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Generic programming is a way of defining that something is applicable to a variety of potential types, without having to know these types before hand. The classic example would be a collection such as a list, which can be trivially customised to contain any type of data elements. Generics allow a Vala programmer to have these customisations done automatically.

Some of these are possible, which?

  • class Wrapper < T > : Object { ... }

    new Wrapper < Object > ( ) ;

    BUG: class StringWrapper : Wrapper < string > ( ) { ... }

    FAIL: class WrapperWrapper < Wrapper < T > > : Object { ... }

    FAIL: new WrapperWrapper < Wrapper < Object > > ( ) ;

    interface IWrapper < T > { ... }

    class ImpWrapper1 < T > : Object, IWrapper < T > { ... }

    BUG: class ImpWrapper2 : Object, IWrapper < string > { ... }

Generics declaration

Some of the syntax could be best placed in the class/interface/struct pages, but that might overcomplicate them...

In class declaration - In struct declaration - In interface declaration - In base class declaration - In implemented interfaces declaration - In prerequesite class/interface declaration.

Declaration with type parameters introduces new types into that scope, identified by names given in declaration, e.g. T.

  • qualified-type-name-with-generic:

    • qualified-class-name-with-generic


    • [ qualified-namespace-name . ] class-name type-parameters


    • [ qualified-namespace-name . ] interface-name type-parameters


    • [ qualified-namespace-name . ] struct-name type-parameters


    • < generic-clause >


    • type-identifier [ , generic-clause ]
      qualified-type-name [ , generic-clause ]


    • identifier

type-identifier will be the type-name for the parameterised type.

Deal is: in the class/interface/struct sections, replace qualified-*-name with qualified-*-name-with-generic.


Only explanation here? Syntax should go with variable declaration statement?

When using generic for a type-name, only type-names can be used as type-parameters, not identifiers. NB. in scope of generic class, T etc. is a real type-name.



using GLib;

public interface With < T > {
        public abstract void sett(T t);
        public abstract T gett();

public class One : Object, With < int > {
        public int t;

        public void sett(int t) {
                this.t = t;
        public int gett() {
                return t;

public class Two < T, U > : Object, With < T > {
        public T t;

        public void sett(T t) {
                this.t = t;
        public T gett() {
                return t;

        public U u;

public class Test : GLib.Object {

        public static void main(string[] args) {
                var o = new One ();
                stdout.printf("%d\n", o.t);

                var t = new Two < int, double? > ();
                stdout.printf("%d\n", t.t);

                t.u = 5.0f;
                stdout.printf("%f\n", t.u);

Projects/Vala/Manual/Generics (last edited 2017-02-13 19:46:25 by AlThomas)