Vala PulseAudio playback Example

This is a simple test example using pulseaudio's asynchronous API. It opens a connection to the audio device and plays a sine wave. Notice that you have to check the state on a context to see that it is ready BEFORE attempting to do stream.connect_playback();

Get the libpulse vapi's at or using:

$ git clone git://

// valac --pkg libpulse --pkg posix --pkg gtk+-2.0 --pkg libpulse-mainloop-glib pulse.vala

using PulseAudio;

public class AudioDevice : GLib.Object {
        private PulseAudio.GLibMainLoop loop;
        private PulseAudio.Context context;
        private Context.Flags cflags;
        private PulseAudio.SampleSpec spec;
        private PulseAudio.Stream.BufferAttr attr;
        private double m_amp =0.3;
        private double m_freq =500;
        private ulong m_time=0;
        private double twopi_over_sr;

        public AudioDevice () {

        construct {
                this.spec = PulseAudio.SampleSpec() {
                        format = PulseAudio.SampleFormat.S16LE,
                                                 channels = 2,
                                                 rate =  44100
                twopi_over_sr = (2.0 * Math.PI) / (double)spec.rate;

        public void start () {
                this.loop = new PulseAudio.GLibMainLoop(); // there are other loops that can be used if you are not using glib/gtk main
                this.context = new PulseAudio.Context(loop.get_api(), null);
                this.cflags = Context.Flags.NOFAIL;

                // Connect the context
                if (this.context.connect( null, this.cflags, null) < 0) {
                        print( "pa_context_connect() failed: %s\n", 

        public void stream_over_cb(Stream stream) {
                print("AudioDevice: stream overflow...\n");
        public void stream_under_cb(Stream stream) {
                print("AudioDevice: stream underflow...\n");

        // this is main callback that will be called when audio data is needed
        // I assume the data is interleaved for each audio channel, but don't know for sure
        public void write_cb(Stream stream, size_t nbytes) {

                /* If you are curious to see what is in an attr
                Stream.BufferAttr attr = stream.get_buffer_attr();
                print("attr.maxlength:%u, tlength:%u, prebuf:%u, minreq:%u, fragsize:%u\n",
                uint len = (uint)(nbytes / sizeof(int16));
                int16[] data = new int16[ len ];

                // white noise generator
                //for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
                //      data[i]= (int16)Random.int_range (-32768, 32767);

                // sine wave generator
                uint samps=0;
                for(uint i=0; i < len; i+=spec.channels) {
                        int16 val =  (int16)( 32767.0 *  m_amp * Math.sin( m_freq * m_time  * twopi_over_sr));
                        for(uint j=0; j < spec.channels;j++) {
                                data[i+j] = val;
                // write to the device here with our data
                stream.write((void *)data, sizeof(int16) * data.length);

        // state callback, don't connect_playback until we are ready here.
        public void cstate_cb(Context context){
                Context.State state = context.get_state();
                if (state == Context.State.UNCONNECTED) { print("state UNCONNECTED\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.CONNECTING) { print("state CONNECTING\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.AUTHORIZING) { print("state AUTHORIZING,\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.SETTING_NAME) { print("state SETTING_NAME\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.READY) { print("state READY\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.FAILED) { print("state FAILED,\n"); }
                if (state == Context.State.TERMINATED) { print("state TERMINATED\n"); }

                if (state == Context.State.READY) {
                        this.attr = PulseAudio.Stream.BufferAttr();
                        size_t fragment_size =0;
                        size_t n_fragments = 0;
                        Stream.Flags flags = Stream.Flags.INTERPOLATE_TIMING|Stream.Flags.AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE|Stream.Flags.EARLY_REQUESTS;

                        PulseAudio.Stream stream = new PulseAudio.Stream(context, "", this.spec);

                        size_t fs = spec.frame_size();
                        // Don't fix things more than necessary
                        if ((fragment_size % fs) == 0 && n_fragments >= 2 && fragment_size > 0){
                                print("something went wrong\n");
                                return ;
                        // Number of fragments set?
                        if (n_fragments < 2) {
                                if (fragment_size > 0) {
                                        n_fragments = (spec.bytes_per_second() / 2 / fragment_size);
                                        if (n_fragments < 2)
                                                n_fragments = 2;
                                } else
                                        n_fragments = 12;
                        // Fragment size set?
                        if (fragment_size <= 0) {
                                fragment_size = spec.bytes_per_second() / 2 / n_fragments;
                                if (fragment_size < 1024)
                                        fragment_size = 1024;

                        print("fragment_size: %s, n_fragments: %s, fs: %s\n", fragment_size.to_string(), n_fragments.to_string(), fs.to_string());

                        attr.maxlength = (uint32) (fragment_size * (n_fragments+1));
                        attr.tlength = (uint32) (fragment_size * n_fragments);
                        attr.prebuf = (uint32) fragment_size;
                        attr.minreq = (uint32) fragment_size;

                        int tmp = stream.connect_playback(null, attr, flags, null,  null);
                        if (tmp < 0 ) {
                                print("connect_playback returned %s\n", tmp.to_string());
                                print(": pa_stream_connect_playback() failed: %s\n", PulseAudio.strerror(context.errno() ));

int main (string[] args) {
        Gtk.init (ref args);
        AudioDevice adev = new AudioDevice();
        Gtk.main ();
        return 1;

Compile and Run

$ valac --pkg libpulse --pkg posix --pkg gtk+-2.0 --pkg libpulse-mainloop-glib pulse.vala


Projects/Vala/PulseAudioSamples (last edited 2013-11-22 16:48:28 by WilliamJonMcCann)