Creating Custom GTK+ Widgets

You can either subclass Gtk.DrawingArea (the easy way) or subclass Gtk.Widget directly (the harder way).

Subclassing Gtk.DrawingArea: A Skeleton

using Gtk;

public class CustomWidget : DrawingArea {

    public CustomWidget () {

        // Enable the events you wish to get notified about.
        // The 'draw' event is already enabled by the DrawingArea.
        add_events (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
                  | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
                  | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK);

        // Set favored widget size
        set_size_request (100, 100);

    /* Widget is asked to draw itself */
    public override bool draw (Cairo.Context cr) {
        int width = get_allocated_width ();
        int height = get_allocated_height ();

        // ...

        return false;

    /* Mouse button got pressed over widget */
    public override bool button_press_event (Gdk.EventButton event) {
        // ...
        return false;

    /* Mouse button got released */
    public override bool button_release_event (Gdk.EventButton event) {
        // ...
        return false;

    /* Mouse pointer moved over widget */
    public override bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.EventMotion event) {
        // ...
        return false;

Egg Clock Sample

This is a Vala port of the famous Egg Clock sample widget using Cairo and GTK+ as described in the GNOME Journal: Part 1 and part 2

using Gtk;

namespace Egg {

    public class ClockFace : DrawingArea {

        private Time time;
        private int minute_offset;
        private bool dragging;

        public signal void time_changed (int hour, int minute);

        public ClockFace () {
            add_events (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
                      | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
                      | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK);
            update ();

            // update the clock once a second
            Timeout.add (1000, update);

        public override bool draw (Cairo.Context cr) {
            var x = get_allocated_width () / 2;
            var y = get_allocated_height () / 2;
            var radius = double.min (get_allocated_width () / 2,
                                     get_allocated_height () / 2) - 5;

            // clock back
            cr.arc (x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            cr.set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1);
            cr.fill_preserve ();
            cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0);
            cr.stroke ();

            // clock ticks
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                int inset;

       ();     // stack pen-size

                if (i % 3 == 0) {
                    inset = (int) (0.2 * radius);
                } else {
                    inset = (int) (0.1 * radius);
                    cr.set_line_width (0.5 * cr.get_line_width ());

                cr.move_to (x + (radius - inset) * Math.cos (i * Math.PI / 6),
                            y + (radius - inset) * Math.sin (i * Math.PI / 6));
                cr.line_to (x + radius * Math.cos (i * Math.PI / 6),
                            y + radius * Math.sin (i * Math.PI / 6));
                cr.stroke ();
                cr.restore ();  // stack pen-size

            // clock hands

            var hours = this.time.hour;
            var minutes = this.time.minute + this.minute_offset;
            var seconds = this.time.second;
            // hour hand:
            // the hour hand is rotated 30 degrees (pi/6 r) per hour +
            // 1/2 a degree (pi/360 r) per minute
            cr.set_line_width (2.5 * cr.get_line_width ());
            cr.move_to (x, y);
            cr.line_to (x + radius / 2 * Math.sin (Math.PI / 6 * hours
                                                 + Math.PI / 360 * minutes),
                        y + radius / 2 * -Math.cos (Math.PI / 6 * hours
                                                  + Math.PI / 360 * minutes));
            cr.stroke ();
            cr.restore ();

            // minute hand:
            // the minute hand is rotated 6 degrees (pi/30 r) per minute
            cr.move_to (x, y);
            cr.line_to (x + radius * 0.75 * Math.sin (Math.PI / 30 * minutes),
                        y + radius * 0.75 * -Math.cos (Math.PI / 30 * minutes));
            cr.stroke ();
            // seconds hand:
            // operates identically to the minute hand
            cr.set_source_rgb (1, 0, 0); // red
            cr.move_to (x, y);
            cr.line_to (x + radius * 0.7 * Math.sin (Math.PI / 30 * seconds),
                        y + radius * 0.7 * -Math.cos (Math.PI / 30 * seconds));
            cr.stroke ();
            cr.restore ();

            return false;

        public override bool button_press_event (Gdk.EventButton event) {
            var minutes = this.time.minute + this.minute_offset;

            // From
            var px = event.x - get_allocated_width () / 2;
            var py = get_allocated_height () / 2 - event.y;
            var lx = Math.sin (Math.PI / 30 * minutes);
            var ly = Math.cos (Math.PI / 30 * minutes);
            var u = lx * px + ly * py;

