Vala Settings Sample
Requires Vala >= 0.10.0 and GLib/GIO >= 2.26
Create a GSettings schema file for your application settings, with filename extension .gschema.xml, e.g.
<schemalist> <schema id="" path="/org/example/my-app/" gettext-domain="my-app"> <key name="greeting" type="s"> <default l10n="messages">"Hello, earthlings"</default> <summary>A greeting</summary> <description> Greeting of the invading martians </description> </key> <key name="bottles-of-beer" type="i"> <default>99</default> <summary>Bottles of beer</summary> <description> Number of bottles of beer on the wall </description> </key> <key name="lighting" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Is the light switched on?</summary> <description> State of an imaginary light switch. </description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>
Install it to a glib-2.0/schemas subdirectory of a XDG_DATA_DIRS directory and recompile all schema files of this directory with glib-compile-schemas:
$ cp /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ $ glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
Compile and run the following demo program:
void main () {
var settings = new Settings ("");
// Getting keys
var greeting = settings.get_string ("greeting");
var bottles = settings.get_int ("bottles-of-beer");
var lighting = settings.get_boolean ("lighting");
print ("%s\n", greeting);
print ("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n", bottles);
print ("Is the light switched on? %s\n", lighting ? "yes" : "no");
// Change notification for any key in the schema
settings.changed.connect ((key) => {
print ("Key '%s' changed\n", key);
// Change notification for a single key
settings.changed["greeting"].connect (() => {
print ("New greeting: %s\n", settings.get_string ("greeting"));
// Setting keys
settings.set_int ("bottles-of-beer", bottles - 1);
settings.set_boolean ("lighting", !lighting);
settings.set_string ("greeting", "hello, world");
print ("Please start 'dconf-editor' and edit keys in /org/example/my-app/\n");
new MainLoop ().run ();
Compile and Run
$ valac --pkg gio-2.0 gio-settings-demo.vala $ ./gio-settings-demo
Start dconf-editor and edit some keys in /org/example/my-app/. On some systems you have to install dconf-editor first, e.g. the dconf-tools package on Debian based distributions.