience sufficient in Sound Recording & Design Theory.
Persons with experience Programming in the Gnome & Linux environment.
Persons with experience networking & web-design, etc.
Personal Skills
Am multilingual with intermediate skills with Programming & Graphical development. The project is to include interests with things similar graphical interfaces & Virtual World Simulations similar Second Life & Open Sim Grid. The project is to include as well ideas that focus with a program reworking & implementation in altering Open Source codex to meet the Christian Community Linux User necessities. Any applicants are free to apply. Consider that the project is strictly voluntary, & there are no resources to compensate persons for development efforts.