02-13-2014 Meeting summary
Updates (heidi, 19:02:53)
- Heidi and I are reviewing/committing patches on Mondays (stoney, 19:03:36)
- We reviewed Kevin-brown's patch for GNOME 3 bug (heidi, 19:04:54)
- paxnovem is doing a final check on USB drives (heidi, 19:11:16)
- Check with Heidi to get some USBs that you can distribute for testing. (heidi, 19:14:38)
https://git.gnome.org/browse/orca/tree/README#n26 (joanie, 19:47:19)
- ACTION: Heidi will check on bugzilla permissions (heidi, 20:05:29)
- ACTION: loganh will install fedora 20 and mousetrap in the lb (heidi, 20:05:40)
- ACTION: roland will continue to investigate opencv+python3 (stoney, 20:06:19)
- ACTION: paxnovem will continue working on USB (stoney, 20:06:41)
- ACTION: heidi and stoney will work on bug triaging (stoney, 20:09:59)
Action Items
- Heidi will check on bugzilla permissions
- loganh will install fedora 20 and mousetrap in the lb
- roland will continue to investigate opencv+python3
- paxnovem will continue working on USB
- heidi and stoney will work on bug triaging
People Present (lines said)
- stoney (129)
- heidi (97)
- kevin-brown (30)
- joanie (16)
- paxnovem (9)
- LoganH (4)
- patti (2)