            // on opposite side of origin
            if (u < 0) {
                return false;

            var d2 = Math.pow (px - u * lx, 2) + Math.pow (py - u * ly, 2);

            if (d2 < 25) {      // 5 pixels away from the line
                this.dragging = true;
                print ("got minute hand\n");

            return false;

        public override bool button_release_event (Gdk.EventButton event) {
            if (this.dragging) {
                this.dragging = false;
                emit_time_changed_signal ((int) event.x, (int) event.y);
            return false;

        public override bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.EventMotion event) {
            if (this.dragging) {
                emit_time_changed_signal ((int) event.x, (int) event.y);
            return false;

        private void emit_time_changed_signal (int x, int y) {
            // decode the minute hand
            // normalise the coordinates around the origin
            x -= get_allocated_width () / 2;
            y -= get_allocated_height () / 2;

            // phi is a bearing from north clockwise, use the same geometry as
            // we did to position the minute hand originally
            var phi = Math.atan2 (x, -y);
            if (phi < 0) {
                phi += Math.PI * 2;

            var hour = this.time.hour;
            var minute = (int) (phi * 30 / Math.PI);
            // update the offset
            this.minute_offset = minute - this.time.minute;
            redraw_canvas ();

            time_changed (hour, minute);

        private bool update () {
            // update the time
            this.time = Time.local (time_t ());
            redraw_canvas ();
            return true;        // keep running this event

        private void redraw_canvas () {
            var window = get_window ();
            if (null == window) {

            var region = window.get_clip_region ();
            // redraw the cairo canvas completely by exposing it
            window.invalidate_region (region, true);
            window.process_updates (true);

int main (string[] args) {
    Gtk.init (ref args);
    var window = new Window ();
    var clock = new Egg.ClockFace ();
    window.add (clock);
    window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
    window.show_all ();
    Gtk.main ();
    return 0;

Compile and Run

$ valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 -X -lm eggclock.vala
$ ./eggclock

Note: You can drag around the minute hand.


Subclassing Gtk.Widget

 * Nick Glynn 2011
 * Johan Dahlin 2008
 * A quite simple Gtk.Widget subclass which demonstrates how to subclass
 * and do realizing, sizing and drawing. Originally based on in PyGTK
 * and ported to GTK+ 3
public class ValaWidget : Widget {

    private const string TEXT = "Hello World!";
    private const int BORDER_WIDTH = 10;
    private Pango.Layout layout;

    construct {
        this.layout = create_pango_layout (TEXT);
        set_has_window (false);
    public override bool draw (Cairo.Context cr) {
        int width = get_allocated_width ();
        int height = get_allocated_height ();

        cr.set_source_rgba (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
        cr.rectangle (BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH,
                      width - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH,
                      height - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH);
        cr.set_line_width (5.0);
        cr.set_line_join (Cairo.LineJoin.ROUND);
        cr.stroke ();

        // And draw the text in the middle of the allocated space
        int fontw, fonth;
        this.layout.get_pixel_size (out fontw, out fonth);
        cr.move_to ((width - fontw) / 2,
                    (height - fonth) / 2);
        Pango.cairo_update_layout (cr, this.layout);
        Pango.cairo_show_layout (cr, this.layout);
        return true;
     * This method gets called by Gtk+ when the actual size is known
     * and the widget is told how much space could actually be allocated.
     * It is called every time the widget size changes, for example when the
     * user resizes the window.
    public override void size_allocate (Gtk.Allocation allocation) {
        // The base method will save the allocation and move/resize the
        // widget's GDK window if the widget is already realized.
        base.size_allocate (allocation);

        // Move/resize other realized windows if necessary

int main (string[] args) {
    Gtk.init (ref args);

    var win = new Gtk.Window ();
    win.set_size_request (200,200);
    win.border_width = 5;
    win.title = "Widget test";
    win.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);

    var frame = new Gtk.Frame ("Example Vala Widget");
    win.add (frame);

    var widget = new ValaWidget ();
    frame.add (widget);

    win.show_all ();
    Gtk.main ();

    return 0;


Compile and Run

$ valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 valawidget.vala
$ ./valawidget


Projects/Vala/CustomWidgetSamples (last edited 2022-05-07 14:57:40 by Jedsek)